Your enemy is already in power...has been since day one. Obama is not in power...nor has any president ever's merely a ceremonial office. Wall Street is where the REAL power is...Washington is just a flea circus.
uh huh get back to me when you have evidence and don't give me the "go look for it yourself it is all around" stuff. Just another way of saying I have no proof.
Yes....I was part of Operation Bright Star in 1989 with the U.S. ARMY attached with the 24th Infantry Division from Ft. Benning, Ga. I have been to Cairo, Giza and the Sinai Penisula where ground exercises were held. Egypt is a muslim nation just like the other Arab/Persian nations in that region. They all treat women as 3rd class citizens. The men in that part of the world treat their dogs and horses better than their mothers, wives and daughters.
physically, she will hopefully recover - the emotional & psychological recovery may never be 100%, but I hope & pray she will be able, at some point, to successfully move past it & find inner many parts of the world, irregardless of religion, american women tend to all be viewed as nothing better than prostitutes; this perception in no way excuses what happened
Logan is South African and I should clarify something with regard to the potential category of her sexual assault. For the time being, it is being referred to as an assault which can mean violent groping and not sexual penetration. I know that it's hard to look for a silver lining in this type of situation, but if I were to be violated sexually I'd pick groping over forcible penetration. The details of Logan's attack largely remains a mystery, however.
That was 1989 . . . 22 years ago. I have met people from there. I never saw any of the men treat women like that.
She is a very good reporter. I am sure she knew the risks though, and weighed them against getting the story.
There is also the added part of them thinking she was a jewish. What's the closes country with jewish people to egypt again?
Meeting people from there on U.S. Soil is different than seeing them in their own country. It is similiar to how American's act when they visit other countries, they do not act like how they would when on U.S. Soil.
?????? You must be joking. Just because you have not met people like that doesn't mean what BB say is not true. Its a well known fact. Of course there is exceptions - many Muslims here are partly secularized and not staunch believers... Honor murders of Muslim women in Europe is a fairly huge problem. I bet it occurs here as well. Imagine that Muslim men do that to their own daughters and sisters while they left their home country sometimes decades ago - then translate that to Muslim men living in their own country. Women can not divorce their men but the men can divorce their wives and if they do, the women usually end up homeless w no income. Women get killed if the commit adultery, men dont, women that have been raped also run the risk of getting blamed for it and are punished for it. Female circumcision, something so completely brutal...I can go on and on. C'mon, you should know this... its a well know fact.
I pointed out a friend of mines who was an egyptian(he is young like me so less tradition) and did not treat women as third class. This was the problem with the generalization. You may want to reanalyze the comment: They all treat women as 3rd class citizens. There was no exceptions! he even went as far to put in all. I, however, did not mention that it does not happen. I think you misinterpreted my comments. lol
I didnt take his "all" literally, are we back at the "not all" saga again??? Besides, you mentioned Muslims you met here - they cant really -generally -be compared to Muslims in Muslims countries - generally... in these countries men is following the Islam laws and rules, which clearly put women below men... its imprinted in the religion and many of these countries have had no real progress in terms of that at all. The 1982 compared to today is no difference, comparing today to 100 years ago, is no difference either. Many Muslims that dont believe in this system escape.. and also, your Egyptian friends might be Christians, Christians Egyptians try to leave as they are having a hard time there (and other Muslim countries).
How do you know he didn't mean all? He took the time to type all, right? You can't just assume. :smt017 Are we going to this point where we get to choose what they literally and not literally mean instead of the actual info? Because that is going to be real hard to do.
This was on tonight on NBC Nightly News........... Women find A Place in Egypt Revolution