The parents of a Mexican teenager allegedly killed last year by a bullet fired by a U.S. Border Patrol agent across the Rio Grande river, on Monday sued the U.S. government for $25 million. The U.S. Border Patrol says Sergio Hernandez Guereca, 15, was pelting U.S. agents with rocks from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande river last June when Border Patrol agents on the U.S. side shot him to death. But Bob Hilliard, attorney for the Mexican family, said today that the boy was the victim of "brutality" on the part of the federal agents, and was "shot in cold blood." "We have seen brutality captured on video tape that stuns us as a country, when we think that law enforcement are trained and should not do that," Hilliard said. The incident was videotaped by several individuals and was broadcast on the Spanish-language Univision television network, and posted on the internet. It has come to represent the lawless nature of the violence along the Texas Mexico border. It is unclear from the grainy cell phone video whether the boy was throwing rocks at the time. "Part of this lawsuit seeks to require the government to turn over the border camera video and see it and get a better look at it," he said. The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in El Paso, names the Department of Homeland Security, The U.S. Border Patrol, the U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and an "unnamed agent" of the U.S. Border Patrol as defendants.
What a bunch of hypocrites. We should sue those roach-eating bums for the TRILLIONS of dollars sucked from our economy by their scab illegals. El Salvador and Guatemala should sue Messico for the MASS GRAVE of 72 of their citizens found recently found in that shithole.......not to mention all the ones raped robbed and murdered annually. The US should sue their asses for all the clinics and hospital that had to close because of their free-loading people. Not to mention all the people killed by Mexican nationals...add all the job and prison costs too.... That Country needs to be carpet-bombed until not a creature stirs...not even a roach.
To be fair the people aren't any shittier than people anywhere else. Their government sucks a fat one. They can't even provide basic services. Real talk we should occupy them like we did Iraq and close of the borders, treat that shit like Russia in the early 80s
Again to be fair its easier to have balls when you don't have to worry about being killed publically or retaliation being taken out on your family.
Mexicans are responsible for the Government they have..! Where is all that "accept personal responsibility" bullshit you're quick to run on Black people????????????? Huh???????????????? They did it to RUNNING to America and riding the coat-tails of OUR struggle...instead of demanding a better life on THEIR side of the border.
bet that mothafucka never even had a white guy call him the n-word to his face before :smt011 when you get heat like that, you're on the frontlines of the battle, youngins hold your heads up
You Mean it was the previous generations that struggled and not us?! Sounds about right. :smt080 Be careful, if you aren't a white woman, he'll fire bomb your house if you dont wanna take a shit on Mexico or any other place blacks don't usually live.
i'm talking about 1992, PA fugga' and u know it really got raw after Rodney got his shit beat in no justice, no peace
Lil drunk-ass Bettyofficer talkin shit.:smt081 You must be tanked up. How many Black people do you employ motherfuckface? My contribution to the struggle is mentoring and putting mofos to work...not to mention the volunteer stuff I do fella'. I'm glad you went there. I just put a roof on a sister's house out of my own pocket. I've donated tons of boxing equipment...commercial vehicles of every description...musical instruments..ect ect to Black charities and endeavors. I'm from a Union home and currently belong to one...excuse me if I don't like seeing this Country turned into a sweatshop.