something is wrong here

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    The overall feeling of the forum lately is that few of the men here think of the ladies here as "beautiful white goddesses". Like Jordan said, much of the time we're referred to as fat, ugly, bottom of the barrel...sometimes we're also called old. It's definitely disheartening to be degraded on a regular basis. From many of the men, we ladies haven't been getting much love or respect.

    There's been a great deal of negativity, tension & stank attitudes on the site lately. XOXO is right, there isn't much geared toward the ladies of the forum lately because too much focus has been on bitching & complaining by some of the men about how bad they have it instead of being thankful for the fact that there are women here who appreciate them & their struggles. I think sometimes some of you guys forget that we're in this struggle right along with you...there's nothing easy about it for us either.

    This attitude that it's you against the whole world is a kick in the teeth to the ladies who love, respect & appreciate you. It's like some of you want to turn it into a contest about who has it worse, & doing so serves no damn purpose except to alienate those of us who love you & try to have your backs. When you don't appreciate that about us, how can you claim to have any love for us? It's no different than you having to deal with a woman who shows you no love or don't find that acceptable so why should we?

    I'm here because of my love & appreciation for wonderful black men. There are many men on this forum who I adore & appreciate a great deal who also show their love & appreciation for the ladies here. I think the focus needs to be shifted back to what this site was based on...our mutual love for each other...the bullshit needs to go.

    I want to thank the real men who show us the love & repect we show them. I appeciate you very much.
  2. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member


    So much focus on the forum is given to women who "will never date you", but there's a plethora of women on this site who will... Open your eyes and see what's in front of you.. that's all I'm sayin..
  3. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Amen, Whiks. :smt023
  4. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    be more specific about the women who "will never date you" thing?
  5. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    They're not my words, that's what I see guys saying all the time... latest example being in that "hottest black women" thread.

    Not to mention all the talk about how "dime piece" white women won't give you the time of day, young ww won't date you til they're older and have less options, blah blah blah...
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    For those that need an outlet for your frustrations & need someone to take it out on...that's what trolls are for.
  7. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    In my experience, the white girls I knoow that are interested in myself will also be open to date other races/ethnicities besides African American males. I think this to be evenn moore true for males. I don't do numbers, but it seems a lot of African Amerrican males that are into white females will be into most other race/ethnicites (as long as they look good, and they find their personality nice) with the exception of some because of a bad experience or someone they know had a bad experience.

    I can't fault the fellas for liking anything on two feet that they find attractive, as well I can't fault the ladies. We acceept all peers on this site for who they are, we don't accept bits and parts of people. Are member are generally more
    open, more liberal, it's not surprising that they are attracted and will engage wiith more than just white females and black males.
  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member


    Well said Tam, likewise I'm here because of my interest in intelligent white women. who can hold a conversation and in-depth discussion on varying issues.

    I'm not knocking any other group of women but I know what I like and will go for. I respect and appreciate all the white women on here who are from all over. Drama free is how I like things to be.
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I don't think anyone being open to dating people of any race is the issue here...personally it doesn't bother me. What does bother me is all the negativity toward the gets old hearing you're not good enough by standards that no human being can live up to & being made to feel like you're second choice because the woman someone really wants doesn't want him. Even if that's not the intended message, that's the one that's being sent a lot of the time. The only ones deserving of that crappy attitude are the trolls who are basically asking for it imo.
  10. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    This is not a phenomenon of just this site, nobody is good enough for anybod; the grass is greener on the other side, why do you think thee divo rate is so high? (Not to say this is the sole reason for divo of course) What's happening here is a micro exampe of the macro. Nothing seems to be good enough for a lot of males these days, as well as females (women are cheating/partcipating on adultery more than they ever have), everyone seems to be looking for the next best thing.

