on one hand, i see the point. Combat experience plays a significant role in military promotions, therefore in order to really make a career out of the service (and get more women into general/admiral positions), women need to be able to get the same chances as men (opening up combat arms such as the 11-series army mos for example). On the other hand, how far are we willing to go to give them the same opportunities as uniformed men? Do we scale back physical requirements, to get more women into combat roles, at the risk of losing our ground fighting ability. Or, do we keep the same requirements and expectations, and take whoever is able to pass the bar? This should be interesting to watch, even more-so than the repeal of dont ask, don't tell, because of the biological differences between men and women.
I'm all for women serving in combat units. After all they say they can do whatever men can do. End the discrimination for dying for this country. If the gays can do then women should do it too. Can no longer just have the cake and eat it too.
Co-sign. Besides... I know lots of women who actually enjoy combat and can watch my back any day of the week. They will eventually get depolyed into the combat zone anyway, so why not give them the opportunity to choose to do so on their own? Regardless of what the military will decide, I think women are more than just for support. I had my first experience working with women from 2006-2009. Sure most are not physically capable of doing what the average male can do but they have heart and are ready to do the job in combat. Im so proud of lots of women I met/know personally from combat. I always thought women should not be allowed on the battle field because I never worked with them until the years above. I never ever had even one women in my unit before 2006, except for when I was an OR Tech working in the operating room. I was always combat except for the O.R. No combat then but I did not think of the women in my unit to be able to do the MASH thing like on TV. Too sensitive and emotional I thought. I was WRONG!!! Yeah you got those few who are just girly girly but the women I was with were mostly eye candy who will take your life without a second though in 3rd ID. Gave me a NEW perspective on how to even speak to women carrying weapons. They did everything the men did. Even in Iraq there was an LT who ordered me into a bunker when mortars were falling into our FOB. My first thought was to tell her "bitch are you crazy? its my job to go find those muther fuckers and get rid of them". I didnt even notice at the time that she had BALLS to be out there when shit hit the fan, trying to get others to safety. That same LT later told me "gunner go and get some sleep, Im taking your spot tonight". DAMN!!! NICE!!! She actually wanted to leave the FOB and go outside the wire. I was impressed... HIGHLY!!! I was just around some super women I guess. Even on guard duty the women I was with did a great fucking job. A true credit to all women out there. So Im all for women going into combat units. I dont agree with them going into field artillery because that fucks with their insides as far as Im told. Too much vibration when the canon fires. Other than that... GO WOMEN!!!
Everyone here is ignoring the elephant in the room when it comes to women in combat which I believe they should be given the chance to prove themselves. But what if they are captured and tortured or even raped at the hands of the enemy. It will take one video of our capture female soldiers and congress will reverse any decision to put women in combat.
So what. Men are raped too. Just look into our prisons. And besides in the Middle East rape is a torture weapon for men and women. Those Middle Easterners are equal opportunity rapists to all. I say let the women prove themselves. They have more balls today than many of these so-called men of my generation.