The problem goes far beyond youth unemployment, which is at 40 percent in Spain and 28 percent in Italy. It is also about underemployment. Today, young people in Southern Europe are effectively exploited by the very mechanisms created a decade ago to help make the labor market more flexible, like temporary contracts. Because payroll taxes and firing costs are still so high, businesses across Southern Europe are loath to hire new workers on a full-time basis, so young people increasingly are offered unpaid or low-paying internships, traineeships or temporary contracts that do not offer the same benefits or protections. Read more:
No gloom and doom stuff please. There's not a person alive who isn't aware of the absolute shitty global economy. No need to remind us. Keep posting those positive articles homie.
jesus...define 'youth' 40 percent is nothing to sneeze at, especially if you're talking about an 18-23/25 type job market, when most people get started in life. If youth relates to some snot-nosed 15 year old selling's not that deep then. Should be in school anyway true...but you knew what you were getting into when you seen 'DenzBenz' it's his M.O regardless of what anyone says or does
Truthfully I appreciate his posts but between this Flame and Karma its easy to get depressed. We have more than enough news to do that. A little good news would do us all some good. Btw the youth demographic is considered 18 to 29 and if that demo stays unemploed for long be prepared to see epic crime rates in Italy and Spain.
40 percent unemployment in Spain?! Mate what are you on. That's almost half the country and also complete crap. It's around 20% which is still awful, but no need to start doubling up figures and making shit up now.
I think he means 40% in the age group. But anyway........I call bullshit on anything this twatt says, can't believe I bothered to right click on this:smt018
Why does anyone bother to respond to his clearly agenda filled posts??? Dude never interacts with anyone.. just post his propaganda.
To be fair it's not even true for the age group. But yeah, you're right, waste of time reading this shit.
That would be " the pot calling the kettle black" Anyway whats up with you bitching all the time, seem like a bit of a woman hater lately? Care to elaborate why? Uhmm.... actually don't bother elaborating, I just realised I don't give a shit.
delightful as always besides..i was always a woman hater..especially after conversing with the likes of you
You gotta' forgive them....they just LOVE statistics..they believe everything with a % behind it..especially if it's something bad.