The FBI says a North Carolina woman who raised a child kidnapped 23 years ago from a New York hospital now in custody. They got her after 23 yrs. Her parents, Joy White and Carl Tyson, said a woman who looked like a nurse had comforted them at the hospital. The girl was just 19 days old and had been admitted in the middle of the night with a high fever. Her parents left the hospital to rest and found she was missing when they came back. Apparently the kidnapper was pregnant and miscarried few weeks b4 stealing the baby. DISCUSS, what is your take on this story? If the kidnapper raised that girl as one of her own all these years, fed her, clothed her, schooled her, placed great survival wisdom in her, should she be prosecuted to the fullest extent? Should the kidnapped daughter hate and blame the "mother" (kidnapper)?
wow i know around here, they have cameras all around and the access is very limited. Only one code-pink was issued in my 6 years, and they had everybody stop whatever they were doing, to sentry hallways.
Reading is fundamental, Officer, can you read? lol, it said 23 yrs ago. I am sure back then Hospitals were not that high tech.
:smt010<----hurt jk yeah yeah, back then i guess it was easier however, it shows you why there was a dire need for an evolution, in the way we do things. The maternity floors are very secure and closed off, even to staff. You need permission from someone specifically detailed to that area, just to walk inside.
It's hard to say how I'd feel about the woman as far as her punishment goes, but she definitely needs to be held accountable. I'd, of course, be extremely angry & resentful for my child being taken away for all those years & all the time lost, BUT I'd be thanking God that my child was still alive & back in my life. No, the daughter shouldn't hate the woman, and, at this point, blame serves no purpose. She should forgive her, be thankful that things worked out in the end, & move on with her life. Although I don't have any kind of hatred in me anymore (thank you Jesus for that), I have in the past, so I know that hate serves no purpose either but to destroy ourselves & others. They should all be doing a lot of praying, & we should all be praying for them.
That's true. You can be a hospital doctor or the CEO of that place if you dont have a badge or a key card they wont let you in. It is a lock down unit.
i have a badge but i dont have clearance it's like the pentagon the last thing u want to tell a family tho, is that you 'think' their baby is missing. probably lose ur job over that
BUT she no longer your daughter, she only spent 19 days with you and spent 23 yrs with the kidnapper, so the only connection y'al had was the umblical cord and that has been severed long ago. Agreed.
From a technical point of view, you have a point. The kidnapper, raised her & cared for her &, in most respects, she did her no harm...she was her "mother" in every sense of the word except for actually giving birth. It's also obvious imo that the kidnapper couldn't have been too stable...after all, she had just lost a child of her own & that could make anyone crazy enough to do something so insane. From an emotional standpoint, the technicalities don't matter. The feelings don't just go away. All the years of the pain of not knowing & always wondering if the child is dead or alive or suffering, the birthdays, the milestones & the sense of missing out prevents that bond from ever being severed for the parents. I hope for the daughter, that she doesn't hold a grudge & cut off the family that raised loved her; it wouldn't be a healthy decision.
i wouldnt blame her for hating the kidnapper, its kinda sick to me, being denied being brought up by your real parents etc, and her real parents with all that worry over the years not knowing if the child is dead or alive etc
The woman should be nailed to the wall for taking that baby. Those poor parents and their daughter have a life tiem to make up for.
the parents were robbed of it for 23 years is what gets to me, shes been reunited with her parents now though, she said she had always had a sense she did not belong to the family that raised her and began her own inquiries