as if that country wasn't a shithole you got more than a dozen headless mothafuckas popping up at their resort destinations since when did police start using belt-fed light machine guns? and would that really make tourists feel safer at 2am
Man, I don't know what to say about this. It is just getting uglier and uglier in mexico. The last story I read, the mexican drug lords kidnapped the chief of police in one of their towns. I don't know if they killed her or not. It just seems like a lost cause. If Obama brings the troops home, I know just where to put them so he can shut Arizona's Governor up. update: here is the article No offense to the generations older than me in mexico but they need to get their crap together. When you got a 28 year old as your police chief, it shows that town is either really young or the elders are to scared to do the job.
I said it before and I will say it again, this will be America's future third war that will be on our streets of America as well. Mexico will bring down the United States from within.
that's insane. Maybe he's a law enforcement prodigy or something, and knows what he's doing But yeah, Mexico is no joke. Just because you're a high ranking official, doesn't mean you're untouchable. They killing anybody over there. tell you what... we can send troops 10,000 miles to fight some war for a people Americans will probably never see, yet can't do anything to stabilize Mexico for the people we see in our everyday lives. SMDH I guess the thoughts of us using laser guided bombs and shit so close to home, is a bit unnerving. :shock:
There's no way this government will allow them niggas to over run the country. When it affects the brown people no one cares but when it affects white people..... get ready for bombs to be dropped on Mexico.
For someone who is against prejudice and thinks interracial is ok you seem to talk a lot of crap about other countries, every country has its problems, Mexico is not a shithole, it's just a developing country and like any developing country it has social problems but it's a wonderful country with a lot to offer. That comment sounds like something that would be said at racist site.
Does Mexico even have a president? If that shit happened on U.S. soil they'd be trying to burn Obama at the stake.
So just because we date IR we should just accept any old bullshit? You sound like that tranny freak that was on here a little bit ago. Enough with the false equivalencies.
I am NOT saying you should "accept any old bullshit" but to say a country is a shithole is beyond ignorant, no country is a shithole, I bet if he had made the same comment about an African country people would have been offended. No matter how you cut it, that comment was just plain ignorant, insulting an entire nation is NOT acceptable.
Well any country where it's an everyday thing to find headless corpses ain't the best place to be. Enough with the political correctness.
Have you ever even been there to say it's an everyday thing to find headless corpses?, it's like saying South Africa is a shithole because housebreaking and rape is an everyday thing, it's like saying Nigeria is a shithole because starving people on the streets are common, that kind of generalization is not healthy at all, especially not on a forum such as this. Enough with the political correctness?, that's funny, a black man saying that?, well I'll tell you what, if it wasn't for "political correctness" we would have to hear so many "truths" about our race, so much that people don't talk about because of "political correctness". There is no way to defend that comment, it was ignorant and just wrong.
A country is defined as a shit hole when the citizens are leaving by the hundreds of thousands each month. A country is a shit hole when it can not produce equitable livlihoods for its citizens forcing them to seek employment outside of their country of origin and finally a country is a shit hole when it can produce the richest man in the world but no basic safety for its citizens. Mexico is a fucking shit hole. You can't argue it sorry.
Well, if you go by this definition most countries in the world would be defined as a shithole, Mexicans are better off than ALL countries in Africa (without exception) and most countries in Asia, the only reason Mexicans are leaving their country is because it's easy to cross the border to the US, most of them are not exactly starving. Now let's change the definition a bit, I mean, the only reason people dislike Mexico here is because there are not black people there, if Mexico was a black country they would all be praising Mexico as the best country to ever be run by black people, it's easy to ignore prejudice when it's not directed at you. By the way, you should reconsider your definition of a shithole, because Mexico has contributed more to science than African Americans ever did, Mexico has a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, how many African Americans have won a Nobel Prize?, I think we should all look in the mirror before we start pointing fingers, the same comment you are making here would have been made at racist site, the ONLY difference is that they would also add that Mexico is like that because most Mexicans are not white and that the problem with Mexico is its non-white population.
I've been there, I've been to Nevada and New York, no country is more politically correct than the US.
I don't know who you think you're having a conversation with but I'm no dummy sir. First off Mexico does well because of the millions of illegals who work in the US and send money home to the shit country that provides no infrastructure for its citizens. Fact! Mexico has produced 3 Nobel prize winners while the US has produced 4. Fact! Not to mention inventors like George Washington Carver and Garret A Morgan were clearly over looked due to racism but that's neither here nor there. And many African countries are shit holes, they don't get a pass because they share a similar skin tone with me. Fact! Mexico and most of south America is fucking horrible because the drug cartels runs shit and those pieces of shit don't care about maintaining order. And btw Mexico has many black people but what we consider "Mexicans" are mezzo Indians but there's a large "black" culture there they just don't look like the ones who cross our borders.
Negro please. Visit the Middle East. In countries like Jordan if you say anything against the country not only do you lose your job people in your family theirs as well. This is one of the more politically free countries. This dialogue would never happen in China.