Male Obesity

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Mikey, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I disagree. You seem pretty sweet to me. :smt109
  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member


    awww sin...thank you...!!!!

    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    It may have been long in your eyes FG, but it was written with lots of truths in it, thank you for that.....:)
  4. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Thank you DB and TC
  5. Raudi

    Raudi Member

    I spent almost a lifetime waisted thinking about what other people think about me being BIG. Some of us were detain to be huge, big, or obesit. Thanks for posting all the young fools eating junkfood. I stop eating driv-tru's for the past five years now, for the sake of 'being regular', my old diet was killing me. I still have a gut with love handles, its tuff to lose that 'stored fat', lol. Regardless with the insurace industry BMI chart says, I'm healthy for my size. If we were in a car wreck, I can get you out and into safe hands.
  6. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    I agree with the concept that obesity is a complex issue. It's greatly influenced by habits, how we grew up, self image, discipline and education among others. You have the government involved through the subsidies paid for commodity crops that feed the fast food industry's unhealthy cereals and snacks. You have a food industry that routinely puts HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) in far too many products, as well as high amounts of sodium. The blood sugar level of Americans has doubled in the past 20 years, making diabetes a childhood disease for the first time in history. You have two generations of people who get far less exercise and lead a sedentary life style. The knowledge that the average American has about nutrition is very deficient. Most physicians are taught very little about nutrition themselves.

    So, where do you start? I believe that it starts with education on nutrition. It's easy to say that people know right from wrong but they don't How many people understand the impact of blood sugar on insulin intolerance? How many know that once you have become insulin intolerant that even a normal amount of calories can that are consumed can be directly converted to fat. How many people read labels of everything they buy, and analyze the label before purchases? If you look at the number of grs of sugar and divide that by 4, you get the number of teaspoons of sugar. That might be useful as an indication, but how many people know that? Yes, education is the key along with proper nutrition.

    You can exercise all you want, but if your diet is poor, you may still have a calorie surplus leading to no loss of weight. It's not just about calories, it's about the relative importance of protein, carbs and fat. The timing of food consumption is much less important than what you eat. Fat is not bad, the wrong fat is bad. I start my day by consuming fat, add a 1000 calories of extra good fat to my diet every day. I routinely eat full meals at midnight or even later. Again, it's what you eat.

    If you combine a proper diet with a good plan of fitness, then you have a start toward a healthier life style. But, as I and others have said, it requires a change of habits, supreme discipline and a desire for a healthier life.

    It is a life style change and it may not be for everyone. Some people just consider the price to pay too difficult.

    These are just some anecdotal remarks meant to invite or encourage discussion or more thought about the subject. Obviously, it's not so simply or everyone would be doing it.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2011
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    whats funny is that when it comes to women being overweight people (men) get real nasty....when the lite is shined on them then its lets find a solution to this epidemic
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That's false. Its because men don't take the subject personally and grand stand about man bashing when the topic comes up. We're not as easily offended.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    A lot of you are just liars. Lazy liars who blame lack of education when you know the difference between healthy and unhealthy.

    You go into any elementary school and ask the kids what's healthier a turkey sandwich or a cheese burger they know. You ask any adult what's better for you apples or candy bars they know. Despite calorie count or knowledge of nutritional content people know what's good for them they choose differently. The problem is people like you guys want to treat this as a matter of education and ignorance when it needs to be treated like addiction.
    Fast food is LITERALLY like crack. Crack addicts are full aware of crack being bad for you but do it anyway just like fast food addicts. There needs to be a gradual program to ween people off the junk but as that happens physical fitness can help tremendously but first and foremost people like you guys need to stop lying. Whatever your personal tastes or circumstance just look around. People aren't eating themselves to death because they're ignorant they're lazy and complacent they need incentives to be active and they need to gradually change their habits which takes a very long time. Its not as simple as educating people about what they already know.
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    really....go to the threads where we usually talk about being over weight and men post some pics of them and get really nasty.....women for the most part dont do that versus men. also there is more pressure on women than men to look thin and fit versus men.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    OOOHH well hello

    John have you been ?

