Ah there we go, stopped right there. You said that the Majority of people who rep this flag do so for racist purposes. That means that there are a some people(the minority) who rep this flag for non-racist reasons. That being said you can't assume that anyone who has this flag is racist, now can you? That being said the NAACP can't call Kid Rock racist for having this flag, now can they?
Strong argument, nico! Since its resurgence was in the 50's and anti civil rights, at what point did the Flag lose its semblance?
Probably around the same time black people started calling each other "niggas" and started being "hip and cool".
The confederate flag has no impact on me, none! I'm not sure if it's because I grew up in the north or didn't experience that level of racism. The comparison was my own, if a mofo drives by or is wearing a confederate flag . If someone does the same with a Nazi flag :smt107
Really? personally, you would have the same reaction to someone displaying a nazi flag vs a confederate one? Well that word does bother me and some other Black folks, but that's an interesting argument if you can make it.
I'm sorry, was that suppose to be some sort of insult? Black people had afro's longer then I've been alive........am I suppose to be sad about that or something?
Hell yeah...I don't know where your head is on this one. You won't see many nazis and confederates at odds with one another.
Not being from the South myself and being that I'm Jewish and was raised around Black folks and date BM, both flags are both offensive to me. The Nazi flag cause it represents both Jews and Blacks and our horrible histories and that flag is symbolic of those tragic times and the Confederate flag cause of slavery and the sensitive nature that it's connected to.
I've already made my argument, symbols and words change. Imagine of a black person 200 years ago would've called another one "Nigga". Would he have looked stupid? Yes..... Would he look stupid now? No....(well that's debatable) Imagine if a guy 200 years ago had a Swastika sign and was campaigning for peace. Would he have looked stupid? No..... Would he look stupid now? Yes...... Just as the "N" word and Swastika can change, the confederate flag can change...
That's true, but having seen those flags displayed when I'm in the south, it doesn't hit me emotionally. Well, I certainly don't buy the argument that the ppl who display it are doing it for southern culture. I usually believe they are racists.
flaminghetero has an obsession with race, in case you didnt notice in his mind, calling someone 'white boy' is a good jab:smt071 yet he's surrounded by white girls and women on the forums....i dont think people think before they write half the gibberish they do
I don't like the idea that a flag that insults Black people is damn near tolerated...but a flag that insults jews isn't. Cheryl Crow wore some confederate flag pants on one of her shitty videos...her ass would be flipping burgers if those were nazi pants. Jimi Hendrix used to blow his nose into a confederate handkerchief just to pissed rednecks off.
Oh ok, I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices this guy is an idiot. Now that I know his dumbness was common knowledge I'll stop responding to him.