France and the banning of the Burqua/Nijab

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by chocolatecream4u, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Of course some muslim countries are not open and tolerant, like Saudi Arabia, where laws are in place to keep women as second class citizens. But I can only speak about the african countries and african Muslims who are tolerant.
  2. Tortilla

    Tortilla New Member

    exactly Africans are nice people in general! Asians is different story
  3. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Well Im not into Asian men so I dont know. Buit African muslim men are cool and are popular with French women. A lot of our former colonies are muslim. I just think that as a country we should be able to accommodate their beliefs.
  4. Tortilla

    Tortilla New Member

  5. chocolatecream4u

    chocolatecream4u Well-Known Member

    Neither am i a fool,salesman,pimp,nor peedler,the religion is not for sale it's open to all of mankind,neither am i trying to push it upon you,or anyone else,just making it plain and simple all Muslims are not bad people,terrorist, the Islamic world a person that is unwilling to hear the goodness of the religion and understand that the religion is infected by extremist / bad Muslims is called a " AL-KAFIR" that is one that would be the fool,and this is where it leaves my black ass...

    I do not worship what you worship
    And you will not be worshipers of what i worship
    Nor will i be a worshipper of what you worship.
    Nor will you be a worshipper of what i worship.

    and...the only question was Did France ban the Burqua for security purposes or was it racist....Damn!

  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Muslims should be treated the same way they treat crap.
  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I love how a fake pic chick and a troll with multiple screen names can agree on religion
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    If France banned the Burka because of racism or's their shot to call and I support their decision.

    Like i said in another post:

    Muslims want equality in the US (and France).....but they do not give equality to others when they are in the majority.
  9. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Not a huge fan of Islam (or Christianity) but personally I thought the ban came off as kind of racist. To me the arguments for it weren't really based on logic as much as they were fear mongering and stereotyping. It didn't even really seem like a safety issue as much as a comfort issue. When Westerners (I am one) see a Burqa it brings all types of fears and negative stereotypes to mind. To me the entire "safety" argument just came off as a convenient scapegoat.

    As far as many are concerned it's one thing hearing about Muslim extremists in the news and reading about them on the internet. But when you see that figure covered from head to toe in black walking down the street suddenly Islam is screaming in your face and that's what bothers people.

    I also don't like this argument of "Well we can't do X in their countries, so they can't do Y in our countries". Seems like a childish/petty mentality to me. What you have to sink down to their level to make a point?? People will wax idiotic about Western values of tolerance and religious freedom one minute and turn around and piss all over them them the next when it's convenient or they have to deal with someone whose values they don't agree with. Which is another reason when I see Europeans, Canadians, Australians, or Americans getting into pissing contests over who is the "most tolerant" I roll my eyes.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2011
  10. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

  11. Cranberry

    Cranberry New Member

  12. Cranberry

    Cranberry New Member

    I knew it. You support racism and you admit it right here. Remember now, today it's the Muslims they're coming after, tomorrow it could be you. Don't forget that African(BLACK!) immigrants routinely get discriminated against in Europe and white nationalists want them sent back to their countries of origins right along with Muslims. So if your Black ass showed up you would be looked at the same as the Muslims and they would be shouting for you to go back to Africa.
  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Hahaha...I'm not surprised you didn't highlight this part of my post:

    "Muslims want equality in the US (and France).....but they do not give equality to others when they are in the majority."

    Your Black ass can't touch that.

    Well I guess You support muslim "racism"...because as you know..they require you follow their laws/rules.

    Why don't you muslims speak out against the RACISM muslims dish out??

    Not a peep about Darfur..

    Didn't say shit about Qadaffi's recent racist comments.

    Quiet as roaches about SLAVERY in MANY muslim countries.

    Silent about the treament of workers in Dubia..Abu Dhabi.


    Ya'll don't even speak out about RAMPANT child sex abuse like Bacha Bazi.


    Soon as some homely arrogant bitch is told she can't dress like a ghoul in's:


    Funny how you find the nerve to speak out about French racism and not a damn thing about Muslim racism...hmmm
  14. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    It's weird how you pair "France" and "Muslim" because one is a country and the other associated with a religion, Islam, that spans many many many different countries. So it's kind of strange how you associate them as if they are similar entities.

    I can't be bothered reading the rest of the posts, you still don't get that your own freedom is protected in your country by the right to afford it to others.

    You are comparing countries as if freedom is a zero sum game. It doesn't work like that.

    Meh, all this ignorance makes my eyes fall out with boredom. I weep for the world sometimes.

    Sex abuse, treatment of migrant workers and all the other atrocities that you name are fine. But they aren't isolated to one country, nor one religion.

    IF you are so worried about those things do something useful about it. Before you call me hypocritical I do it every damn day in my job, one case at a time.

    Much better than just wringing your hands and spouting hate. Funny thing is you talk to and pass Muslims on the street all the time that don't fit your stereotype, without even realising it.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  15. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Weird how you label France as racist for banning the Burka but not those A-rab countries for forcing non-muslim women into them.

    Now that's some weird shit.

    I'm not affording any freedom to a mofo that will deny mine in a heartbeat.

    "Muslims want equality in the US (and France).....but they do not give equality to others when they are in the majority.":smt039
  16. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    It was the Muslims who were responsible for the slave trade that brought us here.
  17. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You can thank the National Front for all that. Lately, 1/5 of the overall population of France actually support them.
  18. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    See, human rights isn't kids wrestling over toys in a sandbox.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  19. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    Yes, I know the history well enough. But again, if you allow your own country to disband the human rights of others then the whole house of cards falls down.

    A state of democracy with particular legal mechanisms was then very carefully built up over time (not that US law is my specialty).

    All these things require sanctioning by the law and it's not just a matter of clicking ones fingers. You can't talk about disregarding those existing principles because of an emotional argument.

    This then leads to a casual erosion of democracy and other important legal mechanisms that protect society. It's a very slippery slope.

    More broadly, a state should abide by those treaties in international law to which it is a signatory (although many have a history of signing them but not ratifying them into law). This would be opposed to the trick of using the treaty (which is supposed to be reciprocal) to protect their own citizens abroad only.

    The sooner we realise our society and community is global, the better.
  20. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I agree with the above, the disregard for Laws that protect liberty would unerve me, no point shutting the stable door once the horse has bolted and all that.
    But I don't like the fact that there is a double standard involved, I watched Police road wars last night and there were some teenage girls with there hoods up, but one had a hat and a hood( it made me think about this thread)
    she was made to show her face.
    Bear in mind they were doing nothing wrong, they were asked what they were doing sitting on a wall blah blah.

    Would they be able to ask a woman wearing a Burqua to remove her headress?...nope....not without a reason or a big deal being made about it.

    I hate double standards, one rule for one and something else for another.

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