You're welcome. You made perfect sense to me, but sometimes folks who don't understand or agree like to argue either just for the sake of arguing or from a need to believe they're right & everyone else is wrong whether they are or not.
There you go over simplifying tammy tam. When Iggy and I stated women want a provider no one said he had to be very wealthy but a good provider meaning have a good job the same is rarely required( noticed how I said required not unappreciated) of a woman. Let me boil it down for you further since I know most of you don't get my posts sometimes. Woman earing low wage and her man earning high wage ok a woman not working and her man working ok. A man who earns less than his woman or doesn't work at all is considered a straight up bum.
Since I know you meant me I felt compelled to reply. I have no need to be right because I am right. All of you argued one point rooted in the belief your average American has no knowledge of what healthy eating is ie your belief that we need more education. I know I won't change your mind but this needs to be said. Our entire culture worships a lazy lifestyle where we know the right thing to do but don't do because we just don't want to. Take people who become new smokers for example do you think people who smoke don't have the education on smoking or just choose to ignore it? The same logic applies to healthy eating. Do you think people don't know baked chicken and broccoli is better for them than pizza or they just choose to ignore it and do what they want? I'm seriously looking for honesty here.
has anyone else noticed that in the male obesity thread we're talking about obesity as a whole and trying to stop it from an early age, and when we speak about female obesity it's far from this civil...????
Honestly fam, men have bigger issues with earning less money than women do. (insert "in general" here). Thats not made up. Study upon study has proven that men dont take that lightly. Many men here have expressed that sentiment exactly. The women that do take issue with that, has other issues.
chicken & broccoli isn't better for you if the chicken is deep fried and the broccoli is smothered in butter and the serve is as large as you get in any restaurant you walk into in the states. this is the type of education that is needed.
I wasn't saying what I said in response to you & Iggy. I was talking specifically about the gold digging skanks that secifically date or marry a man because of his money. Although there are those of us who don't judge a man by what he earns or what does for a living or what he has, there are many who do have the jacked up thinking you're talking about. It's sad imo.
No one said you didn't have valid points, but knowing something & being educated about something are two different things. Knowing a cheeseburger is "bad" for you isn't the same thing as understanding why it's bad for you...the way it's prepared, the type of bread, the high calorie dressing, etc. There are also dummies who think if you eat that high calorie cheeseburger, you do some extra exercise to work it off because they aren't educated about nutrition & fitness. Knowing you should exercise doesn't mean you know or understand how to exercise. These are the people we are referring to when we are talking about the need for education, because most people fall under the uneducated category. Your new smoker example is a good one. There are definitely people that do know better yet choose to do what isn't best for them. I have been educated in nutrition & fitness, but if I decided not to apply that knowledge & chose to be lazy & eat junk instead, I'd be one of the people you are referring to. As far as what's healthy food & what isn't, there's more to it than what it is. It's about how it's prepared, quality, portion, etc. I used to run a health food restaurant years ago & it was definitely an education for me. Most of what I learned isn't common knowledge because it's not generally taught. There are a lot of misconceptions about what foods are healthy & which ones aren't. Yep. Sad isn't it? This. :smt023
The fact that many children do not know fresh vegetables enough to identify a tomato etc is telling that nutritional education needs to start early. Bad eating habits are usually formed very early on and that needs to be thwarted by education and better school lunches. This strawberry and chocolate milk that contains just as much sugar as sodas and other really bad options need to stop. This is a very important issue in fighting overweight. Tarshi also touched on the subject of portion size - this has gone way off the deep end and since all restaurants have these insane portions, most people don't understand that this is not normal food portions and thus, you get way more calories that you should have. This really should be addressed. On top of that, there are way too many parents that done even understand why their children are overweight, you see examples of this time and time again in the media.. there is a severe disconnect in many households where education really is needed, unfortunately. I hate that as much as MrF does. Its just sad. This is only a part of the problem as it has many different underlying reasons.. one that I have harped on many times is inner cities etc that really don't have access to produce in the same way as nice suburbs. If they even could afford it. Add to that, fast food is a cheaper way to keep your belly full and is often the only way you can keep your family not hungry with the little expendable cash many have. This is a problem that many other Western Countries don't have. You can feed your child w 99c at Mickky D, you cant beat that if you have very little expendable cash at any given moment in time. Add to that, cooking is not as common as it used to be, many don't know how to and even if people have the cash to buy the healthy stuff, many don't know what to do with it, yes it is sad, but its unfortunately true. Or, with having to hold more than one job, many poor families simply don't have time or energy to cook... Obviously a lot of us, move way too little and eat way too much, have the cash to buy healthy food and know how to cook it and know it but are stuck in decades of bad eating habits that are hard to break - But fixing only that will not take care of the whole problem as there are many different reasons why people are overweight. and education is only a part of this. A very complex issue that look so simple but really isn't. Has to be fought on many different levels and education is only one part of it.
Can't the last sentence be applied for men too? And what does it mean a man can't earn less than his woman? All my male friends are actually really upset that females make less than man. Same work same salary, as simple as that
because male obesity is my passion in life.. HA naaah it's not the only one, Im looking round and might be posting somewhere else if I feel like it
Yes, of course - thats what I was saying - Its more men than women that have an issue with men earning less than women.. I guess it stems from upbringing and social pressure in this country that men feels that way. Many men in this country feels they are failing if they make less than a woman. Most women don'at have an issue with that. I was just pointing out that the women that feels this way is a different issue than men feeling this way.... they dont have the same issue: The women aren't the ones that feel pressure to make more money - its unfair. The women that feels that way are, in general, imo, probably high maintenance and demand the man to pay for X and Y and be taken care of, spoilt is what it is. Again, not fair. Both need to get over it though. LOL. Its not the same back home in Sweden, not even close. A good thing
Another good post I can rock with. My only critique Tam is that knowing why something is bad for you isn't really necessary for you not to do it if you're aware of the end result. I don't need to know what crack does to my body chemically to understand doing it will make me an addict and ruin my life. Get my point baby doll? And to also touch on your gold digger sentiment, I totally agree that those skanks mess it up for the good girls the problem is that its what popular perception is. Everything boils down to desirability. Men who earn a high income are far more desired than men who don't. What you as a woman earn has very little to do with why you're desired. Why people stay with us is totally different animal all together.
I see your point, but most folks wouldn't necessarily compare the dangers of smoking crack to the dangers of eating unhealthy food. Sadly, many people don't know the damage unhealthy food can do to the body (or even what constitutes a healthy balanced diet), so they aren't going to take it as seriously as they would if they understood the negative effects. It's also sad to me that many people have no idea how to take charge of their health, & they end up unhealthy & in an early grave as a result. Society does put a lot of pressure men to fit that role, & it's unfair imo. How much a man earns for a living is not what impresses me. I'm not going to look down on a man or desire him less because he doesn't make a certain amount of money or because he makes less than I do. I think women who discount men based on their income have serious issues. What impresses me is a man who's responsible & not lazy. I'm not looking for someone to pay my bills, buy me crap, or to offer some lavish lifestyle. I don't require all of that garbage; I want a man who's real & imo money doesn't make a man what he is.
My observation is it seems to be more geared towards health in this thread and not attraction or beauty standards. Just mho.