Pew Research Center Do you want to get married (Percentage of unmarried people who said yes) - ALL = 46% - Living with partner = 64% - Never Married = 58% - Divorced/Widowed = 22% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be ready for marriage, is it very important for a spouse to support a family financially Men to support = 67% Women to support = 33% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you agree or disagree that there is only one true love for each person Disagree = 69% Agree = 28% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are the following trends good or bad for Society More women never having children bad = 29% good = 11% More unmarried couples raising children bad = 43% good = 10% More single women having children without a male partner bad = 69% good = 4% More gay and Lesbian couples raising children bad = 43% good = 12% More people living together without getting married bad = 43% good = 9% More mothers of young children working outside the home bad = 37% good = 21% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Not necessarily. I think people have that intuition to realise possibly we might be missing communal cohesion, or something of value is missing that is not easy to pin-point. Not that there is anything bad with modernity, yet the changes modernity might wrought would likely come with its gains and pains. Unfortunately, there is no road map to work through the pains. Capitalism is helping raise the quality of life, yet it is also breaking down communities and increasingly allowing individual autonomy that it is becoming harder for governments to act in the public interest. For me, I think that is a big issue. We are witnessing a shift in values that is led by market oriented policies everywhere and community is fast disappearing in this kind of market led progress. This seems a more worrisome issue in my opinion. I see a redefinition of marriage in future. Societal would have to construct another meaning to catch up with the reality of the modern times in way that children can be best supported without the whole notion of community collapsing.
If are values were shifting that much based on a capitalist model then why is their attention paid to gay partners raising kids or women working outside of the home? If this were a truly market directed society then horse shit anglical thinking would not be such a factor. All that should matter is being a good corporate cog and shutting the hell up. I do agree that capitalism does drive us to be more concerned with the self over the whole but whose interest does that truly serve? Marriage and parenthood seem to be the only thing holding together the fabric of what we consider family. I just think there should be an age limit to get married. No one younger than 25 and you should take a test to procreate. That would cut down on divorce by a lot and the abortion rate and unwanted pregnancy rate would plumit.
I don't know about the 50s but ass more children were had out of wedlock, so too did the ills of society increase. More fathers...more MARRIED couples... Less suicides Less children with behavioral disorders Less highschool dropouts Less kids in prison ..and if you can believe this fewer number of rapists Blacks still seem to be at the bottom of American society even though we have opportunities that were not available to us in the past. It may be because 72% of black kids are born outside of marriage. Black women have all but given up on FATHER and are not settling for "having a good man in the child's life" rather than "being raised by its father" ...but you can't say that, because when you do people come up with the same response, over and over and over again. "...well its better than raising a child in a dysfunctional home" the reality of our situation shows that just not to be true.