New, but glad I found the site

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by JulieM, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Nahhh if she called herself a whore w.h.o.r.e. then you would be correct in calling her a whore. But outright calling the woman a whore and then trying to justifuty the insult is a stretch man.

    ...even for the President of Perfect World MrFantastic. But as I said before, you will get a pass for two main reason.

    1. The site likes your ass
    2. Julie is new

    And that's it. If 1] and 2] were not applicable to you the site would be coming down on your head.

    and THAT is why I laugh at you mutha fukkaz...

    ...nahh but you are wrong for that dog, and you know it..........and even if you don't admit to it, it won't change the fact that you are wrong.
  2. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    actually divorce rates are lower than 50%....just saying.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Amen brotha. Goodlove gets bashed on the regular and not a fucking peep. No "you don't know him that well to be calling him dumb" "people don't come on this forum to be judged like that".
    Interestingly I never see the women come to the defense of any of the men at any point but I digress.
    Whorebag is a whore plain and simple and dare anyone to challenge me on the merrits of my argument.
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    Originally Posted by OpenHeart [​IMG]
    The best way to enjoy this forum without further conflict is to type what they want to read, be careful what you say and laugh at their dry jokes. Try and like the same people they like and despise those they don't like. I know it sounds like mass control, but it is the only way you are going to have peace in here and enjoy the forum without conflict.
  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    That's because the motherfucker SUCKS. Running around the forum like a broken record, nigga can't spell, leaving phony-ass neg rep to women and putting my and others names on it. Ask Tam.

    You act like he's minding his own business and peeps just bash his ass, no, he works hard for it. "Julie" is probably him, they type alike and he hasn't been on since "she" has.
  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I have peace on the forum.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol fair enough. I'm not saying whether or not the bashing is deserved or not I'm just pointing how no one on the pc squad ever sticks up for him or any of the men for that matter.
    Recently I called bug a cunt after she called me a knob yet I was the only neg repped and told I needed to be respectful. I'm just calling out the double standards fam.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Me too I don't know what she's talking about
  9. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Well you know I'm not the biggest Bug fan either while we're on the subject, you need to use examples of people I actually like. Oh wait, the people I like never have any problems on the forum.

    Duly noted on the double standard though. But you realize "cunt" is like the n-word with the "-er" at the end for American women for some reason. In England they call each other cunt like it ain't shit.
  10. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Not even a little bit. Not even close to a little bit. Not even a little bit close to being the same, but any stretch of the imagination. Its like white people complaining about "cracker"...."Hey its the same a Nigger"

    ...what idiots.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol I completely reject that horseshit. Cunt will never carry the historical weight that nigger does but my point what was no matter was said stay consistant. If you don't like the name calling then hold everyone accountable not just the people you dislike. Real friends check each other when they're out of hand which people have done for me and I appreciate. Or just let everyone say what they want and call it day.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again cosign
  13. Ymra

    Ymra New Member


    I'm tellin' you, you would fit in well with my and my homeboys....we some rude cats. Yelling, from the outside in looks like we are about ready to throw hands...but I've been chillin' with these fools for over 10 years.

    ...and you had better not come out of pocket with one of us while the others are around. It won't end well. Its been me and my same 4 partnaz.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Shit at this age you'd be luck to see me through hands. That's why I got my .remmington 870 tactical. Shotty puts the body all over the lobby lol.
  15. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    what i am talking about is what you experienced when you first came to the sight...karma rode your ass in and out of every single thread you fought with him to near death a few times...then you decided that the best thing to do was align yourself with the fucking bastard so he would leave you what open heart stated in another thread is absolutely one here wants to be at the receiving end of someone's they either leave or stand up for themselves...julie doesn't have to back down to you..

    what you did here with julie was wrong...there are lots of cheaters on this forum black men married to black women, asian women and white women...there are white women on this forum married to white men and black men that also cheat...there are single people that have been with married men and married women...unless you can say that you are perfect in every way...shape or form in your own life then you do not have any ground to stand on here...all you did was scare the crap out of anyone else that was hoping to be honest about their situation...

  16. JulieM

    JulieM New Member

    You really need help

    You have a lot of self esteem issues I can tell, you feel that because your life sucks you you need to bad mouth me.
    You really want to know all about my life, OK

    My husband is a policed officer, when we first married he did cheat on me 6 months after we married, but I got pregant and he felt remorse I forgave him because of your child. After a few years, he had some trouble with his job police work can be very stressfull, and he took it out on me and our son. Yes he was phyical and verbal abuse. He went to mandated treatment from his department. He had remorse again. Now 10 years have went by and I decided that it is my turn. You can judge me all you want I really do not care but you will never bully me. I have been down that road before and I will never stand for again. I am a happy person. I am not going anywhere

    Why I misspell if it anyonnes business I have a learning disability and I type fast, but correct my mistakes everyday work I really don't care to do it here so I apoligize for my disabilty.

    You people really act like children on here. I put up with teasing in grade school about my spelling an writing I would think as an adult around adult people I would get that. You know how long it takes me to to type this and how many back spaces I did?

    If you think I am typing all this for pity your wrong I would have done that a many pages ago.
  17. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Its not as rare as it should be but there are few things more sweet than himmin' a young 20 something up who listens to too much rap music and runs his mouth too much.

    Hand first.....metal second.
  18. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    No- because neither I want to be quoted by you or our Mr Boombastic, nor do I want to be called in one sentence with one of you two. I don't know how many times I have to repeat that.I do not quote you, I do not talk to you- so Just ignore and stay away from me
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This would be a prime opportunity for you to go fuck yourself Lippy. I dedicated a whole thread to how disgusting I think all cheaters are men or women. If you have time to get off your soapbox you should check it out. As far as Karma is concerned that was a year ago and we managed to find common ground and squash it. I never aligned myself with him oranyone else we just haven't had a subject we've disagreed on lately. I have posted fuck you posts addressing people by name no vague general horseshit. For example I'm saying fuck you Lippy I don't care about being liked. I called out DB Tarshi FG Bookie Ymra Xoxo GZ and others I happen to like if we disagree on something. No one gets a pass. And regarding you're new friend slutty I am in a great position to judge since I have never cheated on anyone. I'm always man enoguh to leave if I'm not happy. Again we all judge people on this forum for things we disagree with. The men on here have had threads talking about obese women and many posters pass judgement for posting shit like that so I don't see why Slutty should be any different.
  20. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I think you should have stated these things earlier in your initial post. Perhaps the unnecessary flaming that you've experienced in here wouldn't have been as bad. Anyhow, welcome to the site again. Perhaps you could create a thread in a section explaining what causes people to cheat w/ other people in relationships. We could get some healthy discussion out of it.

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