New, but glad I found the site

Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by JulieM, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    pffft....don't mind these people. Hi I'm going to judge you, but just because I'm an asshole in general.

    .....but these fools swear they are perfect, without fault, never make a mistake.

    always honest
    always do what they say
    always keep their word
    always, always, always, if they are Jesus, who was the only person never to fuck up.

    Hey, you are wrong as shit..and either you are always yourself to be used (which means you have no self love or worth), or you are using another person... the end, you know you are what.

    The onlything I can judge you on is that blouse you are wearing in your AV. Cuz you know you are wrong for that.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol. Actually I am always honest so much so it gets me in a lot of problems. I don't have the ability to be phony and I will continue to judge pieces of shit who are so flippant about their health and the health of others.
    Btw we judge on this forum ALOT. We judge what we think people should and shouldn't say what their responses should be. How we should view bm and ww and fat ww. So why should this chick get a pass?
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You are a hypocrite because you just criticized me for commenting and not knowing the whole story and accusing me of not criticizing men who cheat yet I dedicated a whole thread about cheaters and how disgusted I was.
    And that wasn't a low blow it just puzzles me how some of you in relationships could defend this behavior. What if it were your spouse who was doing it you? Then would the actions be wrong? Smdh
  4. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    I must say this is the most complicated and over exaggerated welcome thread I've seen.
  5. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Mr F, I agree 1000% with what you've written regarding cheating but she can be here just as much as the other cheating spouses since we don't have internet police nor a bouncer at the door keeping what we deem undesirable from entering unfortunately.
  6. z

    z Well-Known Member

  7. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Really?? :p
  8. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Ok I apologize if you did say the same thing about men.
    I didnt see that thread, maybe it was before my time.
    I just dont like double standards thats all.
    You got me wrong, Im not defending her behaviour.
    Im just saying we dont know the whole story.
    I guess I should read some of your old posts to understand your point better...
  9. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Well hello there your royal highness,came to watch the show that MAY start shortly?
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I may be annoying and disrespectful with my posts but I'm fair.
    I agree with you on double standards that's why I'm constantly calling people on it.
    Whatever the story its still wrong. Even if the spouse is cheating its wrong. Just go your seperate ways and call it a day.
    I appreciate the apology. Thanks :)
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Did the second dude actually say he was cheating. I wanna know before I put him on blast.
  12. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    Lets focus on the first one now then we'll discuss the second.

    Mr Fantastic,you have the stage.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    In the interest of fairness Northside is a piece of shit too. Cheating on your wife is just plain wrong. Man up and just get a divorce or at least tell her you want an open relationship but don't be such pussy. Sneaking around on the internet looking for side ass is weak.
  14. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    My memory sucks badly.
    I actually posted in your thread in November LOL

    But this one also started with a female cheating.
    I see where you are coming from though...
  15. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    HHHOOLLLLYYYY shit. I think Mr Fantastic just dropped a bomb.
  16. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    I'm flabbergasted,this is all news to me folks. I never knew Northside was married.
  17. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    This thread just got alot more interesting.
  18. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

  19. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Damn, I
  20. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member


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