all i know is that around here, when the hoodrats started moving out into the adjoining suburbs, they went to shit i used to think that suburbs around here were cool, until a coworker that lives in one said that people from the ghetto started scooping up homes in the mothafucka it's like the borders of kill-a-delphia expanded on some imperialism shit
Some of the biggest urban grow ops are found in these suburbs in my province (likely other provinces too but I don't know that for sure). People have these gorgeous homes, well maintained, the only couple of differences are a bit of increased traffic and a huge underground grow op sucking up the power. lol I say bravo for being able to afford the American dream, just attempt to avoid the culture that created the undesirable places to live in the first place. Who cares what colour we all are. I grew up in "subsidized housing" in a 75% white 'hood. We were all shit rats, regardless of colour. If my mom could have afforded to buy a house in a nice neighbourhood (or at all), I can assure you that I would not have behaved the same way in that nice neighbourhood.
I love how ra ra some of you guys are about this until these same hoodrats start inviting their cousins over. Its not that people don't want others to have the American dream they just don't want theirs taken away in the process.
Human society would continue to evolve, and built communities would get to a stage where they will represent human yearnings in housing conditions, health, livable wages, and level of education. I am not sure America's capitalist enterprise has evolved to that level yet. When you build everything around market forces without some ideal and value judgments on human lives and conditions, something else suffers. I remember during the bubble years, I was visiting California, and it was kind of strange that agricultural lands were being consumed indiscriminately, and without vision , and new urban settlements, were being advertised left, right, center. I saw little kids with signs advertising the new urban dream of similar housing types that had no values behind the designs and arrangement of income groups. Auto dependency was being encouraged without concern for sustainability. Class distinctions, also, were being created all in the worship of the god of the market, the invisible lottery that distributed talent, smarts and ability to make money. At a point that rat market, were everyone was inventing something out of nothing was bound to fail. I am against Gated communities, suburbia dream houses. I prefer livable communities. North America does not promote sustainability in the strictest sense. So much money and time is spend commuting and hedonistic lifestyles are encouraged, to the extent some "high" culture is lost, and is just madness and disorder of the market that allocates what needs to be developed in urban environments. There can be American dream without the obsession with material acquisition that people can't consume in a lifetime. There should be conscientious obligation to raise the enlightenment of the human race to better deal with their lives, instead of living next to squalor, or ignorance. Now that the market has re-order the phantom value that existed in mortgages, maybe those is search of the next American dream would push further with the frontiers of suburbia. It is messy way to manage earth's resources.
I am fairly certain we can include you among those that "don't want theirs taken away". I am also fairly certain that it doesn't matter what I or 90% of the women here write because you'll find some fault or some argument to initiate.
Slow down victim. This attitude some of you share about me "picking" on the women on this forum is ridiculous. I wasn't initiating any kind of argument I was bringing the pov of someone who works really hard, who comes from a hard working family who doesn't want ghetto trash coming into their neighborhood bringing down the quality of life for everyone. Some of you really can't stand to be disagreed with. Please grow up.
The companies that ran to china and india and the bankers that stole 13 TRILLION from working people are more responsible for bringing down the quality of life than "ghetto trash"..:smt039
Not the topic of the thread and by your logic if someone breaks into my house and assualts my family I shouldn't blame him I should blame the shitty economy. Fuck that
No because shit like that happens. The economy sucks but does that mean people are no longer responsible for themselves?
Are the people that actually made the economy suck in the first place responsible for themselves?? Nope.. Last I checked when a Brother commits a crime he's HELD REPSONSIBLE....unlike the Bankers that LOOTED this Country to the tune of 13 TRILLION dollars and nothing happened to them....hell....they got fat BONUSES.
That falls on the American people to make them accountable but collectively we're too lazy to do that. Secretly everyone wants to be them one day so that's why we let shit like this go on. We should be rioting in the streets like Egypt and Lybia but we'd all rather tweet and talk about the shitty oscars. Governments shouldn't run the people the people should run the government but apparently we have better things to do.