Im not trying to make anyone feel old, but just be honest. I think at 25 you should have your shit together. By 26 you should say goodbye to your "youth"
I think when you have kids. Youth is synamous with being care free and you can be care free as long as no one depends on you.
I agree with you, BMJ. At a certain point, you have to make a decision to be an adult and follow through. I think 25 is right about when most people hit that point.
I don't like shuds and musts... And i don't think responsibility comes over night.. gradually we change and then suddenly without even noticing we have transformed into a 100% granny
well there are two youths in my opinion. there is age youth and physical youthfulness. age youth i feel ends after 27. but modern day techology allows a person especially a male to extend his youth thanks to bodybuilding, fitness and modern day skin care techniques and yes (plastic surgery) you can really physically extend your youthfulness.
Surprise, surprise... I mean, you get to a certain point in your life when you decide 'I'm too old for picking up people at a bar, getting drunk Thursday through Sunday, and relying on my parents for money when I run out. I have to do something responsible, and I need to rely on myself to do it.' And you do. You put getting a decent job into overdrive, or if you have one, you decide to really buckle down and get with the program... maybe you decide to start thinking about the future and how you're going to get there successfully... that's what I mean about following through. Instead of thinking 'I'm gonna be a super famous NBA player by 25!' when you haven't stepped on a court since you were 15, you actually start thinking realistically and taking action. Besides, how can you be a fully functioning adult before 25 if your brain is still putting itself together to work logically? Does that make more sense?
Youth you lose in steps, if it`s now physically or mentally. I define youth as a time between being a child and grown-up, you still develop your character, have the right to make mistakes, you maybe go to work, but still live at home, your mom washes your clothes and cooks for you, you make your parties- live at the end without responsibility, and very selfish. When you lose that youth depends mostly on the people around you. I know people, who live like that even with 30, I know men, who just exchange Mom with her girl-friend and I see kids, who take more responsibility for their younger sisters and brothers than the parents. If nobody forces you to get grown-up, it can be a long process. Others love it to take responsibility for family or kids, because it's their sense of life. Some are addicted in any way and will have big problems to take care for themselves only. But the best would be around 25, at this time you should take a few mins to think about, what you want, how you can do it- and then start to follow your goal consequently..
I agree, 25 sounds like the ideal number when you reach the point of your youth ending. However, it could also vary based on the person and his/her circumstances, so I would say there's no real age since it differs for everyone, personally.
You guys really like mentally satisfying numbers don't you lol. Why 25? Why not 28 or 31 or 26. I say hang on to your youth for as long as possible. With youth we still have faith we still hope we still dare to be the best of ourselves. When we become "adults" we lose our lust for life. Its not about gathering as many posessions as possible or reaching a certain point in a career. There are millions who lost everything over the last 3 years who would agree. Its all a frame of mind. For me being young means still looking forward to things like a kid on Christmas morning, it means being able to love without condition, to dream and embrace the unexpected. Adulthood carries so much aniexty and offers very enjoyment at least from what I see of other adults. I want to be youthful/young for as long as life allows me. I remember reading somewhere that "adulthood is marked by the point which one starts to have more regrets than dreams"
I think its's the frame of mind that matters the most, trust me there is plenty of people 25+ that still go to clubs and bars. I believe for the most part (unless you have kids or your married) you could find a decent balance between the two.
correct- but it's also that your preferences, your interests change. I like to go in bars, but of course, different ones and not every week end. It's simply always the same, it's boring, but if you are that type of person, who loves it- be an owner of a club. Marriage, children,success- isn't boring at all, to go to a special event, if it's now the "Scala" in Milano or a wellness weekend or to Formula1 or to NY/Paris over New Year..the list is never ending. I prefer today speial events much more.
Youth Do we really every grow up? You can feel as young as you want too or as old as you want to. You grow up at a point when you have kids, a home or a job. You can still have fun, and enjoy a youthful life.
I think you have lost your youth when you aren't so sure of yourself anymore and when you question your own views. When you're young, you think you know everything as you get older you realise you don't know fuck all and nothing is fixed anymore. Also when things start to become too loud, In a club and wishing someone would lower the base a bit? I hate to break it to you, you're officially old, end of story, they think it's all is now! When you covet soft furnishings instead of getting bollocksed on a pub crawl. A ton of stuff to look out for.
Youth is lost when that impulsive exuberance is lost. Adulthood comes into existence when you watch out for others, yourself, and the impact your actions can inspire. Knowledge and experience teaches an adult to be skeptical. A kid grows up and learns the reality of life when he loses a parent has to be responsible for his/her life, and sometimes for others, like younger siblings and even a parent. That is how some lose out on youth. I think you can be all grown up and still covet the trappings of youth. I think what defines adulthood is the responsibilities you are willing to take on, and the burden of being responsible for others. It has nothing with what stage you are in your career, or how much money you make, but it can mean social responsibility and how you link your career to the needs of the community you get your source of livelihood. If you wake up, and think about the burden of others and how you can alleviate their suffering, you are no longer a youth. If you wake up, and think about what is new fad in town, or how do I impress Becky, or John, maybe you are enjoying the pleasures of youth.