In Online Dating, Blacks More Open to Romancing Whites Than Vice Versa, Study Finds

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by hntr18, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Actually my point was race is imaginary so when you say ww want marry within their own race that also includes bm since we're all human feel me? You'd be more accurate in saying they tend to date people with similar phenotypes that I can agree with.

    And another misnomer is that bm no matter what their profession usually marry bw. Most celebrities ceos and athletes marry bw its just the propoganda machine would have us believe otherwise. For every Kobe there's a at least five Allen Iversons.
  2. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Race is imaginary? How so?

    I stand corrected. I was not aware that black men more often marry black than white when they become successful. Are you sure about that? Hmmm.
  3. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    That was a stupid gentleman because Obama has everything a man needs to govern our country. I love everything about this man. Michelle is very blessed to have him.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yes race as its defined scientifically is attributed to the differences in species. You and I are homosexual sapiens, we are of the same species, the same race. Actually we're closest in genetic match amongst all mammals and for the most part all living things on earth excluding some plants and fish. So what you regard as race based on skin tone eye color and hair texture is in fact a difference in phenotype not race. A lot of capitalist assholes in the past used race as a way to dehumanize blacks so that whites would be ok with treating them like shit. No other group has ever endured slavery this harshly and for as long as the descendants of western Africa.

    As far as successful black men dating and marrying bw we can play a game for every bm you can think of (celebrities of course) that date white women I will inform you of five that date and marry bw. The media and bw love to bring up complete bullshit.
  5. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Not only did a system of race based slavery come into play, along with the dehumanizing of people based on skin color, so as to profit off of them, but even after slavery ended in America the entire system was set up so as to willfully keep blacks economically and socially deprived.

    In Southern states, segregation, no intermarriage, unable to attend white schools, every facet of life was formulated based on one's skin color, then we wonder why America would be so racially scarred.

    The only place I can think of where this ingrained system of keeping a group of people down based on skin color through active policies was apartheid South Africa, the difference is blacks are a majority in South Africa and once apartheid ended they could undertakes steps to eradicate that.

    Many blacks and whites from the Civil Rights era generation are still alive today. Some of the murderous acts committed against blacks have not even been solved to this day.

    Investigation Discovery Network has a series called Justice Files premiering this week that looks into those cases. You know the cases where you would have a black person killed in Natchez, Mississippi and the white man would walk into court and walk out smiling from the courtroom after being acquitted by an all white jury. There are some folks alive today who have blood on their hands and they know it. What a way to die knowing you killed innocent people, smh.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They get to die with a clear conscience because they weren't killing people remember? Smdh
  7. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Barack Obama is bi-racial, Michelle Obama is black. Their kids attend the Sidwell School, which is one of the most prestigious schools within the country and the Washington, DC area. They are very fortunate, but not all of us have the same standard of living as they do.

    You also have to think about the black conservatives such as Clarence Thomas, Alan West, and Michael Steele. We should figure out what kind of women (race) are they married to and what it would represent if they all married white women and have the same IR relationship that this website promotes.

    I'm about to look into it, but I hope they aren't married to WW.
  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member


    True dat.

    One of the cases premiering is of a black man in the 1960's who had his car blown up and he was killed in the explosion, why, because he got a prominent job at a chemical factory. A job that usually went to white males, they didnt' like that he got that job and killed him.

    Like I said a long history of economic repression. When people talk about blacks and education, crime and poverty, these things didn't happen in a vacuum. Its a legacy of a long history of policies that were designed to keep blacks as the least common denominator in society since the end of slavery.

