Black girls attack Interracial Couple at a McDonald's

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Esoterik Dreadz, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I actually witnessed something similar to this when I was at a party back in June of 09’ so this type of behavior doesn’t surprise me at all. This just shows how ignorant people can become when they want something they can’t have. Those girls ought to be ashamed of themselves and I’d be surprised if any of them are even in a relationship with a man right now.

    Beware of Black Widow Spiders.
  2. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Quote of the year:

    "Is it just me or do I not understand Ninglish"

    I'm using that one!

  3. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I am with this guy. I will defend my loved ones at all cost and I mean at all cost...... be prepared to go to war, and history has shown you will lose.

    Anyhoo, the problem with these low quality trashy videos- we really do not know what transpired before the fight. Were they enemies at school? nemesis in the neighborhood? or just bunch of hoodrats picking fight with IR couples at fast food joint, so it is really hard to get the whole story.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
  4. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    You kinda saw all you needed to see whether it was staged or not
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Careful you don't want to sound self hating lol

    You gotta wonder how they get this way because little black girls aren't like this at 5
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This just went up on fb
  7. z

    z Well-Known Member

    To be honest, the video does not show if the women are against IR. To me, it just shows bunch BW ready to fight 1 or possibly 2 WW who happen to be with BM. I'm not even sure if the WW are dating the BM or just good friends.
    "Gang fights" getting jumped on is not really a new thing.

    What I would take offense on- if the women that were jumping around and beating their chest like a Ugandan Baboon wanted to beat down the WW coz she happen to be with a brother.

    Anyhoo, carry on.
  8. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I'll take the hot young white chicks everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. Loud and aggressive women of any kind are not a good look at all.

    Although I'd much rather have Jill Scott "wince" at me than her wanting to start a fight for no apparent reason whatsoever.
  9. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Well, I don't disagree that those white girls look slutty dressed that way and at McDonald's, heh. I wonder where the employees and managers were. When I was working at McDonald's years ago, I got into it with a few black girls. Mostly because they were being very rude, and I snapped because I was there by myself (3rd shift, so it was just me and two managers, and the managers were MIA) and there was like 30 of them and I couldn't keep up with all their orders and shit, so when one got snarky with me, shit hit the fan. But my manager stepped in after all the commotion and finished taking care of their orders and stuff. And you bet your fuckin' ass they played the race card too. "Is it because we're black?" :roll:
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Only saying maybe we should link to that site as a last resort if we can't find the link or video somewhere else. I hate to support hater site's ignorance. Please don't change anything to appease me. I can handle the bad and good. I just don't want to reward hater site's revenue with my presence.
  11. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    15-30 years of being told that insecure anger is justified if theres a white women involved.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    its not even how they felt that bugs me its their manish attitude. Its not sexy when chicks foght and act like dudes. Notice how none of thos chicks dress like girls and wear dresses.
  13. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    You mean you dont like a women who sleeps with her fists balled up?
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What's interesting is these type of women have no sex appeal yet they re always knocked up. Go figure lol
  15. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'm self-hating because I don't think mannish acting ghetto birds are sexy, riiiight

    And at 6 they start school and get influenced by the neighborhood wannabe hoochies. And we know nothing about their home life, their mama was probably a baby who had a baby herself at this rate
  16. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Havent ya heard of the saying- "any woman even the fat and ugly one can find any guy including a good looking guy to have sex with her" lol.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Very true. It's like showing support for that site when their stuff is posted. It's also bringing negativity in from folks who have a problem with us. I vote for something positive for a change.

    A woman always appreciates a man who'll defend her. When men & women really love each other, they have each other's backs.

    The managers & employees were probably enjoying the show. If it had been me, the police would have been called & they'd have been thrown out of my store.
  18. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    After you been in lockup you're not picky
  19. TILLY

    TILLY New Member

    It's Black History month so on the news they did a piece on hater site and the creator of the site. All that crossed my mind was negative shit like that video posted when they mentioned hater site. It's just Black Gossip and slamming IR couples IMO!! I could give three fucks about that site!!!
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ahhhh. Touche my friend. That makes sense.

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