So I say....

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    what people ?

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Some white women who think saying that makes them more appealing to the black men and some black men who do the same
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Ok. yeah that disturbs me that they look at another race as disgusting
  4. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    Did not say, you said it :D

    That was my way of supporting the highlighted parts of your comment ... You misunderstood me , no worries we are good, my friend. I say it again, I support your comment, abi na co-sign I go call am?
  5. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Mid 30s to 40s. I also think sex is important at every age. And of course everyone wants a partner that is attractive, but even my 23 year old son says he also wants someone to enjoy thigns outside the bedroom with and who can carry on a conversation.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah because your son is gonna tell you everything huh lol
  7. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    It's sad that there are males who believe a woman's worth is based on her looks & who believe that a woman has nothing significant to offer outside of that. Contrary to what these males believe, a woman is not inferior to a man & has just as much to offer in heart, warmth, depth, personality, intelligence, goodness & realness, etc. to offer as a man does (& sometimes more). Just like a good man deserves to be appreciated for all his great qualities, so does a good woman.

    Before someone takes it there, I'm not saying it's wrong to want someone attractive. It's the sole focus being on the package that can be unhealthy. What I am saying is that there is more than the package that makes someone's what's inside that sustains us. What good is that shiny wrapper if the package is empty?
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Interesting post. Are you trying to convince us or yourself?
    I think many women have many important things to offer the world. And I don't think anyone said that women are inferior to men but for me as an individual most women only bring only cost. In every situation? No not at all but our social convention dictates us spending a lot more time and money on you than the other way around.
    No one said that women shouldn't be acknowledged for what they bring to the table but female emotions erode honesty that make appreciation almost impossible since many men live their lives trying to avoid arguments.
    Right now any emotional or cerebral stimulation a woman can give me is given to me from friends and family. In my opinion people are entirely too whimsical to appreciate anyone romantic in their life. We are a generation of bigger better more and easily replaced so with that knowledge I know that right now beyond the physical there's very little a woman can offer me.
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    That is very much true. All of what you said is very much on point. But, I'd like to argue that looks and appearance (if you are capable of sight) tend to be the first thing people judge. That's normal for attraction. From there, the physical attraction must mesh with the mental. If that first stage isn't left behind, then a relationship can grow incredibly unhealthy.
  10. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Of course he is not. However, we are close and he has shown in his choice of girlfriends that he likes a personality.
  11. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Nicely said Tam!!! I was a guy who did not believe in women because they always tried to get something out of me or never said FULL truths which hurt me when I found out the full truth. I was well off in my day and women I met tried to take advantage of that for personal gain.

    I met a woman like who you described above. She is for one independent and has all those other qualities you describe and more. For me its actually a PLUS that she is also drop dead gorgeous. But I would still want her in my life if she was not because of her qualities.

    So ... I totally agree with you on this one Tam!!!

    I forgot to add that one woman even told me that she will stick by me because she knew I would be someone of importance one day. I told her to fuck off even thought she was a fine ass black woman.
  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, Jay. I appreciate that you get what I'm talking about. You'd think I said it's wrong to want to date attractive women, & that's not what I said at all.

    It really applies more to people who are actually looking for a real relationship with a quality person. Of course the initial attraction is physical most of the time...God designed us that way, but if someone isn't a quality person, a quality relationship won't happen no matter how good someone looks.

    It's easy to become cynical based on bad experiences. Most of the people we come across are not going to have our best interests at heart, because they have their own agendas. Many are looking to use us & will say & do whatever it takes to get what they want...whether it be a woman trying to get into man's pocket or a man trying to get into a woman's panties. Neither looks nor money make someone a quality person.

    When you are trying to build a relationship or a life with someone, it shouldn't be based on superficial things because those things don't have lasting power. Someone of quality has your best interests at heart & they bring out the best in you. They build you up & show you how much you mean to them & they make you feel like the special person you are. They love you, always have your back & they believe in you. Who wouldn't want to lie down & wake up next to someone like that?

    You're truly blessed, & I'm happy you understand a woman's worth. Your woman is definitely beautiful inside & out.

    I think we've all met people like that woman...they like to blow smoke up our asses, hoping we'll fall for it, in order to get what thay want.
  13. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I agree 100% ....but where is this reply coming from?
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This post is such horseshit. Most people can't keep together under the best of conditions ie the American divorce rate. The true lasting love is family. People don't commonly divorce their flesh and blood.
  15. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    It's in response to a couple of posts in here about a person's physical qualities being the only ones that matter...that's all.
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Grown folks that marry for the right reasons don't have that problem. There is no family without men & women coming together & creating that flesh & blood.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Interesting pov Tam. But no one said they had to stay together to keep a family going. Romantic love brings out the absolute worst in people. Jealousy, greed, insecurity. I seriously don't get the appeal of the reality. The fantasy sounds cool but the reality doesn't seem to hold up.
  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Your oh so wrong, hun... you are merely focusing on the bad and completely ignoring the good. You are exceptionally negative..but I have no doubt that once you get that you can change your own behavior, you will see different results.. I have no doubt you will change your pov one day. Your a smart man, dont give in.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    FG I'm 29 and I want to believe perspective comes with age. I want to believe this is just the shit you go through when you're young at some point you meet a good person that changes that but unfortunately my dating pool consists of people my own age who are all lost and trying to figure things out and when one is lost one doesn't make the best decisions. As a result of those decisions you're left with people all scared of getting hurt because they made poor decisions and now view all people the same. Sometimes we're all lucky enough to find a good person but rarely have the maturity to appreciate them so more than likely most take them for grantite. Fast forward a few years after a kid or two and a divorce you just have jaded people or people who've been through enough shit to recognize a decent person. Unfortunately those kind of women are a good decade away my friend. I'm getting use to the idea that outside of physical companionship there isn't much a woman can offer me right now. I'm not being negative just pragmatic.
    FG you're a scientist as well and we talk data and analyze it. I can't help what the data shows me.
  20. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Problem is, your only analyzing half the data:)

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