I don't doubt that it can, I doubt that it has (yet). I can't imagine the Swastika losing its Nazi significance anytime soon. Look at the reaction to your assertion, do you think Black people are really changing their opinion on its connotation?
I agree with you....THEY think they're doing it for Southern pride...smh I agree with you. They should be looked at the same way.
I think Flaminghetero is a knowledgeable guy, you would do well not to ignore him, just for his wordplay alone. See, I didn't know either of those two things. The man drops knowledge and that point about toleration is well made. I have to reexamine my take on this, I usually think the NAACP is wasting their time with these things.
Let's see Kid Rock step out with a nazi flag..since he's such a tough guy. Even trash like Nico would bail on him.
200 years ago anyone with a Confederate flag was a racist. Today that is not true, thats some sort of change. Will it ever 100% change? No time soon..but there has been some change. You can't deny that. Rather or not Blacks change their opinion on its connotation is a personal problem. Like I said, there are white people who are still racist. Who gives a fuck about their connotation on black people. Times are changing, if they want to stay stuck in the past then let them. If a black person wants to stay stuck 200 years in the past and think that the Confederate Flag is always a sign of racism then they are being ignorant. I can only show them facts about the current use of the flag. Like the fact that a musician who clearly isn't racist uses the flag. Which is blatant proof that it's not always a sign of racism. If they don't want to believe that's their choice...
Well, you have a one man army within yourself and others who equally share the same sentiments, just keep shutting these mf'az down. Then again, you can't fight the numb or dumb.
Good summation. The passion for your argument on this point is puzzling, especially if you are Black, but I get your point clearly after answering my questions.
I'm about to get something to eat. I'll say it one more time and see if anyone can answer it by the time I get back.... I doubt it though. It's like when a unmovable object meets an unstoppable force. When that happens something will have to give and one will be exposed as a fraud. YOUR ARGUMENT: You guys say that the Confederate Flag is a symbol of hatred and racism. The FACT: Kid Rock reps the Confederate Flag. My Argument: I say Kid Rock isn't racist at all. By common law the fact means that one of our arguments is wrong. Something has to give. Either your beliefs on The Confederate Flag, or my belief that Kid Rock isn't racist. I have given undeniable proof that Kid Rock isn't racist. 99.9% of Kid Rock's audience is white. He doesn't need to appeal to black people to sell records and make money. That being said he has no reason to hang out with blacks unless he really wanted to. That is proof that you can't deny. My argument is rock solid, now we have to see if yours is...... Someone here has already stated that the flag is MOSTLY used as a racist symbol. That means it isn't ALWAYS used as a racist symbol, and there lies the whole in your argument. If you can find a whole in my argument(proof that Kid Rock is racist) then by all means expose it. Until then there is no "opinion" on which argument wins, these laws are facts. Bye.
I don't have to prove shit to your counterfeit ass. The real mystery is why you took it upon yourself to bring up my name in this thread for no reason whatsoever. I can tell right now that you're not gonna be here too much longer so just go ahead and get yourself banned already. In the meantime, why don’t you do us all a favor and gargle with broken-glass or eat a rat-poison omlette.
I don't like seeing people who aren't racist being accused of it. For instance I have no problem with gay people, and I would hate for someone to think that I did. Now if I'm not around and some people are calling me homophobic, I'd hope that someone who knows I'm not would come to my defense for me. Kid Rock is a chill dude. You saw him wearing a shirt that says "I love black people" while hanging out and teaching a little black kid how to play guitar. The dude use to rap on his records. He's obviously amused by black culture and people. Black or White I wouldn't just sit back and let people call him a racist.
See, that's not the right word to use. I tried to give you a chance, fella. :toimonster: you are just messing up...
It appears you missed the point of that post.... While we're on the subject though, what's the right word then?
I responded to what stood out. To say someone is amused by Black people and culture is not a compliment, and certainly you could have found a better word to use in your defense of Kid rock being racist, which I don't think anyone in this thread ever accused him of. I was interested in your position on a larger scale, and you answered that well to my satisfaction (you should stay to that larger cultural point), but focusing on Kid Rocks lack of racism to prove that the Confederate Flag is not a symbol of racism is not a strong argument (imo) and that is your argument, not that kid rock isn't racist, but since kid rock and other non racists rep the flag, that means the flag isn't racist (at least not always.)
I'm a big christina paffgen fan like yourself. Love rock music, European culture, White women...etc I'm guessing you are the same. Have you ever, or would you ever say that you were amused by white culture and people? Amusement doesn't specifically denote fondness. Once can dislike a group of people but be amused by them. For example, most of the trolls who come here are not fond of us, but amused by us all the same.