Favorite Rep Comments

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by satyr, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Nico

    Nico Banned

    There are some freaks on this site.
  2. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    I'm rep deprived. Somebody send a few so i can post them here :smt080
  3. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    since it say I cant rep you yet, I guess your rejecting mine.. I take it back.. webbie, kind sir, is there a retract button???

    Here is an anonymous rep I love, even though I still dont know what song it refers to:
    Heres a rep for being a sweetheart. Even though u didnt say thx for the song I dedicated

  4. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    WUUUTTTTTT ???? :shock:
  5. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    http://www.whitewomenblackmen.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15154&highlight=dedication :smt034
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  7. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    lol welcome :smt081
  8. Tirkah

    Tirkah Active Member

    These are all negative reps. All but one were anonymous. Nothing really interesting.

    'wtf? uuuggggghhhh'

    'disapprove of making fun of people with (REMOVED). (ENTIRE SENTENCE REMOVED) Maybe in the future you should try harder to "help it".' This one I admit I deserved. It was due to my ignorance.

    '<>' Very eloquent

    'go play a video game and leave the emoticans alone' But I don't even like video games.

    'For the completely insulting posts, asshole ~' Sensitive beotch can't take a joke.
  9. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    "Spotlight, closet, whatever lol"
    "Green box!"
    "heres a rep just cause youre so awesome"
    "Fuck 'em, Britty!! I think you write beautifully. You're one of the most clear thinkers and eloquent writers on this forum!! And I miss ya 'round these parts"
    "Always like your posts Britty. Take care and keep smiling."
    "Preach it, girl!!! You are on the money with this post. Of course, you usually are. Glad to see you back."
    "Love how open and fair minded you are Britty. Wise beyond your years Sunshine!"
    "Repping you for being the strong, smart, sassy woman that you are. I'm really just proud of you Britty, you're a helluva woman."
    "That's why we love you"
    "You ended the entire thread on the 4th post with that simple response."

    A lot of my other favorites have been buried. :(
  10. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I am so enjoying this thread! Here are some of my recent reps - thanks to you wonderful peeps who send me comments. Although I've never once gotten a sexual rep!:heart::heart:

    "ahhhhh...can finally rep you again...!!! don't think i say it often enough goddess, but i think you're amazing and inspiring and i'm beyond grateful that you're my friend...!!! "

    "Awesome post, Athena. It's a shame that clueless fools like 'removed' will never learn anything. Even as much as his ignorange annoys me, I almost feel sorry for him. Thanks for being so great. "

    "I freakin' love it when people put 'removed' in his place! I'm so damn sick of his negative view towards woman, it's no wonder he hasn't met any good ones! We sniff that bullshit out a mile away and RUN in the other direction lol. Love your work"

    "I still envy u"

    "Hahaha, I am glad my stupidity is mesmerizing you."

    "man i love you woman...!!!! you're the most brilliantly wonderful, beautiful & adorable woman in the world...!!! i love you to bits & must save up to get over to your tropical loveland...!!!xxxxxx"

    "Xmas gift- Two jet Ski's. i see that you love diving and swimming. So i thought this would be a cool gift-"

    "we do love the water don't we? I hope some day arch and I can travel down your way and dive...we could do water pics together then!"

    "Beautiful tootsies Athena. Love the contrast of the sand and bright pink polish!"

    "Your foot is absolutely radiant. Not only should it be photographed, but it should be worshipped.-"

    "Only room for one smart ass here, Doctor."

    "right there with you on achieving new levels of bitchiness Athena. I've been in a kick the dog mood all day, though I would never kick a dog, but your post made me laugh. Thanks!"
  11. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    hahahahahahaha!!! i love it! i want one too! LMAO

    Anyhow.... TARSHI's reps are too recognizable, lol
  12. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    lmao...!!!! what gave them away...??? :p
  13. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    if u ever committed a crime we would spot you after 30 secs lol
  14. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    One of my reps has been posted in this thread.
  15. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Your reps are far too intimate to share :oops:
  16. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Few of my reps posted in here, kinda funny, lol.
  17. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    lucky girl...!!! he's never too intimate with me...!!! :smt089
  18. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    'Situation' had me LMAO! What a polite way to phrase buck ass nekked! I'm still laughing everytime I see it. Thanks for being such an observant man and having such a way with words!

    And that's why I like you. There's nothing wrong with people liking whoever they want, and why that concept eludes so many men on this forum is beyond me. Thank you for being you. Mad respect.

    They're adorable!!

    Btw I think your wife is a very lucky woman!

    you & your wife are lucky to have each other; it's so nice to see a happily married couple likes to still keep it hott.

    You speak the truth and then some!

    Muppet coochie. LMAO! Thanks for the laugh out loud moment.

    woah! you tell him, ra! You make many good points, my friend.

    you had this argument won from the get go. He's a fool.

    you're such a naughty man ...thank you for the *******. now*********so i can **************************

    Edited to protect the not so innocent.
  19. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Yay! Some of my reps showed up in here.

    Yes, Tarshi's reps are very, very obvious. But that's why we love you, girlie!!

    Here are some of my recent reps:

    OHH! I can rep you again!! Did I tell you lately that I love the heck outta you?? You rock and you are so kind and smart and gorgeous!! andf thsank you for your kind rep!! xoxoxox

    thank you for skyping last night and introducing me to your dog :)

    Thanks for welcoming me back!

    Great work Bookie!! You deserve the recognition. Now I can't wait to see your movie come out

    anti-Patriot-energy-rep for you Books

    Come Ride the Bologna Pony

    Just because you deserve it....

    I would motor boat you for a while, titty fucc you for a while more, then hit it from the back...just to satisfy me.

    you dirty little mynx...if i were a man i would have you any which way but loose...!!! that inappropriate enough...??? ;)

    Go ahead and slowly back up on a hard black dick, you'll love it. Use astro-glide.

    I so agree with you on this one.I wouldnt want to be with s.o. who doesnt love me as I am. Good post.

    lovely photo bookie - you have gorgeous eyes –

    so pretty! –

    So glad you got smiles....you deserve them and more...hope you and your daughter have a wonderful Holiday Season!

    Girl you have more patience than I do with him today. You must have a big bottle of wine. :)
  20. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Here's some to counterbalance your negative rep!!:D Hope all is well, thanks for always being so sweet to me.

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