    I have a lot of family that was born before the 50's, and they have some stories about being with partners 60+ years, very unselfish.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I believe it is cool to talk about the love we have for eachother at the sametime we should be able to talk about IR as a whole and how wonderful it is and why .

    yeah the stereotypes and racists statments put a damper on things. as far as the woman coming on here talking about the bw/wm website was at first good intention but took a left turn when she stated yall can learn from us. In a sense we could but they could learn from us also ( Im kind of believing she was being arrogant.) we should in that case questioned her more and really tried to find out her true intentions (I on the other hand left it alone when she stated that). she could have just misspoke.

    yeah, I dont see why it should be a prerequisite for person to only be interested in one race as long as they come in here and have fun and share with good heart

    I wrote about that one time. Im not sure or not but I got slammed for what I stated. I said in summation that BM and WW have a lot in common in that thru history we both were treated with disrespect. yall wasnt given the rite to vote and other equal rites and BM was treated the same way (more violently but you can relate). we come here to complain sort of speak because this is the only real place to do so because other outlets will destroy us if we said anything even when all BM will agree with us. I had expressed the samethings to BM who are married to BW and they agree to what we say on here. it is not anomaly.

    we do appreciate the fact you can sympathize. have you ever thought that because we say it in front of yall is because we know you can understand
  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    It's definitely a sad thing that folks are so unappreciative of the blessings they do have...always focused on what they don't. In many respects, I don't think our society has any concept of what it is to be unselfish. Back then people obviously knew the value of their blessings & of other people...they knew how to focus on what's really important.
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    It is funny you say that. Im just wrote a small paragraph for class on faith.

    I stated the following. (Im sure the grammar is ruff because I have yet to proofread)

    According to Webster’s dictionary faith means to have an allegiance to a person, duty and fidelity to a promise and firm belief in something for which there is no proof. When I pondered on that definition I had realized that faith has been the motivator for me in pursing what I love. Also, it has been the pain in my soul when I directed that energy of faith to something that was not worthy. Faith has given me hope and success but it also has given me the greatest disappointments. I learned to be prudent in where I distributed my faith.

    In summation what we are saying is basically the same. direct our energy to something that is positive. sometimes however it is impossible because of our feelings. also directing energy to what is wrong causes positive changes. you just have to be wise in using that energy
  14. Carter

    Carter Member

    As Soon As The Young Man, Young Carter Left..... So Did The Women :prayer: Lol

    Nah but for real, I have not logged in here for a looooooooong time (october 2010'ish) and I just logged in today and I read a few threads. Shit seems dead what happend? Goodlove the only brotha tryna keep this forum bumpin.

    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    Key words to a strong relationship!
  16. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    We appreciate you too Tam.:smt023
  17. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Maybe a lot of the white women here grew wee too tired of being on here because of redundancy and the usual trifles that goes on. People just move on and simply go about their lives.
  18. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    A lot of good and true things are being said on this thread.

    I especially agree with the above two posts. So much truth to this. There are no real values anymore, and people are always thinking they can find something better.

    And there are many times that I've been so angry at some of the posts here. There is a lot of negativity directed at women on the forum and in general on here. It's nice to not log in at times.

    Some days I get sick of being on this forum, because people just stop using the filters in their brains that most assuredly work just fine in their day to day lives. But something about the anonymity of the internet allows people to think that filters are no longer needed.
  19. veema

    veema Member

    That's what it boils down to. Sometimes I learn something on WWBM and sometimes a get a good laugh here. But when the quality of the posts and interactions go down and people get disrespectful, crass, ignorant, etc. I'll usually just stay away. As someone else said, it isn't always easy to find an outlet to express some of the things that we encounter in interracial dating and interracial relationships. This site is great for that - until the negativity rears it's ugly head.
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    very well said over all. Like a made the chibby chasing thread and it was suppose to praise regular sized people not the model types and men especially acted extremely ugly in the beginning. yes it was praise in a joking manner but it was praising just the same and some of the guys got really ugly.

    to me overall IR should be something we can come and talk about and come here as some kind of support for our IR situations. no we dont have to be serious all the time but IR serious issues need to be discussed. also it is ok to trade our IR romantic fantasies because we all want a real and loving IR. To clarify IR is not an abberrant to "regular" relationships or non IR.

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