My argument was the fact that Kid Rock is not racist. If you don't even know anything about Kid Rock then how could we possibly debate over the subject? Also you have no logic with your statement. How could I have not read your post because "I can't refute any of it". Wouldn't I have to read it to know that I couldn't refute anything? Your post looked like some boring researched shit, so I decided to not read it. Not to mention you don't even know Kid Rock. Simple as that.
Devil's Advocate: If some can redefine the n-word, is it possible the confederate flag can be redefined, especially by "artists".
you are either a contrarian or White guy as some suspect. Either way, why are you pushing your luck? it seems very idiotic.
You're still full of shit little boy. Slave masters also fucked black women & had children with them, & they had black people working for them too; some of whom they actually got along with. I guess according to your reasoning, they weren't racsit either. I guess old dorks like us are just to senile to know what we're talking about, & should listen to some know-it-all brat still going through puberty. :smt023 I think you have sand confused with his ass, lol. Exactly. Hell, I think he's both. That kid would argue with anyone about anything just for the sake of arguing. Typical punk-ass teenager.
I don't agree. Don't get me wrong. I do not like the flag and honestly when I see someone hanging it or wearing it I have a very hard time not assuming they are racist. But I know for fact that not everyone that has it is. I'm southern so my whole life I was taught the flag simply meant pride in the south. I was not even aware of racist implication until it was in the news a long time ago b/c they were removing it from the state capital and such. Then the flag sprang up everywhere. Many other people like me are raised the same. I remember a good many years ago my mom had the flag b/c someone had given it to her and I explained to her that it was offensive. She doesn't get it but she got rid of it. But shoot I still see her with the occasional old dixie shirt on. And shoot I see that on alot of my family members clothing. One family member is a ww that dated bm aswell. I call it ignorance. People don't know any better and when they do they don't get it so they continue to wear it. But it don't mean they are racist. With that said though some people do wear it to be racist and they very well mean it. Last year I was working for the census when I went to a house that had a big confed flag hanging in the back and then when I ask the guy his race he said were n__. Then said I'm j/k. My face fell to the floor. I never worked so fast to get the hell out of a place in my life. Dude I'm white but I had a fear like no other come over me and I was thinking glad it was me that ended up there and not one of the black ladies I worked with. Those MF looked crazy. I just feel it's disrespectful b/c even if a person doesn't view as racist it's still taken way so to wearing it anyway is disrespectful. When you have kids that are part black and yet still wear it, it's being disrespectful to them IMO.
It's a shame that a group of ignorant assholes could steal a symbol of another culture and completely ruin it. It's the same thing with the skinheads. I believe originally the skinheads were suppose be a group that represented the working middle class in the UK back in the 60s. It wasn't originally a hate group. The damn neo-nazi bastards ruined that too. SMDH
I think you're right. I remember seeing a documentary on NatGeo showing how the anti-racist skinheads were still around. As a matter of fact that's how I learned the original skinheads was not a hate group.
I think I've seen the same show. It's sad how these people operate and take positives and turn them into a negative (although they think their agendas are positive).
Exactly. They can't even come up with an original thought. I read in another thread you posted in saying that you were jewish BTW. With you being jewish and me being black, we both have groups that hate us. lol
That's us wrapped in As the saying goes, they'd kill (literally in their case), two birds with one stone. Same shit we'd get....
So you've got nothing except a gif? You're out, come back to bat when you've got some evidence to support your claims and argument. Pushing luck? I was "attacked" by those guys because I said the Confederate flag doesn't make one racist. Now that there's blatant proof right here in front of us......none of them have anything to say. Like that dork above who can only post a gif. Ok that's 1 Uno ONE thing. I listed more then one fact. So I'll say it once again....... If Kid Rock is racist then why does he perform with black people on stage, why does he make music with black people, and why is he hanging out in Rev Run's house? You actually have no idea how ignorant you sound. You're like the guy who says "all rap is degrading and sucks" or "if you listen to Marylin Manson you become violent". Arguing for the sake of arguing? No, I'm arguing for the sake of basic logic and reasoning. It's really not that hard. 1.You said the Confederate Flag is a sign of racism. 2.Kid Rock reps the Confederate Flag 3. Deductive reasoning will lead us to conclude that Kid Rock is a racist.(by your beliefs) But I have a ton of evidence that supports to the fact that Kid Rock isn't a racist. So that leaves us with 1 of 2 options. 1. Either my evidence is wrong or 2. Your beliefs about the Confederate Flag are wrong. Now I've clearly proven that Kid Rock isn't racist so Option 1 is out of the question. That leaves us with Option 2. Your beliefs are about the Confederate Flag are wrong. Clean up! Aisle you... Dust yourself off and try again. Dork.