Schwarzenegger "IT cost me $200 million"

Discussion in 'In the News' started by z, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Schwarzenegger says governorship cost him $200 million, he told a newspaper in his native Austria, insisting 'it was more than worth it."Counting expenses and lost income from acting in Hollywood films, "in all it is probably more than $200 million," he told Krone when asked how much his two terms in Sacramento had cost. "But I'm not sorry. It was more than worth it," he said

    LoL, the douche bag was a lousy governor and almost drove the state to ground. He should have stayed out of politics. I am sure as heck he could have used that money to attend an accent reduction class or pay some surgeon to shave some of his vocal cord muscles.
  2. satyr

    satyr New Member

    And he only cost us several billions of dollars because the shithead wouldn't act to raise taxes to offset the monumental debt that we're carrying. Now we'll have to raise taxes anyway to pay for this clusterfuck of a budget situation.

    The same will be true in many U.S. states as cities reach the point of potential default on their municipal bonds. American cities are currently sitting on $2.9 trillion dollars of municipal bond debt.
  3. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    So now, your suffering is over.......Governor elect Brown will balance your states budget in no time….and your millions of new tax-paying, law-abiding, English-speaking, Hispanic countrymen will contribute to the transformation of a new California…..
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I definitely have to laugh at the people of Cali. The idiots elected a guy without any political experience thinking it was cute to elect "The Terminator". No one feels bad for you.
  5. satyr

    satyr New Member


  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Cali property tax laws are fucked up...the way laws are passed are fucked up...out of all the states in the Union Cali should be the one with the most money...

  7. TILLY

    TILLY New Member

    I was just talking about this the other day. People might as well elect a damn porno star next time.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I don't get how they're shocked that he ran the state into the ground. He wasn't qualified, people just thought it was cool to have the Terminator as the Governor and paid the price for it.
  9. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Look lots of national or local celebrities have run and won for political position due to popilarity.

    Sarah Baracuda
    Nude model Brown
    Mayor of Sacremento
    Even Bama to certain degree.

    This aint nutin new.

    Mary Carey did run and garned few votes.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Obama was law professor who studied political science at Columbia and was a Senator before getting the Presidentacy. Big difference my friend or maybe a well accomplished bm is the equivilant of an uneducated wm to you kid.
  11. z

    z Well-Known Member

    GTFOH with bullshit. Tho your crazy satement appears to hold truth to some white Americans, I have finished HS and know better, lol. I also know Bama's acheivements, you aint got to tell me, bruh. I read his books, went to his church and know folks who attended his class jackaass. I am talking about governing, management, & executive experience. BTW, law school is not a requirement to be in politics, tho it does come handy and most have law bacground.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Then his name should be no where near that list of under educated losers.

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