What are some things you hate about your area?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Kushton Slater, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    LOL. They look like some of my family members. :p
  2. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    I live in Brooklyn.


    Thugs and Hoes

    The fact that Manhattan takes prominence over the other boroughs
  3. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Austria,where the late Jorg Haider lived. That guy was gay and in his area they still loved him. He lived a double life preaching "Family Values".
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i grew up in a bogan area as well...couldn't wait to leave...!!!

    what i hate about my area...???

    the obvious lack of bm...!!!
    the obvious lack of pubs...!!!
    i can't walk down the main high street without bumping into at least 5 people i know (which means that i can't have a i don't care what i look like day if i step out the door)
    and again...

    ....THE OBVIOUS LACK OF BM...!!!!
  5. hntr18

    hntr18 Well-Known Member

    where are you from/where do u live
  6. satyr

    satyr New Member

    She lives in D.C., just like you; by "BM" she means breast milk.

  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i live in a little beach side neighbourhood in melbourne australia
  8. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    :smt043:smt043 you nut...!!!
  9. hntr18

    hntr18 Well-Known Member

    thats awesome
  10. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Fuck yeah. The worse kind. I was driving throughout that area on the day that happened in my own car. I have dark hair and can tan in summer. The police pulled me over to check it was my car. They thought I was Lebanese. As you can see, even if I was, they were not the ones causing the trouble. The man in the picture is Lebanese. On Australia day a riot erupted, apparently after a comment made by a Lebanese man to some girl on the beach. That was the result. A dark day in this country.Yeah, that's a bogan there.
  11. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Only thing about my city is that people hate on everything. Example; (look at him over there breathing I hate his breathing).
  12. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

  13. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I hate that everyone knows everyone and a phonecall from my Mother will go like this Mum= where are you? Me= on the industrial estate at the flower warehouse. Mum= Oh I thought so, just spoke to shirley and she said you were driving that way...

    More examples but i'm sure you get my point:D
  14. Nico

    Nico Banned

    I loved living by racist people, that way they're not living comfortably.

    Nothing like living by racist who thought they had dodged blacks by moving to the suburbs.
  15. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member


    what makes you feel better: a bunch of red necks making you feel uncomfortable or you making them feel uncomrtable? The hate stares, looks of disgust, swastika tatoos, racist banjo music blaring , constant yells of nigger! in speeding vehicles, slave statue on front lawns, young white kids running from your presence (racism passed down thru parental animosity). ugly white women throwing change at you at the supermarkets, white men with his buddies pointing in your direction ensuring you notice and last but not least ,the look in a fathers eyes after realizing his daughter likes you?....

    If youre not a fire starter, i find no reason in living amongst racists. Its not worth the hassle, my friend even if youre a six figure brother making a killing in whatever field you find devine. i MEAN, I like fighting racism myself, however the recipe necessary for young black males like us to live happily and flurish while doing so is not found in a racist environments. It is utterly energy consuming and frustrating over trivialities becomes infuriating when you know youre a good guy who deserves happiness in your own neighborhood but instead you are forced to spend hours longer than necessary speeding on highways simply because due to t he cmpletel mperceptible racism from your own neighborhood, where being different(ie black) is made even more difficult.
  16. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Personally though, i love my city. But.....not eeverything

    I hate those rainy days, when walking thru a crowded street cement bathed with 10 year old bubble glued to your soles, while brusing your soul is the only beauty you see per day (minus those slim pretty brown eyed/haired women of course)

    I hate how the winter strips the city from its glamour- decaying leaves on the ground look like dog poop and i have to wear multiple layered garment just to walk outside

    My neighborhood with all its bachelor pads on one side surrounded by large houses where young lovers live and yeah, we party all right, but why do old people hate us so?

    How the asians have totaly over populated many areas of toronto. 1 in 4 person is atleast asian- not that im racist but it makes you think....just how many asians are there?

    The fear strangers give to eachother on the subway, dont even count on the person in front of you, to hold the door open at mall entrances

    The constant lust on friday night, how young black males cant even walk home without women stopping their cars, specifically to hit on them

    I hate those golden yet silent evenings of thursdays, when the city is at its most crowded state; a white woman walking hand in hand with her female pals, right down king street and you catch her eye across the distance. You watch and stare conversing through smiles until you both vanish in bright city lights.....and then you MUST forget, AFTER all, deep inside you know fully well, that in this great city, you have only one in a million chance of seeing the same face twice.
  17. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Billions, you stupid motherfucker.

  18. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i agree...there is not much to complain about here...we have had one of the mildest winters i have ever experienced...now watch we will get blasted in march with snow

    i hope the city continues to put in more bike lanes on the main streets
  19. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Love L.A. its pretty, you can surf and ski the same day - canyons for hiking, fantastic nature, fantastic museums, theater etc... nightlife etc.
    Weather is unbeatable... so many different cultural feels in different parts of the city, I like that - you can always find something new.

    What I HATE HATE HATE is traffic, you need to take a freaking day off to go somewhere lol. If you have friends on the other side of the city, they might as well just live in another city.
    Its an expensive city to live in, that sucks too.

    But the positives far out-weight the negatives.

    I love this place. Palm trees and sunny, clear skies makes me happy.
  20. robina

    robina New Member

    i dislike the fact i live next to crack heads who are forever getting raided or having thier cars petrol bombed, thought i had seen my last petrol bombing when i left belfast

    the police helicopters that circle overhead at night ( i have the pleasure of living in s5 russia )

    the fact that theres areas of the city i just cannot enter without being threatned

    that its so damn grey and depressing here

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