Some History on Germany.

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by Bhayes, Jan 21, 2011.

  1. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

  2. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Bhayes,that is good stuff on the Afro-Germans. It is about time there is a website about them. In the website Black Planet there are a lot of German female members almost as large as the one in the UK or France. Some have separate clubs but,strangely they do not interact as much.
  5. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    well. i'm just really very appreciative of this guy. i will make sure i send him a thank you e-mail and an appreciation letter.


    his presentation has inspired me to get over to germany and plant some roots there. i heard good things about germany. but this really fascinates me.

    now that i see the HISORY of black men in germany - i see where all this love and appreciation for us comes from. they really do LOVE us. Men, women and children love us.

    but my motivation is not only because of women. but more because i see that their culture values our manhood very highly. especially if we are from the States.

    here in the states, depending on where you live, your career, your self-image and the type of peer/family group you have.

    You can potentially learn to hate yourself depending on who you are and what you look like. This is not the case for all black people. But lots of us go thru this.

    i mentioned this in aprevious thread. i was chatting online with a german girl age 24. And i was explaining to her that dark and light skin black people in the States have prejudice toward each other.

    and afirst she thought i was kidding. Then she was like "really!?" because they don't have that conept of racism in their minds. its not there.

    DOn't get me wrong. I glad to be an american citizen and have opportunities. And while i'm glad that we have people of color doing great things in different industries and in places of power, there is still alot of dysfunction and there always will be.

    So the whole Afro-German thing is fascinating to me. I didn't know we had brown people like that over there. :D
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    German women are fabulous and I had dated a few when I was over there. As I mentioned in past threads some do not know what type of brother they wanted. On the page board of a German woman she wanted the brother to be nice and they are not want to be bottered with the African men who some just wanted a citizenship card. I wonder if the US homeboys who have the money go over there to see them? Still they fascinate me because of that history which dates back to slavery,colonialism,and two world wars.
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    When are you going to Europe?
  8. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    i'm a couple yrs (4 at the most) away. I'm in school right now and i've got obligations to deal with. But once i'm done i'm gone!

    but in the mean time i'm just getting my mind, my body & my life in shape. I'm studying german. Once i master german. French is next.!

    . when i'm done with my studies in business school and i want to try to direct my career.

    but my goal is to direct my career in a direction where i can work for a company that will SEND me over there. we'll see how it goes.

    i feel blessed that this is a possibility. but i feel its crucial to go over there in the right way.

    going over there broke is not a good idea!!

    i don't want to just be a tourist. Some of us BM go to an international night club and/or take a vacation from all this non-sense in the USA and then come right back into the B.S. after 2hrs or 2 weeks.

    that's not enough for me. So i feel blessed that I might be able to pull this off.

    i say us BM should try to take advantage of an opportunity to cut it all the non-sense off permenantly.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  9. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    Yup. if you look at this video link i posted he talks about the history. It explains everything.

    Its a shame. I know that some parents out there understood these things and brought their children up in an international setting.

    So some of us BM already have their credentials, their money, and know several languages and are doing great things in certain euro countries like germany for example.

    I feel behind. but i have faith that i will get caught up. I'm man and i have time. i'm greatful and motivated.
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

  11. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    thanks bro. now i'll actually understand what people are saying.

    damn i'm so very behind. i'll get caught up though. all is not in vain!!!!
  12. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    "1st Germany. then France. BM we have nothing to loose and all to gain. we just have to go in the right way"

    Its a pity more minorities dont think this way, instead of thinking of racism. Of course there is racism, but there are also a lot of WW who like BM.
  13. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    What did he say about this?
  14. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    me personally i'm tired of complaining to myself and to others about what is wrong. if you look at my threads then you'll see me mostly complaining.

    but on a side note. Lots of BM want to leave but because of family obligations and money/career issues they stay here and decide to be miserable for the rest of their lives.

    Other BM get the attitude that this dealing with obnoxious american BW and dealing with prejudice and racism in the U.S.A. in all its forms is what they're supposed to want out of life.

    Some of these BM don't even know that leaving is an option. they don't know about countries like germany.

    Other BM are just as prejudiced and as racist as the infrastructure that beats them down.

    its all an issue of lack of knowledge, ignorance, and being attracted to the very thing that is tearing you down as well as money/opportunity.

    i'm lucky that i'm only 28 and the future looks brighter now. i'm very thankful because i've been thru enough.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  15. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    found more links about Afro-Germany

    i know that I have heard good things about germany.


    but the whole "afro germans" thing is new to me. History is a interesting thing. its nice to see that the grass is greener on the other side.


    I see why germany loves us BM so much. we really do have history there. its not a perfect history. but we can all go there start over in 2010 and beyond.

    my calendar is marked!!!
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  16. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Bhayes,I hope you have some hookups before your arrival in Germany. They will be helpful once that company you applied for sends you over there.
  17. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    Thanks for the advice. I mainly want a situation where my line of work sets me up over there.

    but agree about having friends. that's really the goal. to have men, women and children around me that value my manhood.

    but i've learned that in order to get love, i must give it. So step 1 is to learn german. step 2) would be to do charity work over there in some way 3) live and work there. 4) build up friendships over time.

    as i said earlier. i want to evolve past the tourist level and be there in their culture as a BM.

    But it takes time and hardwork to get to that level. I have met BM that have their stuff together who aren't just BM on vacation for 2 weeks.

    - they know 4 diff. languages

    - they have their businesses - passports - & thier money in order

    - and they just have their stuff synchronized in such a way that - when life in the U.S.A. gets on their nerves they just Get on plane and go over where they're welcome.

    like i said i feel real bad because i'm 28 but i feel behind. but i enjoy the work though. its gonna take some time.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
  18. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    does anyone know what happend to Hans Massaquoi's mother? in the story of the film and in real life, she played a vital role in his life.

    did he leave germany and never see her again?
  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Massaquoi wrote another book about his life after the war. If you read German you will know what happened to his mother.
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Bhayes,e-mail me when you have the chance.

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