he does have a point. some of us BM are guilty of this. some of us date interacially for the wrong reasons but not all of us date interacially for the same reasons. but there is alot of confusion and tension over this issue in the USA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKeLjQrSyls but in the future you should speak in english being that that's what most of us here speak so that we can understand you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0uJ-cEgl8Y&feature=related
very little do, but others arent thinking/lookin for their own women, their going after what they like :wink:
Unfortunately, although he's a troll, he is correct to a degree. It does exist within some BM and we can't really turn a blind eye to it. My mom's boss at her old job had this kind of mindset. The troll is making a generalization that we are all like that, so he deserves some flaming directed towards him. There's this quote like this I remember reading from here: http://nortonbooks.typepad.com/everydaysociology/2009/01/black-white-interracial-relationships.html What he says is right, but what complicates things for this particular IR is that not all of us are getting into relationships with WW for the right intentions. This is one reason why there is resentment over this coupling and perhaps other IR couplings as well. Not everyone understands how to handle interracial relationships in a correct manner so people of other backgrounds don't get pissed off or angry.