  12. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    It's great that you've stopped drinking the soda. It's disgusting for you, no offense. You are also prone to acne and it reduces the ability for your cardiovascular system to operate effectively. It also damages your appearance and makes you look older, when you should look younger than what your age is. Ie, if you're 30 years old, you should appear as if you look like you're in your 20s if you've kept yourself in good shape. Personally, even though I am 19 (because I was born in 1991), I would say that I appear as if I'm 15 or 16 years old, still in the high school years and not really in the college years.

    I think both of you people are right, it's not a complicated subject to understand what's good to eat and what's bad to eat. In my opinion, it's about ignorance more than needing to have a really high level of education. We can't take the same view that Sarah Palin has about obesity, which states that the government shouldn't interfere with a person's ignorance about obesity, which doesn't make sense. The government should interfere, and force people to be in good shape.

    I believe that obese men and women should work out for 7 days a week with 60 minute runs with on/off intervals of increasing/decreasing the speed and elevation.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2011
  13. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Fat people(both male & female) need to start doing this thing called really does work. Also there are these things called fruits & veggies....they are quite good for you.

    Anyway I am lean & cut. Work out 4 days a week so I wont have to worry about obesity anytime soon.

    You fat fuckers are making me look good though. Keep up the cheeseburger binges.:D
  14. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member


    I think a lot of people would enjoy stationary cycling, as a great form of exercise from listening to the tracks on

    Afterwards, they could move on to running on a treadmill while changing and varying the inclines. For some of the other obesity videos that were posted by LA and other users, exercising is probably a lost cause for those people.
  15. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    You are absolut correct with that observation and I dont give a fuck what some hypocrites say.
    It is a FACT that can easily be proven in several posts.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Most of the threads where we talk about weight are female specific and that's why pics are posted showing overweight women. I think in this forum in particular the men talk about big women so much is because that's what's associated with bm who date ww. Its a fact of life and I get most of the foreigners don't see that but its reality here in the US. I'm not saying it makes it right but it is what it is.

    And I call bullshit on there being no pressure for men to be in shape. Not only do we have to be in shape and tall we also have to have good careers. Like I've said before a waitress at Deny's has a much better chance of dating a well employed guy than a waiter at Denny's dating a well employed female.
    I wish being in shape was all I had to worry about. For a guy you have to be employed and charming as well so I don't have sympathy for women. We all have to take care of ourselves.
  17. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Well, in certain instances and times, if they work hard enough, women do have the capability to beat men in sports, such as running.

    You could see from looking at the results of this 10 mile race that plenty of females placed in the Top 10 percentile out of 4,000 total runners who competed in this 10 mile race. Females are truly capable of great athletic potentials, I'm not a sexist person at all.

    I'll be running a 10 mile race on April 3rd, I'll be projecting that I'll run from 56 to 57 minutes in it.
  18. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    Don't fault Goodlove(Gaylove) for his sexual orientation. Just like he has a right to be wrong, as exhibited all of the time, he has a right to be a homosexual (he can't help it), unless DADT is the policy here. But feel free to point out the irony in his posts.
  19. Iggy

    Iggy Banned


    Plus, men have a lot of pressure on them to be rich & be the provider. Women dont have that pressure AT ALL.

    And the women on here post pics of cut, lean, musclar guys ALL THE TIME & turn around and give some of the guys shit because some of us fellas arent into chubby women. Hypocrisy 101 folks...smdh:smt005
  20. z

    z Well-Known Member

    LMAO. WoW.
    Tho I am a fit individual thanx for grueling college sports. Weight is a complicated issues, loosing weight is not as easy as it sounds. It might be easy for some but not to all folks. There are folks out there who do all the right things (eat less, burn more formula) & still have difficulty shedding few pounds. It is not that easy. How about ppl who have endocrine abnormalities, i.e hypothyrodism, cushing, etc... who struggle with weight issues.

    I am not trying to undermine that America has weight issues and it's primary cause are food abundance & laziness, but still not all fat ppl are lazy my friend.

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