Is that what is oozing out of that broken dick on the guy that slept w a high number of women???? I thought it was something else. HAHAHAHAHA!
There are far more words to describe a female with high numbers than there are for men. Slut Whore Jezebel Tramp Trollop Hussy Harlot Hoyden Hooker Bimbo Tart Broad Strumpet Prostitute Floozie Vamp .....and there are more. For men, so few. Thus illustrates the double standard. A man can pretty much have as many partners as he'd like, but heaven forbid a woman exercise her right to have sex with whomever she chooses. There's actually a really great book about this called "Slut! Growing Up Female with a Bad Reputation" by Leora Tanenbaum. Anyway, is it more or less telling that the original article was written by a man?
LOL thanks for the rundown. If I'd done that Bug would have called me sexist. Yeah double standards are a bitch. I for example wish I could get pregnant and go on welfare if I chose to.
Or have someone take care of me and not be called lazy or my favorite be the last to be evacuated in a crisis because women and children deserve to live more than I do lol
Don't worry about it DB. The people that make up all those terms anyway are people that aren't very successful with women. I think you/other women should do whatever you like. It's not like some random person walking down the street knows about you.