UK Woman Puts Halle On Blast Over Mixed Daughter!

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by nobledruali, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You do have a point as far as Halle goes. After all, she did put her business out there. But my point wasn't as much about her as it was the topic being discussed. Just like the woman's thinking about the "mixed race" label...I don't get it or necessarily agree with it, but that's her choice so I wouldn't be judging her for it just because I do it differently.

    Halle calling her daughter black isn't really the issue. What's disturbing is her reason for it; I think it's a tactic to gain sympathy & support. She's not trying to be pro-black; she's trying to be anti-non-black baby daddy.

    I agree with you about spanking. I spanked my son & I got my share growing up & it definitely made a positive difference. Of course I don't have any issue with parents who do it differently, so I think they shouldn't have any issue with me.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That we can agree on my friend
  3. naija4real

    naija4real New Member

    Race is a spectrum of colour that has many shades... if the term race must be used, then the categories ought to reflect the nuances of the heritage, just like the woman said that makes up these categories.

    What becomes interesting though, in many cases , and where there is no existence or foreknowledge of one's historical genetic legacy, or lineage then identities inhabited without any firm basis are arbitrary identities that muddle the meanings and resolutions that categories seek to clarify. This muddles the waters.

    Racial categories like black and white are simplistic. They conform with how quickly we want to make sense of the world, in 'black and white,' 'right and wrong,' 'good and bad,' 'clean and dirty.' In all these categories, the middle is extinguished and the nuances of life are eviscerated. This is the crux and anomaly in racial classification, the denial that comes with it.

    Halle Berry lives in the province of denial at the moment. If he child, the baby that she seeks to stick a term on, moves to Brazil ( I hear) becomes white. In Nigeria, which has a firmer basis, I think, on these classifications, she becomes 'Oyinbo pepper,' a loose term used to categorize lighter skin folks.

    I have never being one to subscribe to the sort of thinking that encourages the individuality of choice in the naming of someone. The idea that you make choices on what you want to be called because before you came into the world there was an existing social order and when you are welcomed, your identity and labels derive from that social order.

    Now social orders could have been organized and recognized on narrow and malicious constructs, or on racialism. These constructs, methinks should be the burden of modern times to deconstruct. Halle's daughter is not black, period. And there, you have it!
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Your children are Black and Japanese...they are bi-racial..

    Your children's mother can't say..

    "My children are japanese"

    That's as silly as you saying..

    "My half japanese children are Black"
  5. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    My brother lives in Japan...has three children.........his children are Japanese.

    And you attempted to put that bullshit ass line as something I said....I've told you countless times boy, you aren't nearly smart enough to speak for me, yet you continue to try.

    To you, to Halley, to the chick that was in this article. What someone else attempts to characterize my children as is irrelevant. My children are black. My grandfather is Irish.. (Born and raised in Ireland) should I now walk around this bitch talking about "I'm bi-racial"

    fuck out of here.
  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    You need better heros brutha.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Going against the status qup and standing up for what you believe in is heroic to me. I'm not like you and I don't have biracial kids but I think there is something to be said for someone who stands up for anothers right to be their entire entire self and not have to choose. I can only imagine what its like to be of two cultures and being told I can only choose one to identify with. White people don't carry that burden. If they're Welsh and Spanish they get to claim both but being considered black you're not allowed very much culture. Do you know insulting it is to me as a first generation born Jamaican to be considered African American. Not because I think I'm better than anyone but the fact that there's this idea that my culture doesn't count is annoying.
    I know to you your kids are Japanese and Black but here in the US socially they'd be forced to choose a side and that's just not right.
  8. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    She's no hero, she's a publicity hound. She's not standing up for herself, she's standing up for someone else's child. A situation that has NOTHING to do with her. That's not heroic. Its like the women that came forward after having fucked Tiger Woods. People called them "HEROIC"

    It seems the standard for hero is low as hell.

    Here is the thing, and you aren't going to like it. Jamaican, as an American "African-American"
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Oh I know you're right but it is total bullshit. Seems like everyone can claim their culture and heritage except blacks. If you're of Japanese decent you can be Japanese American not Asian American. Hispanics can be Puerto Ricans and Mexicans and whatever else they aren't Latin American but when it comes to black people we aren't allowed culture outside of greasy fried food and thug culture. Its horseshit.
  10. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  11. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  12. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    LOL that pic jokes, gotta use that :wink:
  13. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    We had a similar thread here awhile ago and most people that had Mixed children were certainly falling on the side of the Mixed child rather than just Black.

    I personally see my Kids as Mixed and wouldn't be happy with there Father claiming sole ownership.

    My kids are Mixed, they are an equal share of both of us and I like that fact to be recognised because its the truth. :D

    This is just a highlight of the American and British differences, I don't care what Halle Berry does with her kids, if she wants to give her an Identity confusion she can go ahead.
  14. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    You see thats the thing, in the states the majority of people are mixed racially and ethnically.... So to say that the only way a person can be considered mixed is if both parents be are of different "races" adds to the confusion. Most southern whites (Ive read 1 third of white americans have black blood) have African ancestry to some degree and/or Native American ancestry. The majority of African Americans are mixed racially (ethnically too) too yet we only get classified as black because of the One Drop Rule. People can complain all they want to about the one drop rule, but it has had some positive affects for the African American community, such as it gives us a sense of unity politically (its a superficial sense of unity, but still it is some form of unity)...

