Anyone else refuse to date?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by socalgirl, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I'll say this again...

    YOU are SO lucky that you live eight hours away.


    ***Italian rage***

  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, I wouldn't imagine that. Here's a little something from me to you.

  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Woman your softer than puppy shit let's be real (ducking again lol)
  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member and I are like brothers, fam...but when it comes to Dreaming_Blue...I'll fight tooth and nail with you for her love.
  5. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    You think so, do you? ;)
  6. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You can have her love I just want her body lol
  8. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I am not your plaything! lol

    Well, not that I'd mind that...but I'm NOT! lol
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    He retracted and insisted that we handle a three way. He's arguing that he gets the backdoor.
  10. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Who said I said it means that interracial relationship are accepted out right? Huh? What? I said, and am saying that bmww relationships are more accepted than wbbm relationships. Period......and I used black culture and pop culture as an example.

    You first come back with questions about my personal experience. That didn't work, thought you brought it up twice...

    Then you came with some mind numbing drivel about my time over seas.

    ...and now OJ.

    ...seriously? OJ??

    ...Roman Polanski? Is dude black?

    ...and one bum fuck court case. Of course there are still issue with interracial relations, no one (at least no I) suggested anything otherwsise. But then that wasn't the question was it. wasn't

    ...and then to cap it all of you say I "lack some sense of knowledge" while 100% true you seem to be all over the place, desperate reaching for something...........anything. Its just not working for you dude. On this issue, if you want to stand up as a pillar of intellectual superiority you are going to need to provide more than the ad hocs quibs you have responded with thus far. Far from from intellectual royalty your've proven yourself just as much of a peasant as I. In fact we have both used the same "type of "argument.

    note to self: This mutha fukka snapped in a circle and say "try again" have no idea how funny you are.

    I know you are trying to impress me with your word-fu, black belt in the English lexicon. But at least big dog, I am going to at least need for you to look up the word you use unfounded. google that joint. In ain't proved shit, or provided any basis for what you presented other than that bullshit I've alreayd pointed out. typed "try again" so at least I know you read your own words.

    ...more to point, the black culture has always been more accepted of counter cultural norms. Always open to different races, groups. Which is why I used black culture. Our culture. through out our history we have always been more accepting of black men with white women. We have had black leaders with white white wives, the community is a whole. Again, a black man with a white woman is more accepting to not only black culture, but American culture as a whole..... WHEN COMPARED TO a black woman and a white man. if the ONLY thing you have to offer as rebuttal if OJ and Roman Polanski....

    (seriously OJ....he was accepted until he killed his wife)

    ...ha ha ha...well, hell

    try again.
  11. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Sad, but it's true. That's why there are people who are afraid of the diversification of this country. White men/women would never have the majority (above 50% of the population). Ultimately, in the future, this will act as an "interracial stimulus" and create an explosion of interracial dating, of all types. The conservatives and people who want to maintain white pride and white heritage are the ones who are trying to find a way to halt this process. For the sake of our own good, this diversification has got to keep happening across America. Immigration reform can help accelerate that process so things happen in our favor in an even shorter period of time.
  12. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    OK...after that I think I need to change my name to Dreaming_Black. LOL

    You guys are hilarious. Seriously. ;)
  13. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    People are mostly afraid diversity because it is something new. Its unknown and foreign. It has less to do with "white pride" and more to do with ignorance. And with each generation this fear gets less and less.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Um no thats just gross.... yeah
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I thought you were doing that already duh lol
  16. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Ah, ya can't take it seriously. I didn't (as you could see from my All in good fun.

  17. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    LOL I dunno, you were gonna revoke my WWBM card the other night, weren't you? lol
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Very true. Careful fellas she hangs with the enemy lol
  19. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Aww, that hurts. lol
  20. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    This is where we are currently heading towards. I'm just hoping that some politician doesn't create a ridiculous bill in Congress to deport minorities out of this country or restrict them all to a certain region of the United States.

    In my opinion, at some point in this decade (2010-2020), multiculturalism is something that will climax in America, then level it's self off afterwards with the people who are "ignorant" about interracial dating waving a white flag and calling it a truce.

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