oh man...the jig is up...!!!! oh the cans are not from canberra btw and email me your phone number and i'll call you when i get to ny
Thank you Tarshi!!!!! XXXXX Thank you Tasty! Thank you gangsta sister! THANK YOU MY E-ADOPTIVE MOMMA!!!! <3 <3 <3 Aww!! Shucks Karmycomy, so sweet of you! Thanks! Thank you Tirkah! Tirwy, I was waiting on you to come into my chatroom birthday party and give me a lap dance! But nooo. I'll forgive you though, just this once. Aww!!! Thank you sweetest gentleman on the forum! Thank you Zorry! Thank you Jordan!!!! Thank you Darlingest DB!! :smt049 Thank you orejon! I appreciate it! Thank you mikesandy, even though you didn't dance nekkid for me either. LoL!!! Thank you Lippysticky again! Thank you crazy ucker with your ultra cool smilies!! OoOooOOo!!! Thank you Lippy!! What? I can't be sharing on my birthday!! But I suppooose I could make an exception just this once since you went and found him for me. :smt045 Holy shit! Thank you Nappy Wisey!!!!! LoL [youtube]dkissBt2_jw[/youtube] [/quote] Thank you TonyWony!!! Thank you Tammystrong!! <3<3<3 Thank you Buggy Francie!!!!! Thank you justanotherbrothalover! And shame ^^^^ shame on you all for hijacking Britty's birthday thread!! Sorry, I had to delete some images to make room for mine! LoL And I don't know why it's quoting some of you all weird, but you know how it is. Thank all so much for the happy birthday wishes, kind words, love and attention, ahaha. 365 or so days till my next birthday!