Gorilla walks like a human

Discussion in 'In the News' started by 4north1side2, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member


  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I see the racist site webpage saying.......
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    And yet, people still won't knowledge that evolution occurred.

    However, I feel this an excellent and interesting video man! Kudos!

    JUANMACKER Active Member

    Man did not come from Apes!

    How do I know Man did not come from Apes? Because in the 1920's Eastern Europeans tried to breed Apes with man to create an ape man. They did this invitro and actual beastiality (Where humans have sex with animals)

    Nothing worked.

    If Humans can't breed with apes how can man evolve from apes? It is impossible. Evolution can only occur within the same species. The same species can only breed with each other. i.e. Tiger + Lion = Liger...same species - the cat family.

    Another example. The tall necked giraffe came about after the short-necked giraffe died out. Because the tall necked giraffe can reach the taller leaves in the trees.

    So what if a Gorilla can momentarily can stand erect. So can some dogs, and other animals such as bears. Does this mean we came from them too?
  5. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Oh, well said, bro!
  6. satyr

    satyr New Member

    What evolutionary scientist said that humans "came" from apes?

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Because it happened millions of years ago.


    JUANMACKER Active Member

    97% DNA similarity means nothing

    Scientists think we came from Primates because when they did a liver transplant on a gorilla, they used a human transplant surgeon who knows only human biology. The doctor saw that the insides of a gorilla was exactly like a human being. The transplant was performed exactly like a human transplant operation would be.

    All this means is we came from the same creator. Our Human brains are far superior than any animal. No matter how long you wait, millions of years won't make any chimp as smart as a human.

    If our DNA is so much alike, why can't we use chimpanzee blood for human operations?

    Did dogs evolve from a cat? Do you really believe we ultimately came from an amoeba like the scientists say?

    These so called scientists are the same ones who thought the earth was flat not too long ago.
  10. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Humans didn't come from the great apes. We share a common ancestor.
  11. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    ROLFLMAO! You cracks me up!!! :smt081:smt081:smt081:smt081
  12. z

    z Well-Known Member

  13. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Humans didn't come from primates, we are primates.

    And you didn't answer my question so let's try again, what evolutionary scientist said that we came from apes?

  14. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    I love you, satyr! You're so bloody brilliant! :smt043:smt043

    JUANMACKER Active Member

    Humans should not be categorized as primates

    "Today, evolutionists insist that the underlying similarity of all animals, including man, and our ability to arrange and classify them into groups, is compelling evidence for their progressive evolution from a common ancestor. They insist that there is simply no other thinkable explanation for their similarities. Evolutionists argue further that the degree of similarity between any two animals attests to their degree of evolutionary "relatedness," and thus how recently they separated from a common ancestor. They are quite certain, for example, that the similarities between apes and humans prove they evolved from a common ape-like ancestor "only" 2 or 3 million years ago."

    quoted from Dr. Menton - http://www.gennet.org/facts/metro05.html

    "Ape-like" ancestor. The Missing-link, how convenient that the missing-link died out but not the real Primates (Gorillas, Chimps, etc)

    There is no missing-link. It's just an explanation of no explanation, a hole in the scientist's argument.

    How convenient that in the article Chimpanzee/human divergence happened a million years ago but cannot happen today.

    Why would a chimpanzee breed with a human? Female Lions don't even breed with a male tiger in the wild. A Liger was made invitro.
  16. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    This post is so wrong that I don't know where to begin. Humanity has a big ego. First, it was that earth is at the center of the universe. Then, it was the sun revolves around Earth. ha
    My physicist teacher once said it isn't geo-centric. It is ego-centric.He changed the first two letters around. Do you know that there are people that think humans are not animals?:smt042 Despite the animal cells. They exist!

    Lets begin with what is wrong with this post. The definition of ape! That is part of the problem in this post. Some people regard humans as not apes despite the fact that many scientist have placed Humanity in that category(John Hopkins University). We even called it the great APE(there's our ego again) or Hominidae. You can look up human on wiki and then scroll down for our classifications. Click on Hominidae! It really depends on who you are and how you want to classify humanity but it has to be classified somewhere! I go along with many of the scientist since human DNA is so close to Chimps

    First, of all. There hasn't been a creditable scientist alive to say that humans come from apes. There are many scientist who have classified humans as apes. It would be like saying humans come from(assuming you meant evolved from) humans. You can not evolve from yourself! Scientist have made comments that humans and other primates have an ancestral organism that went through evolution.

