Why You're Not Married- A Man's Perspective

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by TheHuntress, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I don't remember ever reading that book, but I hear about it all the time. I love reading! Depending on what it's about, heh. :)
  2. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Well, then I suppose it's a good thing you have to do your book report!! ;) lol

    It's actually one of my favorites...there's a reason it's a classic.
  3. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I think I'll try to check it out. :)
  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    you haven't read to kill a mockingbird...??? it's a classic...!!! my son's name comes from that book
  5. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Not that I remember and I think I would remember, since it's so popular and mentioned all the time. But I do remember reading Where the Red Fern Grows! Heh.
    It seems a lot of names come from books. You're not the only one I know of who has named their son or daughter a name they got from a book. :)
  6. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Here's another perspective. I'm too young! When in your 20's, you still haven't lived. You don't want a child dragging you down. When you are in your 30's or 40's then yes get married have kids. It is all good there!
  7. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    Some might miss the irony in his article.

    But below are some take-outs, all highlighted in black.

    So in a sense, he argues on the same side with the woman it appears he is responding to. I guess many might miss this irony.
  8. Athena

    Athena New Member

    He could have stopped writing here, and really that's when I stopped reading.
  9. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Ah, Youre right
  10. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Uh, naija...he didn't write the last line about his preening narcissism. That's the Frisky's byline style. They write stuff like that for all of their columnists.

    And I completely disagree with you. He is making those points to illustrate the problem with the things writers have been saying in the last week (including the article Satyr posted, which he really didn't like). I don't think it's irony to say 'You have a right to happiness, but no one deserves a husband- life just doesn't work out that way sometimes. Stop thinking about the big party and the dress and enjoy what you've got....but NO, instead, you're sitting there listening to a bunch of wedding-crazy dunderheads who have you convinced that life with out the big white dress and the party are all you've got to look forward to- and if it doesn't happen....your life sucks!'

    That's not irony to me- that's being realistic. These articles in the past week have come across with one main them- that getting married is, and should be, the ultimate goal of women everywhere. He's smacking that down with a stick and telling it to 'stay'.

    It is also true that many people blow their chances at happiness. A lot of people DO miss it- and for exactly the reasons he said. Every single friend I've had who's been whining about not being married, once she stopped, she instantly met someone. No lie. We all do it.

    Granted, he's also a humor writer, so that definitely comes into play here- but I don't see the amount of irony you think you do.
  11. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    I grant you that preening narcissism is a byline, I am not acquainted with the site and have not read anything on the site , and I also did not click on the link, I read only what you posted. Yet, I think it suggests the editorial policy of the site if all authors carry the byline, self love.

    On the highlighted part of your comment , I read and I quote:

    There is a distinction between, "No one has a right to happiness," and you " have a right to the pursuit of happiness"

    Not what you wrote, and I quote:
    what he wrote and what you interpreted are two different things, and do not mean same thing. I think it is still furthers my argument that many miss out the irony. Maybe the sense in which I use irony seems to be the issue here.

    I don't see any reality in what he has said except that in life you have a choice and the country offers you that choice,and that is " a right to the pursuit of happiness," but that is not guaranteed. In life just like in everything else, you don't "deserve" anything, but rather you get what you "deserve."

    I interpreted it to mean, it is not your choice to be happy, but you have that freewill to make yourself happy. If I might interpret it further, it means you have to be willing to sacrifice for the other person.

    Here are other nuggets if you are still not getting it, I have highlighted them for you:

    This part means, it takes two people to have a relationship. Marriage is a noun, working at marriage, is a verb. Do you get what I am trying to say here?

  12. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    OK, maybe you're not intentionally trying to sound condescending- but you are. So please, take a moment and have a Coke. Lol

    Second... I'm not sure you're actually stating something different than what I said the author was saying.

    Third...your brand of irony doesn't come across as irony at all. It comes across as you interpreting the author saying "apples" and you reading it as "he meant steak!". Um, what?

    If you're trying to say something without actually saying it, and you're convinced someone isn't "getting it", then why not just...come out and say it?
  13. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    Nah..let's drop it, Dream. I wasn't trying to be rude, just wanted to get your fired up a little bit . ;)

    You are damn too gorgeous lady, and from you I will take all the Coke in the world. You part my lips and I will sip till heavens come calling.:D

  14. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Haha, I figured you weren't! That's why I told you to have a Coke. LOL :)

    Let's just hug it out. :) C'mere ya big Teddy Bear!
  15. untitled1985

    untitled1985 Member

    Marriage is a Joke and I've almost been married twice thankfully I have not

    never going down that road again
  16. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    True love is hard to find now so as a man you should be smart and not dive in marriage just for fuck's sake else you will be kicked out of your own house and will be paying alimony and some women have the nerve to send their boyfriends to come for the alimony

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