This cocksucker is BLIND. Mexicans are not getting any hate.,,what they are getting is: Catch and release programs Sanctuary cities Birth-right citizenship Home ownership business ownership In-state college tuition A complicent media that ONLY describes them as hard workers. NONE of that would be afforded to them if Mexico were a Black a matter of fact... Uncle Sam broke his own laws to keep us he's breaking his own laws to let illegals in. BIG DIFFERENCE. If mexico were Black...There would be no illegal immigration problem at all...because the border would be sealed. Do you REALLY think White America would allow illegal immigration to get this out of hand if they were Black??? C'mon now bitch-ass dude.
I'm sorry, "Cranberry" is reading to me like a white male writing as a black female. Which is pretty much the same thing when you think about it. This very topic smacks of blacks going back to the plantation to me, a white man's dream in 2011. Too eager to say blacks fought for civil rights for EVERYONE (no, EVERYONE weren't getting lynched, burned out of their homes, victimized, jailed, assassinated), too willing to give Mexicans a pass. Overall, minimizing black efforts and sacrifices, which is what many white men have done and continue to do. Something about you isn't right "Cranberry."
Real talk he just sounds like the child of immigrants like me. The concept of race is lost on someone where you're from a country where you're the majority. For most my AA friends they were "warned" about white people their whole lives. For me racism was such a thing of the past until I went to college and studies political science and learned how shitty things have been for us historically as well as currently. Cranberry just sounds like someone who hasn't fully learned how racist racists can be yet. And far as the fight for equality in this country blacks are the fucking messiahs and should be treated as such by other minorities but unfortunately we all get grouped in with thugs and low lives.
No I think Cranberry just took your immigrant story and made it his/hers to sound more credible. And we are looked at as thugs and low lives because that is how we act and allow ourselves to be portrayed. Rap culture is the #1 delivery system for these stereotypes but when people like Cosby sound the alarm, negroes wanna throw rocks at Dr. Huxtable while "thinkers" like Cornel West pimp the system to get paid instead of being a true intellectual and calling out the Matrix for what it is. I'm just a font on a message board and can see the shit, why can't Mr. College Professor and his ilk?
Good deal Since the beginning of time, the winner of conflicts ALWAYS gets to tell the story. Thats why by and large, we view Native Americans like small patches of villagers who lost most of the battles and later 'blended' into American society. And why black struggle is projected like slavery, later followed by a few years of marching, racist water fountains and a fight or two in front of Woolworths in the 60s. You'd be surprised just how few people in this country know their history. You gotta dig up the info yourself. Nobody's going to give it to you.
You know what's wrong with this whole statement is rap is fucking entertainment whites are never held to the standards of their entertainment personas. No one ever expected Stallone to go around knocking people out like he did in Rocky or shoot shit up like he did in Rambo. Granted I think rap as a whole has lost its way since it became commercial but I'm so sick and tired of teenagers and young kids being representative of all bm. I'm educated and hardworking as are all the bm I know with no exception yeah we were younger we wore baggy clothes and rocked diamond Jesus pieces but we dressed and acted like youth culture. No elses is being judged as a whole by the actions of their youths so why should be accept that shit? Being a bm is associated with poor language skills poor articulation and a hot headed nature all traits of uncumbered youth. I reject that horseshit as should you fam.
I thought this thread was about migration of blacks back into the South? You let blaminghomo's ball sniffing and bile spewing ass turn it into a debate about illegal immigration. ___ Anyway Chicago lost 200,000 people between 2000-2010, many of them black with a percentage moving to Southern states. The black population in L.A. is declining as well, but what typically happens is that they move to nearby suburbs. The real estate is generally cheaper and some are attracted to the cultural life.
One of the reasons for that is, whites have a much wider array of positive representation of themselves in the media. While blacks still deal with and sometimes embrace the stereotypes of the past. Its not ALL filled with garbage but the balance is out of whack. Violence in the media is not all the same. The "hero" has a much more positive impact that the villain. Black children watch this stuff and use it to form their identity. Especially when fiction resembles reality to these children.
Rap apologists always trot out that line and I say when white people leave the theater shooting up the neighborhood thinking they're Rambo or Terminator it will be time to have that discussion. But N-words definitely think they Fiddy or Tupac and the ghetto got the bulletholes to prove it. Only in black theaters are there metal detectors, NUFF SAID It's not just youth we are being judged by, grown men don't exactly set the best example. There are 40 year olds with pants hanging off their ass and teaching their kids to do the same. Saw the shit on Dr. Phil and couldn't believe it Plus there is no money or sensationalism in good blacks being portrayed as such. Doesn't matter what you or I accept or reject, the stereotype is out there. All we can do is not fall into the traps they've set for us.
Ok but even when they play villains they aren't held accountable for it. People understand its just entertainment. And trust me I blame blacks for never speaking out against but part of me also feels we shouldn't have to.
Black kids potraying thug culture has more to do with the drugs in their area than the rap music. I'm talking about the ones who emulate that pants sagging culture, in the burbs its more about kids whose parents worked hard trying to find an identity sine the hard working high achieving black family is rarely potrayed that one I'll give you. I'm just at a point where I see us being potrayed a certain way and I can't stand how no one calls it what it is. White kids watch the Matrix and shoot up schools but they aren't all looked at that way. Its just old at this point.