Exactly :smt038... I've always wanted to watch "Birth of a Nation"... Ive seen clips of it, but Ive never seen the whole thing.
LOL, what's new about those racist pinheads, that was like the gospel for bigots when it was released way, way, way back in time. How about the Birth of a Nation include those Indians that were practically wiped out with Westward expansion or the blacks that never asked to come here in shackles and chains and sold for merely the profit of capitalist swines, in a system where a deliberate policy was set in motion to enslave people based on their skin color and consider them not human to ameliorate its very existence.
Wow, this guy is evil. I bet that just like Ted Bundy, Scott Petersen and Richard Ramirez, he is going to have a ton of stupid gullible female penpals while in prison.
I'd say they were more than stupid and gullible, those kind of women are just as sick as he is. I think when you have commited a crime such as this, you should be on a total lock down, airey fairy penpals taken of the list of privaleges.
guys, it's "terrorism" only when white people are the victims and not actually involved in commiting the crime.. Sad but true.. I haven't once seen anyone call the Shooting rampage in Arizona "terrorism"..hmmm wonder why?
I found a link to it, on google video.... I'll probably check it out tonight or something. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5639233838609252948#
That man is a lunatic My friend actually use to go to school with him, he sort of knew that he was a little off in the head. But this was so unexpected.
Yet another story demonstrating why mental health facilities and treatment need to become a priority in the US.
I'll do you one better as recent as February of 2010 a man flew his plane into an IRS building leaving a note about how he was so disillusioned about the US government and couldn't stand how it treated its people. This was suppose to be his one final act sparking a revolution but it barely got any coverage because everyone was more concerned about the whole Tiger Woods thing. If he were darker whole new ball game.
I saw "Birth of a Nation"- matter of fact, I own it. I love silent films and I own quite a few of the 'canon' as it were. Anyway, the whole purpose of it was to paint the KKK in a positive light. It was based on a book called "The Clansmen"...which, if I remember correctly, was a marvelous piece of propaganda designed to recruit members into their ranks (and it worked). It is even more shocking to us now because they even went so far as to have white actors portray BM in blackface and then they were acting like animals- lust filled, WW wanting, less than human- animals. SMH It is telling that that particular film made more money than any silent film in its day and that KKK membership was at an all time high. Truly disgusting, and yet riveting. I really think everyone needs to see this film, but unfortunately the silent films get a bad rap. I remember this, MF...and you're right. I had a major issue with the fact that the shooting in Tuscon wasn't described as it was- domestic terrorism. People can't stand the idea that a white person who was born in this country might be a terrorist. Instead, he's a troubled young man, right? Whatever. Call a spade a spade already.
Interesting DB, I have never seen Birth of a Nation myself even though I study history. I have heard about it on several occasions and thought of it as you highlighted as pure propaganda in that day and age from what I had gathered about its contents. You have all these trigger happy, gun toting wingnuts running around in places like Idaho with their little military camps in the middle of God knows where, thinking they are being wronged by someone and are training for a future domestic conflict. W.T.F. I guess those things give meaning to their lives. I prefer to make love and live my life to the fullest.
You should definitely watch it, GQ. It is such an interesting piece of history. Those early silent films in particular really show an interesting aspect of the human psyche in those times- it wasn't until later that they learned to make 'movies' instead of what an old professor of mine called 'docu-movies'. We got really clear views of how people felt. Nothing like Birth of a Nation has been made before or since- and it never will - but more people need to see it, because reflecting on it now, you could replace the BM in that film with Middle Eastern men and it wouldn't be too far off from the way people are trying to paint them- especially on the far right. I have no patience for right-wing crazy people. The fact that some people actually believe that it's their duty to right the wrongs they imagine are inflicted on the American is truly terrifying to me.
I say let them prepare in the woods. I applaud groups like that because they're preparing for a possible government tyranny. Their only problem and tea party members alike is that they come off as very racist.
Calling a spade a spade is RACIST lol I'm just hoping more people are as aware as the people on this forum because its annoying to think that no one else thinks this way that everyone truly believes that all the "darkies" are out to get everyone.