In Online Dating, Blacks More Open to Romancing Whites Than Vice Versa, Study Finds

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by hntr18, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    OK, um... Margaret Sanger was also the product of a really rough upbringing.

    And actually, her original agenda was everyone who wasn't white and who was an immigrant- so, she was targeting Irishmen, too! I'm actually surprised you bring this up, because part of Sanger's wish to encourage birth control was driven by the fact that women were constantly dealing with multiple pregnancies and births and dying as a result of it. It wasn't always a racial or ethnic situation- it was a matter of life and death for the women in her community.

    I don't trust a lot of what that site you posted has on it, because there are no links to actual things Sanger said...granted, she said a lot of really divisive things in her day, but a lot of it was context. go on about Sanger in 2011 just doesn't make sense. Planned Parenthood exists in its current inception to provide health care, birth control, and abortion services for anyone and everyone that needs that assistance.

    (Side note: Wow, OH, you really jump into the fray, dontcha? LOL)
  2. veema

    veema Member

    And rightly you shouldn't trust it, DB. Did you follow the link at the bottom of the page? It will explain a lot.
  3. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Oh dear...

    OK. I am fully stepping as far away from the anti-choice propaganda as I can get.

    Peace. :-|
  4. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."Margaret Sanger's December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon's Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.

    Well as I told MrFantastic, that he wouldn't believe it if I told him, I repeat the same to you guys. At this point, it is so embedded into the black culture that it can't be eradicted anyway. But there are some blacks who are trying to stop the daily mass killings of black babies and they reveal what Planned Parenthood's agenda is, but no one is listening to them hardly. At this point, it's too late anyway. It's just a sad situation. Read more about the white elitist and Margaret's plan that is working powerfully to this day. I don't care that you two don't believe because we are not being destroyed by this. Even though we far outnumber black women, they are having way more abortions than we are. Click Here

    Yes Margaret, encouraged abortion for other groups and the retarded, but she had a horrendous hatred for black people that you wouldn't believe. Check out the link below. Then let's get back on topic because this is way off, dwelling on something that very few people are aware of anyway. This is my last post of this issue. We are off topic.
  5. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member are correct, we are off topic- but you can't expect me to let that one go without some response. Look, you're posting links as 'references' that are part of an anti-choice smear campaign. You believe this stuff, and you're using it to support a theory that's very troubling. Whether there's truth to it- I will certainly look into it- but those links have no place anywhere, least of all civilized discussion.

    I'm not sure if you posted them because it's what you believe, or you just didn't realize what they were connected to...I don't really want to know. I know you're passionate, and I respect that. We all should have such passion for things. :)

    Now, regardless of where you stand on this issue..and where I do... I think it best that we let this topic die a quick death.

    Topic at hand:

    I think the study is interesting, and I think it might be somewhat true- I mean, to some extent you dont' have to worry about rejection in person...but the fact that whites are less likely to encourage IR relationships is extremely disturbing, and that is actually rather surprising to me. I don't know why, but I guess that coming from my frame of reference, it would surprise me.

    I had a profile at some of those sites and I always listed my preference for BM, Hispanic-Americans, and Pacific Islanders (I have a weak spot for Samoans.. so sue me, lol). I'd get matched with lots of white men, despite indicating a preference... so I think those sites are just as responsible for pushing you towards someone of your own race.

  6. bloop

    bloop New Member

    Yet here you are on There are no races, there is no such thing as "white" yet here you are trying to connect with "white women" on this site?? If you actually believe what you spouted you'd be on

    Hmm where to start? Blacks were enslaved from the early 1600s to 1865. That's not as long a period of the servitude of say the Helots of ancient Greece or even the 400 year servitude by the Israelites in Egypt in ancient Jewish myth. It's true that Africans were distinguished by the color of their skin rather than cultural or ethnic lines like other slaves but the hyperbolic assertions you make aren't true. Blacks for the most part weren't treated as severely as slaves in Rome who had limbs or genitalia lopped off, blinded and killed as entertainment (probably due to the hypocritical "Christian" sentiment of their American masters which made those things "immoral"). They weren't crucified has punishment. They weren't even systematically raped or had their bodies mutilated like native populations throughout the world during conquest (for example like Central American native populations). Blacks suffered and it makes my stomach sick to think about it but let's not hyperbolize or diminish other people to make the suffering of our "own" group worse.

