120 million by 2031? Negro please. Go spew your nonsense else where. How about one of those lovely white supremist websites.
Sista talk, so transparent. You should be happy the Mexicans are gonna take over, then you can have the good-haired babies you crave.
when these gurls get older they gonna realize men arent gonna put on their capes for em.... [YOUTUBE]h_5ob1yl8gc&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]
Bitch please...mexicans are slaughtering each other on both sides of the border....Juarez is the murder capitol of the world.. Blacks are the YOUNGEST...FASTEST GROWING...Native born population..! Enforce immigration laws and the mexican population would damn near VANISH All mexicans are going to do is turn the US into an unregulated sweatshop...that's exactly what the elites want. Fuck learning spanish...You need to teach those scab mofos to flush a damn toilet.
Yep...I had a college roomate who intentionally got knocked up because, as she put it, "Babies are cute, so I want one.". WTF? :smt108
I've come across a few people like that. One of them ended up having twins. In pretty much every scenario, the father only came around every-so-often.
In my roommate's case, she wasn't even sure who the father was. She did have it narrowed down to 3 possibilities though...smdh. She's 40 now, has 3 more kids with different "men", and has been on welfare since she got pregnant the first time at 20. I myself was a statistic...I got pregnant with my son at age 19, BUT definitely NOT intentionally. There's nothing cute or glamorous about being a pregnant kid. My son's "dad" made the choice to run like a punk, but I did not let him off the hook. It wasn't the tax payers job to cover his (or my) responsibilities. Unlike many in our society, I got off my ass & took care of my business. Although that asshole chose not to be a part of my son's life, I did do what had to be done to make him pay child support. IMO, the solution is education, & the education begins at home with the parents.
:smt038 As a fantastic italian comedian said last week... the Pope has just bullshit to say.... "no risk that one day he can become intelligent and say things like "I will excommunicate all people involved in mafia", or "Let's sell half of Vatican's goods and feed Africa", or "Eliminate pedophile priests"".... CLOWN.