This man is a disgrace to black men everywhere, not to mention humanity in general. This story is not for the weak stomached. What this dude did is dispicable. Further more the fact that he set up his practice in West Philly among the poorest of the poor was diabolical. Think of it this way: In Massachusetts, we already have a version of the soon to be implemented ObamaCare. Basically, everyone is supposed to seek out insurance coverage or they will be fined come tax time. If you can't afford it, there is Commonwealth Care and MassHealth. Commonwealth Care is kinda a joke as it's a discounted state plan, but is still too expensive for the people who actually qualify for it. MassHealth is for the poorest of the poor, which is basically free care. However, MassHealth automatically kicks in for uninsured pregnant women. This is for the good of the community, though arguably sexist. The fact that this man has made a few "million" being a back alley abortion doc is troubling. Just think, in my home state, if he set up in Mattapan (our version of west philly), his bills would be mostly covered by Taxpayer funds. He should get the fucking chair IMO.
Man, I marvel at the work of fox news. I can't stand their bias organization but they know how to work it like no other. Obamacare lmao. Doesn't exist but they worked that to the bone. any how! Seriously, what about the women that went there? They chose to do this. Will they get off scott free? That is the most brutal thing I have ever read. I hope everyone involve gets the worse case. Some how I know the women who applied for it won't eve be prosecuted.
He is a disgrace to HIMSELF and the scum that raised him... Not to "Black men everywhere"... Fuck outta' here with that shit.
This is the grand jury report: Here's an excerpt: "One woman, for example, was left lying in place for hours after Gosnell tore her cervix and colon while trying, unsuccessfully, to extract the fetus. Relatives who came to pick her up were refused entry into the building; they had to threaten to call the police. They eventually found her inside, bleeding and incoherent, and transported her to the hospital, where doctors had to remove almost half a foot of her intestines. On another occasion, Gosnell simply sent a patient home, after keeping her mother waiting for hours, without telling either of them that she still had fetal parts inside her. Gosnell insisted she was fine, even after signs of serious infection set in over the next several days. By the time her mother got her to the emergency room, she was unconscious and near death. A nineteen-year-old girl was held for several hours after Gosnell punctured her uterus. As a result of the delay, she fell into shock from blood loss, and had to undergo a hysterectomy. One patient went into convulsions during an abortion, fell off the procedure table, and hit her head on the floor. Gosnell wouldn’t call an ambulance, and wouldn’t let the woman’s companion leave the building so that he could call an ambulance."