    Your ideas on race are also display a couple of common Internet-type misconceptions presented urban-legend style. First of all "race" isn't the same thing as species. The fact that human beings are all of the same species doesn't ipso facto establish there's no such thing as race. Race is a specific term used for humans to distinguish between genetic groups. For example there aren't different "races" of whales. There is no such thing as "races" of canids. You confuse "race" with "species" then make the statements based on that false understanding of definitions.

    You should also understand that even between species genetic differences can be minute. And different species can interbreed. For example coyotes and dogs, or coyotes and wolves can and do mate and produce offspring. People want black and white from science but even among scientists distinctions between different species in science are sometimes disputed because such things are both complicated and occasionally political.

    Another misconception is you claim there are only phenotype differences and no genetic differences between races but that is false. Just last year The Neandertal Genome Project showed that all currently living homosexual sapiens except Africans have up to 4% Neandertal DNA. That proves that there are genetic differences between the races based not only on genetic drift and diversity but from divergence in our evolution. It seems that whites and asians are part neandertal, in other words partially a different species from African blacks somewhere in their distant genetic history.

    Finally you attribute bias against darker skin to "capitalist assholes" but there is an established preference by men of all races to prefer lighter skinned women in societies even within their own population groups, which is even more pronounced for women from other populations. This exists both in societies with colonial legacy (India, USA etc) and in societies with none (Japan, Samoa etc). This is so pronounced that scientists have even speculated that lighter skin and eyes were a distinct "genetic advantage" for women who had those characteristics.

    This is America so more power to any man who can pull the type of woman that he wants for whatever his personal reason. But don't try to use speculative or false science to advance your point. Honestly any black man worth his salt shouldn't need to resort to that to pull white women (who are more open to black today than they have ever been in history)
  7. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  8. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    FG...I think we gonna need to get the popcorn out tomorrow. I have a feeling we might wanna get some real cold beer too, because it going to get real hot in here.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    True, true.....
  10. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    I hope MrFantastic has a good dictionary because he's going to need it. This joined this forum to jump in Fan's koolaid about his comments.:smt063
  11. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Follow me on this you 1 post wonder, 2 wrongs do not make a right

    Why do some folks always insist on throwing out slavery from Ancient Rome, or how such and such whites were slaves as well in history. That doesn't change or ameliorate the enslavement of Africans. All you were left to do was say they were sold by other Africans to whites.

    You are using one wrong to rationalize and mitigate another, which speaks volumes to the level of foolishness in such a mindset to do that.

    You sit there talking about blacks weren't treated harshly as other enslaved people, how the heck do you know that.

    were you shackled and brought to a new world, packed in like sardine in the hull of a stinking ship
    were you born into slavery
    were you bought and sold like cattle
    were you considered less of a human being,
    were you torn away from your family and sold off to another plantation.
    were you whipped with a bull whip
    were you branded as being the property of someone
    were you raped by the slave master and had no control over your body
    was the bible and god used to enslave and control you, while you suffered

    Wrong is wrong is wrong, no matter how its spun.

    Talking about other wrongs in history doesn't begin to deal with what is under discussion, its a mere red herring from the events.

    The fact is the Europeans did want to enslave the natives of the Americas but they couldn't handle the labor and died off quickly, that is when they turned to Africans.

    As a graduate in history I would advise you to read some more on the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade before you utter such rubbish out of your mouth.

    As for all your other filth I wouldn't bother to acknowledge that rancorous diatribe.

    Your post was a disgusting piece of garbage. As a black man who was born in a country that had slavery, Guyana, I am surely descended from slaves and find your post an absolute disgrace to decent thinking folks.

    Trying to quantify the suffering of X,Y,Z during slavery is laughable and pathetic at the same time.

    That you try to put a timeline on slavery shows your naivety. Slavery had a legacy, segregation, Jim Crow Laws, lynchings, lack of voting rights, lack of education, rampant discrimination because of skin color.

    Slavery the policy ended in 1865, but its legacy still continues to this day. History is a series of events, not removed from each other. There is a brutal, oppressive, legacy to the system of slavery.

    A black person can always be identified by skin color and judged on that alone by ignorant individuals, such as yourself judging from the contents of that trash you posted, but you are too foolhardy to realize that.

    A man that attempt to rationalize such a system is truly of a disgusting character, no less by comparing it to other systems of slavery, simply stomach churning mindset.

    I leave you with a couple of wonderful images of the not so bad system of slavery blacks endured, yeah they had it so luckily compared to those ancients and Central Americans. smh.






    Last edited: Feb 18, 2011
  12. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I truly believe this individual must be a drunken, alcoholic frustrated with life.

