The Power of Words

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Persephone, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    People forget too often the power that words truly hold. Granted, the power is dictated by how much feeling the recipient responds with, but most of the time words are accepted with an emotional response. Just as a negative feeling can be evoked by the simplest of words, so can a positive one. Something so simple as a statement made in a few seconds can have a lasting impact on another life.

    I think our lives are filled with far too much negativity. From every corner is seems opposition exists, people everywhere far too willing to say something spiteful, or rude, things that can make even the most stalwart individual feel bad after a time.

    I prefer nice things. If I see someone upset I like to make them feel better, if I can find the right words. I like positive encounters, and I think most people I know don't have enough of them.

    So say something nice, or share something nice that was said to you that helped. It could be a statement so strong it inspired you, or a "thank you" given when it was needed most.

    My contribution:

    When I woke up this morning, and on many other mornings, I was awakened by my boyfriend kissing my forehead. He asked me if I wanted to sleep some more, or if I'd like some coffee (<3), and then, even before my mind had shaken off the haze of sleep, he proceeded to tell me how beautiful he thinks I am. It's always nice to hear that, of course, but hearing it first thing in the morning before a hair brush even has time to be considered is just...awesome. It was a simple phrase, and my mind was barely working well enough to comprehend it, but it had a great impact.


    I have a coworker that used to bump heads with me heavily. He couldn't stand me so when I was at work he'd be extra rude and douchey. Most of the time I'd just pretend he'd said or did nothing, because I'd already been reprimanded for responding in the past. Well, one day a manager finally had a chat with him. So when we worked together next he actually apologized. It wasn't entirely direct, but it was there, and I was completely taken aback. At first I was cynical but after a few days of him actually making an effort to be civil...nice, even!...I realized he actually had been sincere. It meant a lot to me. I have no problem returning negative feelings if that's how someone chooses to treat me, but I am not afraid to forgive if they make the effort.

    One last story:

    One night after work I felt terrible. I had no ride home so I knew it was going to be another hour before I actually made it home, thanks to the super slow bus system. It was cold, I was cranky, and I felt even worse because my Nate had met me at work so we could ride the bus home together. A few minutes after we got to the bus stop a man showed up, laden with bags of groceries. He asked me for a cigarette, so I gave him one, and the next thing I know we're having a conversation. He was very nice, and extremely interesting. We talked for a few minutes until his wife walked up, and then she simply joined in the conversation. The bus showed up around 30 minutes later, and I had completely forgotten about my bad night and my bad feelings. Even after I'd gotten home I still felt better. We hadn't talked about anything related to my job except for a brief exchange about the nature of the restaurant, but I felt like I'd just had therapy. lol It was nice, and though I'll probably never see the pair again I don't think I'll ever forget them.

    So please, share. :D Give me something nice to read when I log on!
  2. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    I think you are right.Words do have power, and they invite our emotions.

    For example, when you use the word, American. It invokes a conception of a people, a character of being. If you use the word, British, it invokes a conception of a different people, a different character of being. Yet, these are peoples, same human beings, but with different conceptions and different mental images. Here we talk about nouns, but what about adjectives?

    For example black and white also have their conceptions, when used in the adjectival sense and they conjure images.So also is fat and thin, short and tall, ugly and beautiful, married and divorced, rich and poor, and smart and dumb, don't they also carry meanings? The tags have meanings and conjure up mental images that draws on something deep within us that we react or respond to.

    So, it makes sense when you go to a dating site and you observe people make selections on statistics that speak to everyday words. For example, someone says, I am seeking a woman that is 7 feet tall, or a man that is 5feet tall :D They all translate to a word that borders on description of being tall or short in very precise manner.

    These are some aspects of words I have spoken to. What about when we string these words together in sentences to communicate how we feel, or what we need and what we aspire to become. Then, we speak in dialects of various 'tribes.' Tribes that help people grow and become the best they can be, or tribes that denigrate and hate people.

    Some come out of these tribes and the communities these tribes found charred for life and some are nurtured and become the best they can be. Yes, I think words have power, they carry our history, and also tell us how far we have come and they invoke aspirational images of want we want and need to be.

    Yes, words have power, in another life, and in communities they also can heal.
  3. Nico

    Nico Banned

    One time in HS I saw these 2 boys bullying this one weird/nerd guy. They did it like 3 times a week and nobody said anything.

    One day I got tired and told them to "stop being cunts" and leave the kid alone before I "fucking kicked both of your asses".

    From that day one they never messed with that kid again.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Words have no power on me. Only perceptions of them
  5. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    I think you have the sweetest man ever. :D

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    If words have power over you in a negative way then i think you are insecure but if its positive that's great
  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Completely agree! My friends wonder why we make up so easily after fights. We end arguments on average in less than 10 minutes. lol It's because I can't seem to stay mad at him, cause when I am mad I think about how nice he makes me feel the other 95% of the time.

    I have to say, I think he's had quite a positive influence on me. :)
  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I can't decide if I agree or disagree. I feel that words can affect everyone in both negative and positive ways, though it -could- be due to minute levels of insecurity that aren't obvious to outside observers. hmmm. It's something to think about.

    I will have to think later. Right now I'm supposed to be writing a 5 page research paper on global water shortages. lol

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