Starts at 8:45 An interesting take from Chris Matthews on HIS perception of blacks in the Republican Party.
Not really, the GOP knows that the Obama presidency has all but destroyed any chance of black support for the foreseeable future.
Who knows, this world is full of surprises and changing everyday. I don't know a lot about him except he worked his way up in his career. They might get behind this guy: Herman Cain [YOUTUBE]bw96uCYp5J0[/YOUTUBE]
He sounds inspiring, but will he raise enough money and will he last in Iowa or the New Hampshire primaries? Mr. Cain has to play to the middle if he wants any chance to win in the primary.
Aint nobody voting for self praising Herminator, please. Right, the repubs gonna put up a blk man for the next president, good joke. Unless of course they are 100 % guranteed he is going to oust Obama all the way to Kenya, otherwise going to keep business as usual, white guy.
Hey, what else is new. They still take credit for "freeing the slaves" 160 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they find some token nigga to prop up just to fail come the first primary. Just to say the did have a black candidate. The black man who runs for President as a GOPer could possibly be the dumbest mothafucka ever born, period.
He has "good hair", so they wouldn't pin him as a black man. Plus, that bastard has already twisted the education system here in Louisiana.
They tried pumping him up already. Remember his disastrous response to the State of the Union? All the superstar talk died down after that. This new Latino guy in Florida is the one to watch, the one who just beat Charlie Crist.
Marco Rubio, I'd also keep an eye on Lisa Murkowski to see how she votes after being thrown under the bus by the Tea Party.
Yeah a young good looking senator. I wouldn't peg him for 2012, but Obama earned himself a nice little promotion only four years after winning his Senate seat. If Rubio speaks at the 2012 Republican convention and the nominee (Romney?) doesn't defeat Obama, look for him to make a run in 2016.
And on other news, Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) will have a tough Senatorial election come next year. Was he ever considered "moderate" or am I going crazy?
Jon Huntsman, Utah's governor, is currently polling better than Hatch in a hypothetical Republican primary race, which in a state like Utah would be the de facto Senate race. He also appears to be more moderate than Hatch, at least by Utah standards.
The current Governor isn't Jon Huntsman. Since President Obama tapped him to be the Ambassador to China, he has been establishing stronger U.S.-China relations. What's ironic is that Tea Party activists would pick individuals who are far-right, but based on his personal views, Huntsman is more moderate. He's moderate on social issues, but conservative in his fiscal policies. He's very business oriented, so he would be good for that state.
Good analysis. It *is* a lil too soon for a 2012 run. Funny how Romney's considered a contender now when his Mormonism (and the universal health care plan in he helped create in MA that was a blueprint for what became Obamacare) was such an issue in '08.
How many ways can you say stupid? The GOP may allow a few black Republicans to win, but overall, the GOP does not want us to attain equal social and political status.
Any good ideas/policies that a potential black conservative could communicate are nullified by the fact that the politics of identity come first and foremost. Underneath the fluff, GOP politics are about winning and gaining control. The methods they use to do this are: amplifying the fears associated with our differences and driving a wedge in between us. Blacks realize this so theres no hope for REAL GOP support from blacks. Unfortunately half the Hispanic community cant see the forest for the trees.
And just like a lot of black people, Hispanics have conservative values. What differentiates them from blacks is they do not have the history of slavery that we do. The GOP could attract more blacks and Hispanics if they would let go of the baldfaced racism that they like to spew.