    To sign up to post that drivel. I just had to respond to him about the slavery aspect, the rest I couldn't give 2 shits. Its too much insufferable idiocy.
  13. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    I read just that then realized if I kept reading,my eyes would only be sending my brain more images of bull shit.

    Obviously you know little about slavery to say that...
  14. desreveRsIgnitirW

    desreveRsIgnitirW New Member

    And how did we get from IR online to slavery? Let's try to stay on topic.
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    This was the funniest line from him. "Diminish other people or make the suffering of our "own" group worse."

    The only diminishing I saw was this idiot talking out of his ass, what the hell does Ancient Rome or Israel have to do with the enslavement of Africans and its results of a system of oppression in American history.

    Love the use of our "own" in quotation marks, if this dude is black then I'm a member of the British Royal Family. Who is this joker kidding. :smt018
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    We are being invaded by trolls and people who don't have a basis of being on this forum. We're going through a rough patch here for the time being, when they're gone, the unity within the contributing members of this site becomes stronger.
  17. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    On the original topic, I feel lots of whites are concerned with appearances, how family, friends, even ordinary people in public, etc, will perceive them if they are in an interracial relationship.

    Most would just prefer to simply fall into the comforts of what is to be expected in society.

    You also can't discount the stereotypes and assumptions about blacks via media. Not every black person is an athlete or wannabe rapper, but if you watch the media you would see mostly that representing us.

    I remember in college when I would speak during a presentation for example, teachers would say, "you're very well spoken"

    Ironically they never said these things to white students, it was as though I surprised them as a black man being well spoken. :shock:
  18. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Wow, MF really knows how to incense the masses, doesn't he? ;)
    GQ, your initial post to Sir CrazyPants was amazing. I can't rep you yet, but know that I wanted to! Well done!

    I agree with you on this- many whites are concerned. I've had friends ask me if I feel self-conscious dating BM because of what people probably think. Since I've never cared about what other people thought in that regard, I could care less....but it's telling that my friends would even ask me.

    The part in bold always gets me. My mom is guilty of saying this every time I've dated a BM...'Oh, he's so well spoken!'...what, like that's shocking to you? You think he just rolled in off a turnip truck after having a tongue reattached? Seriously?
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok boys and girls grab a seat because I need to school this dummy. I don't even know where to start. Well first of all when I said there's no such thing as race I explained race to be a social construct which every geneticist agrees on. There's a great documentary on PBS about it you should look it up but if you don't believe me think about this what truly seperates you from another person other than skin tone or hair texture or eye coloring. We all grow at about the same rate develop mentally at the same rate and even seem to follow the same patterns regardless of region. And as many biologists have said before take any two humans like Yao Ming and Mugsy Bogue those two are closer in genetic match than if you were to take two identical fruit flies. And your comment about every region appreciating lighter skinned women because its genetically adventageous is completely false, it definitely has more to do with social convention and to further punch a hole in your logic why are Albinos seen as the height of beauty if lighter skin is so beloved. Secondly why do white people love tanning so much lighter skin is prefered. The only place where I imagine lighter skin is preferable is in tundra like regions where the skin has less chance of receiving sun and lighter skin is better at trapping UV rays opposed to darker skin.

    Now on to your horseshit claims about slavery. Do you know what made American slavery far worst than any other slavery of old? The fact people were taken from their homes to a place thousands of miles away with others who didn't speak their language. And I don't know what history books you read but bw were commonly raped bm were commonly hung and castrated, and one the most dispicable acts of slavery was that slaves were commonly forced to have sex with their mothers to ensure strong slaves that's where the term motherfucker comes from. The Romans could buy their freedom and if they escaped they could blend blacks definitely never held that advantage. Even when they could buy their freedom it was for them to be enslaved by someone else. GQ already covered the history very well I might add but here's one thing I must point out. Being enslaved for cultural differences or religious ideologies can never compare with being enslaved because of race. Your culture and ideology can be changed but your skin tone is obvious and can't be hidden. That in my opinion is what made it far worst.
    Btw don't front we all know you're not black so don't try to assert your fakeass "blackness" to help better your argument no ones buying it buddy.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I've heard it my whole life but my best defense against shit like that is "Oh do I? Is it uncommon for college educated people to speak well?" They always feel dumb after that.

    I do love to upset the masses but as you and all the regulars know I can't let bs go unchecked. And sometimes I love being an asshole lol. Btw 65 down here today holla!

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