This is going to sound BAD AS FUCK... ....but I really don't care. This happens every day.....EVERY DAY in many places in the US. Some white people got shot up and now its "horrible" Eminem and beyond that....5,000 American men and women in uniform have lost their lives. "Oh well they knew what they were getting into when they joined" Hard for me to get all sad and depressed.....
i get that way over celebrity funerals too people die a celeb dies and it's time to stop the earth for a few days to mourn get the fuck outta here
And I'm not an uncaring puke...I just can't STOP because of "senseless violence" 13 people got shot.. over 200 people died in Baltimore last year......where is the cry for senseless violence" So long as the "senseless"' violence is kept out of white America it is not enough to garner the attention of Americans or our leaders... ...cept around election time.
I agree. They get this feeling that that kind of violence only happens in places like Philly, Baltimore and Detroit. They expect it. But when it happens in their backyard their whole world view comes crashing down and they can't make sense of it. In interviews you hear things like, "I didn't think something like this could happen here."
RIGHT, now all of a sudden we have to pause the country and "THINK" about violence. We have to "DO SOMETHING" word? right.
Yes you do sound like a jerk and that's the dumbest logic I have ever heard. Because people die everyday and more attention is payed to the Tucson tragedy there for your uncaring. You should mourn people death regardless whether it's in the hood or the suburbs. I live in Detroit people die in the hood everyday and everyday their on the news and people do care. And people mourn the loss of soldiers all the time and yet they are soldier they signed a contract and yes there are expected to die. People died and I care I don't know what have made all you young brothers out there so cold and callus. And of course this is going to get more attention because it's a political killing and thru out American history political killings get's lots of press.