Beautiful young couple !.......Her parents must be enjoying great mental peace knowing that there is too much money and too much quality adult counseling around to safety net against any youthful mistakes........
This MTO broad below sounds like she's from 1973: Lmao@Poor man's Olsen Twin! Thats exactly what these sambo, ofay honky---obsessed negroids believe is such a prize. You should see them in the Mario from yesterday bashing black women over a few peanut t*it, bad-bodied, soda can shaped, spic broads. Toms sure love these broke-down, busted looking white bitches.
classic !!!!!! Im not surprised at all. They are taking our men. My response: I didnt see property of black women only on my arm and chest. she is fine as hell. If you have to ask how they had a baby then I guess I need to tell you about the birds and the bees. I dont know what she is mix with but I got a few love ingredients to put in her myself. LOL !!!! yeah that is what is off about him....he aint gangster.
Which only makes them even more unattractive on top of everything else. Any woman that starts talking like that is not the type of individual you would want to be around for any reason.
its funny the insecurity and damage control a black guy with a white women can cause to some people, its like a punch to the gut, she complains about "bashing" yet what does she think shes doing saying all that :smt018 and its women like her who only complain when a black guy is with a white woman, before she had shit to say
These are usually the same types that lay claim to being strong, independent queens that don't need a man. So they have what they always stated they were, enjoy life that way, why be all over the nuts of a black man doing his things with his life. Not like he is checking for you anyway.
ROFL, yeah I caught that hypocrisy and stupidity at its finest. I mentioned before that some of these women are so ignorant they don't even see past their nose and how they sound when speaking in such foolish overtones.
Yeah, as opposed to loving bitter, man-hating, jealous, miserable, want to blame their problems on everyone one else, broke-down, busted looking non-white bitches. smdh
:smt043:smt043:smt043 They'd be singing that song from West Side Story: I feel pretty Oh so pretty I feel pretty and witty and gay And I pity Any girl who isn't me today