This was an interesting article I came across. It's called "Why does it matter how many partners she's had?" Here's the link: I won't copy and paste it since ya'll get hostile about a lot of text. LOL
I'm concerned with a womans lifetime average being 4 seems awfully low to me, surely some porkies were told....
maybe alot of men dont want to catch STDs etc if shes been about, she might not have any but dunno these days
Good sexual practices should be what they are looking for, a woman with 1 sexual partner is the same as a woman whos had 30 if she doen't practice safe sex.
Yeah, as long as the women know the ropes, they'll be fine. It doesn't matter how many partners they've had in my opinion. Unless it's in the 100s, that is. That's different.
Yeah, and the author mentions that. He says sexual health should always be discussed, but sexual health and the number are not directly related. I mean, you can have one partner and get AIDS or 100 and never get a thing...
It matters because I want to know that I am customer number 5 instead of customer number 100. lol I kid I kid! On a serious note, It does matter. Knowing someone's history can be an indicator of if they are faithful or not. It can also let you know if they catched something. A good example is my friend's brother. This guy ends up dating a woman who not only cheats on him but catches hepatitis. I was just shaking my head and going wow! I'd have kicked that tramp right out of my house. Just absurd. He ended up having to go to the doctor. and this was his very first g/f! She could have ended up ruining his life forever. so in the end make sure you know how many people the person has been with or if they cheat or not. it could end up being a life or death situation. However, it is your choice to want to not know because as they always say Ignorance is bliss but it may just cost you your life.
Whether a person has had 5 partners or 50 is no indication of faithfulness. It doesn't matter how many partners you've had. You could start cheating tomorrow if you wanted- or you could've had a year where you slept with eight people and found God at the end of it. You can also ask someone if they've been tested and if they have any STDs- if they're going to lie about it, they're going to lie regardless of the number of partners they've had. All that matters is that people were responsible and used protection. I think it's a bigger deal to know that you're not going to be adding to the list while you're in a relationship. Furthermore, if we were all judged on what happened in our pasts, we'd never have futures.
Nope, history is a good indicator of what people will do. While it is possible that a person could start cheating that has never cheated before or you could stop showing up for work or the sun may not be hot tomorrow, it is more likely that they will follow the previous pattern i.e. they may start cheating if they have been cheating before and often, you'll show up to work or the sun will be hot tomorrow. Like I said before ignorance is bliss! If people want to live in it then go ahead. The past is a juggernaut on what is to come or what is presently here. If one wants to ignore it , they will find themselves in a world of hurting.
So, you're assuming that because someone has an abundance of former partners they automatically cheated? That is unfair. What if a woman just happens to enjoy sex and through college she slept around a lot but post-graduation she grows up and isn't like that anymore? As long as she was safe, what does it matter to you one bit that she had a phase where she slept around?
Females view sex differently than men. They're treated different socially so usually if a woman has a lot of partners its usually masking some type of emotional pain. Most women want to find one guy to fuck 1000 times not 1000 guys to fuck once.
no, I am assuming that if someone has cheated on their partners that they would not be faithful. I have never made any assumptions that they are unfaithful because they are having sex with multiple partners while agreeing with those partners to not be exclusive.
OK...well, it seemed odd, but that's kind of how your last response came across, so I wasn't sure. Generally, if someone has cheated, then yes, they absolutely will cheat again. I agree with you.