First Impressions?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Kushton Slater, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  2. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    same can be said for you lovely lady...!!!

    agree with pecs...i was also quite intimidated by him at the start. i remember being shocked when i saw a yahoo friend request from him. once we started chatting i realised that he really is a sweet guy under all that e-beef stuff

    and beanie is the real deal...realised that from the first day i saw one of her posts. the woman makes me snort with laughter

    i'm sure he will...probably has it on some calendar some place, marked with a love heart

    i remember the first conversation with ba he called me man and i corrected him and told him that i wasn't's a miracle he still spoke to me after that. another gorgeous man with the whole package...if only i were younger moo is a handsome devil. i was surprised when i learnt that he was far more than just a pretty face.

    kushi...i felt a little sorry for him because he asked us if we thought he was good looking...i thought his self-esteem must of been at rock bottom. since then i know that he's sweet, sexy, funny, dirty and wonderful to be around
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
  3. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

  4. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    I liked Petty from the get go, we have the same smartass sense of humour.
    Tony has always been a favorite, interesting and funny.
    GG is a lovely lady, always been kind to me.

    I'll do more later.
  5. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Lmao... At first when I joined the forum, I thought it was a dating/regular conversation type thing.... When I made that original thread it was to see if anybody in my area was on here (I also had plans of trying to visit Europe and I wanted to see if I could possibly find a guide through here) and if they would like to kick it or something (not necesarily with any sexual expectations). After I read more about the forum I realized that this wasnt a meet and greet type place (even though this does happen from time to time).

    Petty: Reminds me of a couple friends I have.... Sarcastic, smart, and pretty fucking funny. I thought you would end up being more of a meathead than anything, but you turned out to be a jock who actually has a brain.

    BA: All I can say is.... You my nigga


    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    quite a number of you are whining about feeling like an outsider well i guess you are moany little fusspots too whatever the fuck that means
  7. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  8. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Another one? My God! I need to work on my approach. LOL.

    I'm glad you aren't anymore, Mama. :smt023
  9. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    LMAO! Shut it, Max! :smt058
  11. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    show pony
  12. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    That sexy new avatar of yours is startin to go to your head ;)
  13. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Aww :smt050 shucks!
  14. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Almost forgot to say thx to Tarsh, Mama and Worm.
  15. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    ... that's ok.. you can thank me later.... :smt022
  16. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    How could you forget me?
    Ummm thanks for what? :cool:
  17. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    U dont remember sayin nice things huh?
  18. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    You dont get credit for co-signing :smt077
  19. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    That i do remember. What i dont remember is recieving nice things in return. :cool:
  20. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Damn, I have to step my game up!

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