No offence but that can be used every single time, but it doesnt meant its true every single time. Its being used way too much and its not racist in every fucking scenario. Im not fuckin stupid and Im not unaware of white privilege... but sometimes, things are taken way too far. This is one of them There were black people in the movie, and they did treat the prawns just as bad. To me, the movie is about human cruelty (yes, most people in charge are white so you can blame the whites for that, that is fair). If there were aliens that came to us in the similar fashion, the scenario on D9 is very likely to happen as humans are cruel. That is what the movie is about to me.. So every move that is about abuse and suppression is always about white suppressing black? smdh Im out of this shit because its really fuckin depressing with all the negativity. Everything is racist, every time all the time. All white people wants to enslave black people and its always about that because that is the subliminal message if suppression is the subject in a movie. I do agree on Avatar though. Have at it.
LOL @ "negativity." From where I sit we're just having a discussion. White folks also get super-sensitive at topics like this ::ducks::
they (PC disclaimer: some) get sensitive because everyone usually piles on about how bad they are, and people don't want to go somewhere they're not wanted. fact remains that both movies are very suspect and the dumbshit gets very tiresome. I turned off District 9 halfway through that mess, and wondered why it got so much applause like a Tyler Perry Mamie movie (remember Denzel got an Oscar for a negative portrayal of a cop, out of all the great roles he had......).
It's known that many actors get roles for previous work where they were shut out, whether they deserved it for the movie they actually got it for or not, it's usually more of a "here, we know you're a great actor and we're sorry we didn't acknowledge the truly great roles you've done, so here's your Oscar for your entire body of work" kind of thing. IMO, Russell Crowe won his a year early: he should have won for A Beautiful Mind, but got it for Gladiator instead. Other actors/actresses have suffered the same fate. Oscar eventually gets around to giving an award to those truly deserving of it. :smt023
nice job, spin-doctor fact remains he got the Oscar after his critically-acclaimed portrayal of a corrupt cop, reinforcing just about every negative stereotype people have of blacks to begin with. That's like rewarding a slave for beating up another one or for picking cotton without dissidence (basically, for doing what people already expect them to do), instead of giving them accolades for learning to read, or invent machinery that could do field work for them. raise a thumb up for that, jack
For the record, I *liked* District 9 and thought it was an original sci-fi premise (not a remake or rip-off of other sci-fi flicks). However, the racial undertones were apparent to me, esp. considering the filmmakers' South African background.
I thought he was better in John Q, Remember the Titans, Hurricane Carter and he didn't even get a nom for those. But I guess if you don't have to deal with certain things you won't see it for what it is.
Book I want to make it very clear that no one is calling you or FG racist but again I'm going to compare the race issue for us with the gender thing for females. There are certain things you're going to see as females that we as men won't quickly grasp and its not that we don't care or are insensative but we're men and don't have to deal with certain shit. Like having to really think about what we wear to work because we don't want to send the "wrong" message or being extra careful about who you sleep with so you don't have a reputation. Those are things men don't ever have deal with and we're aware of it on a much smaller scale than you because we don't have to deal with it. Am I making sense?
Yeah, the movie was about human cruelty. I like the movie a lot and I hope there is some sort of follow up to it. I like to picture Christopher the prawn showing up with a fleet to take over Earth and return the favor. But anyway, yes, the aliens' hardships were to be like that of blacks during the apartheid. Overall, it was definately a movie about humans being cruel to the aliens, simple as that. Also, it was a test run for the director, Neil Blomkamp, that had hopes of doing a Halo movie. He's someone that Peter Jackson selected for the project and had something to prove to the higher ups that he could make a movie. Personally, I like his work with District 9 it was original take for an alien movie. I don't think he meant for it to be offensive to anyone, only a reminder of how horrible humans can be not only toward one another, but a whole other species. I hope he gets to move forward with Halo someday, I think it would make for a great cinematic experience. Most of the reasons I have heard from people not liking it is because of the cinematography style, which was done in mocumentary/shakey camera format.
hell yeah!! Denzel, Hollywood loved him when he was crooked...Totally Bullshit. I watch no Tyler Perry movies and if I do it's only to please the women I'm with at the time.