Who gives a fuck if France has a lot of racist? If I was in France all I would be focus on is the people who want to show me love. The problem with the world today is people focus to much on the negative and not so much on the positive.
You're funny. You liked his statement but you didn't wanna cosign bad English so you edited it. I pay attention. You changed "to" to "too".
Sarah,is that your pix on your avatar? If so you look as good as the First Lady of France. Yes, France has a long history with their African francophone citizens but most of the French women date or marry those who are rich not poor.
We don't wanna go there again...it's a very, very touchy subject. Besides, she said it's Carla Bruni's a few replies ago.
They probably have dominant Lebanese and Chinese population (economy-wise), I'm not sure if they have dominant white population there anymore. They have tribalism there though, just like any other African nation. A certain tribe in one village claims to be superior to the one in the next village. In Ghana, they have a tribe there that's a couple shades lighter(medium tint) than your average Ghanian and they're hated. The hate is reciprocated. It's not just one way.
le plus souvant ce sont les membres du gouvernement qui ont ete formates par les universites francaises qui epousent les blanche et ils souffrent dans leur ecrasante majorite d un complex d inferiorite aigu. C est principale raison pour laquelle il servent minutieusement les interets de la france une foi au pouvoir . Epouse une blanche est tres mal vu chez certain peuples africains . par exemple chez les peuples culturellement solide comme les bamilikes du cameroun Seule les Afro- americains et Peut- etre une infirme minorite d africain percoivent la femme blanche comme quelque chose de speciale comme une sorte de prix. Les Afro-american sont vraiment pathetique . Faut pas etre Albert einstein pour comprendre qu ils souffrent dun profond complexe d inferiorite pas tous mais un bon paquet quand meme.:smt120
Of course it looks like hunting for trophy or an arrangement, however that might look like. And I am sure it is like that sometimes. People are different, some love just the exotic, extraordinary relationship and some use it for business , fame or political reasons. And some are just in love with each other. The women come from different european countries. I think that Soulthinker and Sarah are right. Both possibilities exist. There are rich students from polititian parents or businessmen, but there are poor Asylants, too. Normally you don't find them at the same places, because the rich black guys are also with the high society as the white ones. It depends on the woman which type of man she prefers
good points. thanks for the info. actually i really meant this lady http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SSm4QqiaJo&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2G1iDbfV_w&feature=related on a side note. how does someone like myself send you a PM? your contact info seems to not be working or not up to date.
Nope you are wrong becuase there is no racism in my country know why? because we are all black now if you talking about tribal discrimination yep thats rife in most of black africa.
Really can you mention the tribe please? and when i say dominant i mean by population the whiole of europe and north america have population dominated by caucasians thats why i asked anyone to show me a country with a population like that with no racism Sorry for not replying once i should have read through the replies before answering.