    Yes you have to overcome it, but when you are judged just on your skin color and none of your qualities as a human being is known, no good can come of it.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I seriously contemplate just moving to a very small town so I don't have to think about this horseshit or maybe a small island.
  10. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Whoa, that is very fasinating. Even though I did not know this, I do believe what you're saying to be true because the entire DNA of humanity is found only in the black woman who is scientifically acknowledged as being the first woman or Eve if you will. So in fact, we are as you say the same race. As you said, it was in fact a very harsh and tragic thing that whites did to blacks during slavery. This is why blacks were not allow to look us in the eye. It wasn't ONLY because they wanted to destroy your self esteem, but we knew if you looked into our eyes and we into yours, we would see a human like ourselves and not some ape like being. It was the elitist whites that fuel slavery. It is sad that whites feel they owe no apologies to black for what happened then nor for the horrendous hangings that happen AFTER slavery all the way up to the sixties which was less than just 50 years ago. In my town, Claude Neal was accused of raping and killing a white woman. Though they had no evidence, he was horribly beaten with his testicles removed while he was still alive. Then taken to the dead woman's home where the family was allowed to beat him. Before he was hung, it was annouced in the paper and people came from GA and AL to be there. Shamefully I say this, but white women prepared sandwiches and bought their children along to be entertained at this event. Seeing a black man hang was very entertaining to us here in the south. It is sad that most of us remain unapologetic to this day about that and simply want to act as though it's in the past...just forget it. However, I personally have apologized because even though I personally had no hand in this horrible thing, my race of ancestors did and I am not proud of it. America is what it is today because of men and their women and children. Yet, most of us go on with life as if it never happened and then ridicule blacks for bringing it up when the fact of the matter is, elitist whites are still oppressing blacks today but in different ways. Few blacks realize that social control is a serious priority with elitist whites. It is the elitist whites that control you and that is no lie. I know you don't believe that though and that's the way they want to keep it.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    How do you know I don't believe that?
  12. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Clarence Thomas is married to a WW. I don't know the other guys. Moreover, why do you HOPE they aren't married to a WW???
  13. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Because if blacks believed that, it would not be so easy for the white elitist to continue their system of control so easily unabated. For example, do you know why the number of hangings begin to diminish in the early 1930s? A group of elitist met with a woman named Mary Strang with the idea of getting black women to begin having abortions. They'd realize that far most blacks could be eliminated by killing the babies rather than hanging black men. After all, it was gradually becoming socially unacceptable to commit such horrible acts. Who is Mary Strang? She is the founder of Planned Parenthood. In order to commence the agenda of killing black babies for the purpose of population control she took it to black preachers and they in turn preached it to their black women. Where as blacks were 30% of the population in America and growing, they are now only 12% and this is largely due to the fact that every week over 5,000 black babies are being aborted in America. Black women commit more abortions each year than white women even though we largely out number them in America. I shamefully admit this, but blacks are easily lead and controlled because they are not aware that racist thinking and agendas are stronger than ever...not weaker. There are 4 major ways that white elitist maintain their control and the only way for that to be terminated is for black people as a whole to literally wake up and stand up together at the same time. Sadly, I don't believe that will happen any time soon and white elitist know this.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wow all I can say is wow. That conspiracy bullshit holds no water. Blacks are easily controlled? How about everyone who isn't in the top 1%. You sound so suspect to me.
  15. veema

    veema Member

    I think you meant Margaret Sanger? Can you tell me where you got this information?
  16. veema

    veema Member

    It will all come out in the wash.
  17. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Oh well...I told you, you wouldn't believe it. It took a very dear friend to show me too. When he first presented this, I was offended and thought he was being hateful toward me because I was white. But I begin to do my own research about my own race of people and realized some horrible things about their organizations (such as the illuminati, CIA,etc.) with their dark agendas. They are unseen but their presence is just as powerful as it was during the days of slavery. I could share the other 3 ways that blacks are being contolled and oppressed by systems set in place by elitist whites. But if you are suspicion of this already, then why should I share. This is why their agenda are not challenged because by an large "they don't exist". Because they don't exist, how will blacks resist their oppressive agenda? So there you have it. I know it's hard to believe that a group of people could be so hateful with such wicked agendas...but that doesn't mean that they don't exist nor continue to this day. You will never read about them in the news paper or seen them on TV...never. Yet they are the most powerful group in America...not the President nor Congress. Believe it or not.

    It was easy for Planned Parenthood to accomplish what they've accomplished and they have since established themselves in Africa also. Most blacks NOR whites are even aware that Planned Parenthood was initially called "The Negro Project" in 1939.

    Also, it was easy for a group of chosen white men, "The Commission" to come together the purpose of placing an alarming number of blacks in prison after crime had dramatically dropped. Most people (white or black) have never even heard of them. This may sound suspect to you but nonetheless...that is only touching the surface of their dark agendas.
  18. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Yes, that's who I am talking about. Here is a good link for her...
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Here's the problem with conspiracy theories. It would require too many people to keep their mouth shut for this shit to be like how you described. People are naturally self destructive you don't need to conspire agaisnt them for you to get rid of them just sit back and watch the fireworks.
  20. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Ok...but remember in order a thing or people to self destruct there must a mechanism in place for ignition. Let's get back on the topic of this thread.Besides, the agenda of Planned Parenthood is no theory and neither is the Commission. It a theory to you because you are ignorant of it. And this is why they are able to thrive and not by challenged by blacks or whites for that matter. But then whites are not the ones being oppressed in this manner either.

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