I know other group do stupid shit all the time. But we, unfairly, seem to be under extra scrutny when this shit comes up.
The police should have a lot better things to do than round-up a bunch of drunk women...like police their own drunk-ass...roided-up..theiving...murdering colleagues.
Just freaking amazing how westernized even some black people have become. You could have a Wall St meltdown, 100 Madoffs, 100 Enron and no one would blink an eye at having another white MALE CEO but if one Black President doesn't solve every fucking problem in America they will never trust another Black President again. With that, I'm going to shut the hell up and go to sleep.
The bottom line is we can look at white folks or other groups and say well they do such and such, but that is merely downplaying the bigger issue. Personally as a black man I was embarrassed at that video and it had nothing to do with white folks or any other group, but instead a bunch of black women acting like that while black men were standing around watching until a couple of them stepped in finally. Me personally I wouldn't act that way so its no sweat off my skin, what i find ironic is to say well white folks do this too, that just deflects from the point of personal accountability and calling out uncouth behavior. Like I said this video doesn't shock me I've seen shit like this before in Brooklyn growing up, I've seen dudes walking the streets with guns. Just because a black man calls out this kind of behavior doesn't mean he is pretentious or lame, or isn't representing. it sometimes comes from living in the midst of it and not appreciating it one bit. Food for thought.
Well the first mistake they would make is thinking the president can solve things. He answers as we all know to a system of Congress and lobbyists that trawl the halls of the government seeking out party favors, 24/7/365. I gave up on politics a while back because it is all B.S. They tell you what you want to hear and once in power they fall under the same old system of governance that every other politician comes under the sway of in Washington.
Why are yo embarassed as a black man and not as a man period? For people who hate having our race define us we do it to ourselves a lot. Those fucking animals in the video don't represent me and they don't represent you either so knock it off fam.
Being that we're already a minority and "those people" behaving that way seem to be the majority amongst the minority (based on statistics/media propaganda), it tends to leave an unfortunate misrepresentation on our behalf as a culture.
I get what you are saying overall in the grand scheme of things, they are responsible for their own personal actions, but I've seen this too many times growing up where I did and I just don't like that kind of behavior. I'm about tapped out on this as well, had my say on my perspective, some feel differently.
What's that? Am I going to win the lottery, so I can quit my crappy job? Or is that you are leaving the site for good? Either one would work for me.
This is the reason it's very hard to find quality black women these days and yeah there are white women who act up like this but it is a small majority of the group as a whole.
I probably should have worded that better but it does worry me if people that behave like that have children at home. What are they teaching those kids?
I wasn't talking about your words, i was talking bout ol' girl in the black dress with her ass hanging all out in the street.
You gotta love Newyorker Itialians tho. "Hey, ho, hey GTFOH" "Hey, hey whata ya gonna do" "GTFOH" "You talkin' to me? hey, look at me when I am talkin' to you, hey, hey" "You talkin' to me you fucken degenerate" I miss my east cost Sicillian buddies.