    Second, I don't know what year you are in but we have made advancements since the 1920's. It isn't that we can't do it now. It is that our code of ethics has gotten much stricter than the 1920's codes of ethics.
    There are huge health problems with doing this because it would create an animal with an odd number of genes. Having an odd number of genes doesn't even work well for humans let alone breeding between species. To do this experiment now just to say it can be done(By doing it, I mean combining sperm and egg and no sex because bestiality is illegal! another reason why it has not been done.) would be plain evil. You are making a being so to prove a point while it suffers day in and day out. Sorry nope. We don't play that game in scientific field. There is no application for this. And it is completely morally wrong.

    Since Humans(according to scientists) are apes, we can breed with other apes that are human! Not only this but you use an example of something that exists(liger). The fact that they can exist shows that they are very closely related. Try breeding a tomato with a dog and see how well that goes. They are related from a very far connection in evolution. Another animal is the mule. It is a cross between a donkey and the horse. It exists because of a close relation. The farther the relation, the less likely you can make a hybrid.

    If you knew about genes, you would understand that primate gene's are very closely related to each other. Dogs and bears are not as closely related to humans. That is the significance of studying a gorilla or a chimp. Why on earth would Humanity study something so far away such as a dog or bear from our own genome?

    There are two reason why we study our closely related primates. We study to know about them and more importantly we do it for humanity.

    By studying them, we not only learn about them but begin to understand how we came to be!
  17. satyr

    satyr New Member

    Once again, you failed to answer my question.

    The reason why this is so is because you spent several minutes trying to Google your way into an intellectually respectable response, and only came away with an article from a creationist website. To answer my own question, no reputable scientist would state that men "came from apes", for that is not a supported claim of evolutionary science.

    Now it isn't my goal to convince you that you're wrong, because for me it just isn't worth the effort to explain why the fossil record and DNA evidence supports the underpinnings of evolution.


    Instead, I want you to learn what evolutionary science actually says about the origins of all species, not just man. That is the best way to prevent you from looking less informed the next time you want to criticize evolutionary science.

  18. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member


    I'm enjoying it too much right now!

    JUANMACKER Active Member

    You believe what I believe, man did not come from Apes

    We have to agree to disagree. An "ape-like" creature supposedly came from a half ape or half man hybrid.

    Just be careful believing what evolutionary science dictates to you. Keep an open mind. All the fossil records or DNA can say we are from green martians and some will still believe it. Scientists and Doctors only can make an educated guess, that's it.

    Some kinds of evolution still exists. This site exists because Black man/white woman - White man/asian women sexual human evolution.

    Mental Evolution exists today - technology and medical miracles have vastly improved since back in the day.
  20. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    This was not the only reason. Our genomes are very closely connected. The last part is correct because humans are still evolving. Evolution has not stopped for any species.

    We can't even use Human blood in many cases! That is how picky our system is. Lets say you have two siblings. If one of them is type A+ blood and another is type B+ blood, you can not use one blood for the other. and siblings' dna is much closer than two species dna.

    Never mind the disease that we could get from that kind of blood transplant. Look up the orgins of Hiv. It is a disease that has been proposed to have jumped from another primate(it is called SIV for other primates) to humans. It was able to do it because our dna is so similiar to other primates. We do not want to take that chance. HIV is bad enough as it is. We don't need another disease evolving.

    oy, you fail to understand evolution. Everything that exists now will not evolve to other things that exist now. Evolution takes Millenniums if you are lucky. Dogs and cats do have a common ancestor but they evolved in separate ways from that ancestor.

    By the way, many scientist thought the world was indeed a sphere plus time. They just had no physical proof. Name the scientist that thought the earth was flat and I can probably point out that they were not a scientist since the word didn't exist for a while.

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