I know many of y'all will think: SFW -- she's a porn ho. According to her MySpace, she won't have sex with Black men on, or off, camera. What do y'all think about racist porn hoes??? Another point I'd like to make about the porn industry in America. Some white porn chicks will not have sex with Black porn performers, but how many Black female porn performers refuse to have sex with white male porn performers??? Prolly, none. http://www.examiner.com/celebrity-f...een-s-drug-use-was-like-a-suicide-binge-photo More Kacey (scroll down): http://www.tmz.com/person/kacey-jordan/ Here's the link to Kacey Jordan's Twitter: http://twitter.com/misskaceyjordan She told Howard Stern in an interview, that she was paid $30,000, flown to Dubai, put up in a 7 star hotel for 8 days to have sex with Sheik Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai. How many of the ladies here would have sex with a guy like in the link below over a Black man??? http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/10_03/sheikDM1710_468x651.jpg The Kid Rasta:smt068
she looks too weak to take that black pipe :wink: from her myspace I:Can i see you in an interracial scene in the future? Kacey:no interracial for me i don't fuck them in my personal life so i won't do it on film but i'm starting anal "them" lol i dont think any respectable black man would touch her tbh
1. Her loss. 2. Who cares, plenty of porn stars will. 3. lol at sleeping with Charlie Sheen but not a black porn star.
I'm really sick of this fuckin topic. do people really care what a chick who takes it in all 3 holes at the same time thinks???
I must ask this: Why should we care that a porn star will NOT have sex with black men? If you do an internet search there are plenty of white women having sex with black men and we shouldn't concentrate on a few who don't? I take it that Ms Jordan is having the time of her life spreading her legs to whomever is willing to pay. Once this ride is over and the signs of age gets a hold of her Ms Jordan maybe wished she had put away that money (unless she saved it, but as a porn star I doubt it) for her retirement. I rarely hear of a female porn star who settle down and end up being a housewife, most of them just disappear out of public view for a variety of reasons. I assume Ms Jordan mention this as a public relations ploy to let potential horny white men with money know their insecurities about black men is safe with her. Example: Charlie Sheen Though for the life of me what kind black man would go after a white woman who refuses to have sex with them. Below is a site of what happens to some porn stars after they leave the camera. http://pornstarupdates.wordpress.com/
interesting link, alot of them do seem to be getting done for drugs and other kinds of stuff, ive read how some porn stars have died, its horiffic
Somebody who gets it. These porn stars let their preferences be known because it gets them attention and it gets insecure men that they surround themselves with foaming at the mouth with appreciation.
Besides the sex, it's not a job with an upside. Death Drugs Murder Suicide Jail HIV Abuse Mental Illness Rarely you hear about happily married but I assume some ex porn stars do.
too true, i myself have been asked to do ametuer sex stuff modeling etc when i was younger, can be some real dirty old men on the prowl, id never get into that kinda thing, that business is messed up, you can run in to all sorts of people tryin to get you into things you dont want to do
She's a hoe. Do we care her opinions? I can't believe the shows that are having her on as if she has something important to say.
Exactly. For every porn star that wont have sex with black men, there are about 5 to 10 more that will.
Every night when the clock hits 12 am a white girl turns 18, and a small percentage of these girls will decide to make a career doing porn and from that a group of women will decide to go in front of a camera a legally have sex with a black man. That is what (if you are interested in this sort of thing) you should be concentration on. Not someone who want to limit herself.
Y'all are making moral judgements (like Christian fundamentalists, Mormons, the religious right and all that ilk) about porn/porn stars. I'm sure most peeps here have seen a fair amount of porn. I'm sure many have actually purchased it. The fact of the matter is this: Porn is legal to make/produce in California. It is a big industry in Cali along with Hollyweird. Prostitution -- athough not legal in most jurisdictions -- is rampant worldwide. It ain't about to go away cause there's a great demand, and beaucoup money to be made. My point in starting this thread was not to make moral judgments about porn and prostitution. It exists, and it ain't going away any time soon. My point is that why in this day & age would there be blatant racism in porn. I know that some will think it's a woman's perogative to sleep with whom she wishes. That's true. But, I don't think that attitude is cool in the least. It's indicative that a woman who thinks like that prolly has other long-term mental issues besides racism. I abhor racism in any form, or any way it manifests itself. We have a Black president, but we still have a ways to go before we have a truly post-racial society in America. The Kid Rasta
Dude I sweat a chick like this for saying that because guaranteed if Lebron or Kobe want to fuck she'd be down. And if she just has an aversion to darker skin oh well. She's part of a dying breed because most people will agree sexy is sexy period. I don't particulaily go for asian chicks but God knows there are sexy ones i'd love nail. So if she wants to limit herself oh well, there's literally tens of thousands of women out there willing to throw themselves at a good looking brotha. My three rules in life stay mentally fit, physically fit and financially fit and you'll have your pick of gorgeous women.