and last year around June, they staged a large invasion based on a thread about us, that they now deleted, but was similar to this and this is another example of the same thing from another BW site, these ladies and similar sites share the honor with racist site as giving a damn enough to link and start topics about this forum.....
I know this may sound a wee bit strange, but think we should invite them for some Blue Waffles and Cake Farts?
As long as people behave...and cranberry has behaved fine. On the hater site I like to whine about, they started this same topic, but even if cranberry is a BW or WM, they have not trolled as far as I can see.
Thanks Flaming, for the answer. I find the post about the apparent 'type' of black man and WW targeting each other stupidly ironic, since she seems completely oblivious to the fact that she's seeking to target a 'type' of black male by sexually advertising herself as BIGBUTTJUDI. Oh yeah, smart bitch right there. And there's a reason calloused 'n corned Sally Jupiter can't comprehend or identify with why Black men find WW women's feet beautiful. :smt056
I don't know this cranberry person but blaminghomo has always been a slimy ass cockroach, which is why I talk about him and his hoe ass, crack smoking, dog biscuit eating, methane gas farting momma to my heart's content.
I actually to take a cautious liking to Cranberry. His/Her username does give me the screaming shits sometimes, though.
Look who's talking....everybody's favorite one man minstral It's apparent you inherited your love for white dicks from that duck-butter smellin' tramp you call mom. Now shuffle your crotch watching ass back to racist dick-eyed bitch.
The vapors from your lard rolls must have you drunk...again. He posts those pics for your fat ass..bitch..
You crack me up...again You may not like it, but the opportunity was there to be a smart ass, so I had to take it...bitch... You know if I hadn't mentioned the dick first, you would've most likely mentioned it yourself.
How can I not mention his love for penises?...bitch The sick mofo posts the sickest crap and has the nerve to talk shit...the mofo is certified crazy.
well said, bw like them always want to look for what they only want to see, likes she has it all figured out about bm ww
again, these are the kinda black women who see what they want to see, i actually find it disturbing racist site has topics about this site, i thought they are against IR? theres something very unhealthy about that, they collect ads with bm and ww is, i even came across a topic there where they were listing films with bm and ww in :S
LMAO!!!! As much as you talk about them, you seem as fixated on penises as you accuse him of being. Just saying.....bitch. I like Saty's posts; the pics are hilarious. You may not like them, but no one says you have to. You of all people can't complain about someone talking shit; you're pretty apt at that yourself. I'm also sure some folks would describe you as crazy too...not that it's a bad does make things more entertaining around here.
And to think somebody wanted make your corpulent ass a moderator. Posting pics of dicks in not a fixation in your cholesterol caked mind...but calling him out about it is....
:smt043 Corpulent, huh? Be careful about trying to use the "big" words, someone might get you mixed up with Goodlove, & I know you don't want that. I don't know about anyone actually wanting me to be a moderator; I may be too blunt sometimes to be considered a good candidate. Btw, thanks for clearing up the penis issue. LOL
they only pointed out what I stated and other people stated and someone made a thread named after two people talking about this .