    In the US, it doesnt matter if you're a redbone (someone like me), high yellow, midnight, etc etc. we are considered black. Go to places like Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Brazil etc. and see how much "unity" the afro descended folks (By afro descended folks Im talking about the ones who look black some what phenotype wise) have there.... They dont have near as much "unity" as us because they basically had a reverse one drop rule. Down there one drop of anything non black can make you mixed, no matter how dark you may be. So that guy that redbone brazilian that we would classify as black here, call himself cafe con leche, or that dominican that we would normally classify as black calls himself indio oscuro. The umbrella term "black" brought us together to some extent and the multiple classifications in Latin America kind of had the opposite effect to some extent.

    Race in the Americas is completely fucked and there is no way it will ever get back on track. Confusion will always be here when it comes down to being mixed. I cant tell you how many times Ive heard a black person admit they have a white ancestor or a native ancestor, yet when you ask them what do you consider yourself, they say black... Or how many times Ive heard a white friend claim he/she has a native ancestor, yet when you ask them what do you call yourself, they say white. That makes no logical sense whatsoever. How can you admit you have some other admixture, yet only pick one.

    Race in the Americas would need to be completely rewritten if you would like to see any progress. To say this kid is mixed, because they have parents of different phenotypes can be very misleading. That "white" parent might really be triracial and that "black" parent might also be triracial... But because they dont look racially ambigous the relationship gets called interracial, when in fact they are of the same "race" just of different percentages.

    As soon as you add some other blood to the equation the outcome becomes unknown. Thats why you have "white" people who have kids that turn out some what black looking, or "black" people who have kids that come out looking damn near white.

    What makes this even more confusing is the fact, that if you look far enough back in your ancestry you're going to find someone of a different "race"... So technically we are all mixed, it might not be recent admixture but still its admixture nonethless. To say it has to be recent admixture to be classified as mix is bs and to say that a person of recent admixture cant classify themselves as being of one "race" or another is bs....

    My point is "race" in general is fucked up and it will more than likely never get taken care of in a way that makes it not confusing or contradict itself.
  15. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    well said, can tell the differences between the us and uk, it certainly can create an idenetity confusion pulling the child back and forth, suprising how many mixed people get seen as mixed and not just black, people put this force on like mixed race people always get seen as black, its almost like it offends some people that they dont only get seen as black
  16. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  17. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    This was a bit long for me, like being a spectator in a room that has a man arguing with himself.

    Whatever side you come out on, I'm convinced my way is the right way:smt080
    But over here Mixed is just accepted, no one is gonna be asking you the in's and out's of a Ducks arse about it.
    No one expects you to declare yourself black because of the one drop rule, no one is expecting you to declare or Identify with anything TBH.

    If my Kids started running around saying they were black, fine, that's fine.

    Although I'd probably be a bit hurt that they were unintentionally hiding my part of there parentage.
  18. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Be careful when some American's assert racial classification history or law in this country (me included, check for yourself). Most don't know what they are talking about and mention social customs as being actual laws. Which for all intents and purposes they are, and it does provide an interesting perspective, but not the actual history, which should entail statutory law, customary law, in the south especially "color of law", customs outside of the courts and so on...

    The ODR is just an extreme form of Hypodescent which should not be confused with blood fractionalism which constituted most of the laws around racial classification.

    Hypodescent: In societies that regard some races of people as dominant or superior and others as subordinate or inferior, hypodescent is the automatic assignment of children of a mixed union or mating between members of different socioeconomic groups or ethnic groups to the group that is considered subordinate or inferior.

    I'm sure you know or have an inkling to why Hypodescent exists in this country, but the rule to there being only one drop (any African Ancestry) was the most recent of these laws that shows up in the early 20th century (maybe due to the popularity of Eugenics) and lasts to the 60's. Previously, each state had separate laws, so those with less than 1/8 or 1/16 African ancestry might be considered White, unknowingly, and some consciously passing as such, which explains why many White Americans have recent African ancestry. What makes the ODR hilarious as law, is that by 1910 most Whites thought or wanted to believe they were purely White, the courts a century early were under no such delusion since they knew, especially in smaller districts, where everyone came from.

    The US Census, since 1960, is the only part of government that recognizes race as being a matter of self identification, likewise most modern birth certificates do not list race. The video below is a good explanation on the current and ever changing legal classification of race in the US... and yes as Kush states, it's fucked to say the least.

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2011
  19. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Great post. I agree with her. I think it's truly a disservice to your child to not teach them pride in all of whom they are. The right to belong to more than one race was not something to be taken away in the first place and surely should not be supported today. Passing as black ain't no better than passing as white. If your both, your both. love both, have pride in both. How is society to ever fix the damage that has been done in refusing to see someone as more than one race if we continue to follow such stupidly.
  20. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    I don't really see this today. The past def. Specifically talking about the black/white mixture you have some biracials identifying black and then you have some identify mixed. From what I see white folks don't usually care one way or the other. They normally don't say anything and often will refer to them however they refer to themselves. But what I do see is right now today biracial folks identifying as biracial are getting heavy backlash from alot of black folks. Which is absolutely crazy. Why would someone get so upset just b/c someone else identifies with their ACTUAL race?

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