CNN will be interviewing one of TW's mistress. it would be the tonight saturday 18 december or sunday. what you think of the interview.
Let me know when one of the mistresses goes one on one with tiger's ex wife in the ring til then I don't care if they interview tiger, his wife, his mistresses or his children.
Just what I was thinking. Random Tiger honey #6 what is you oh so important view on this year old nonsense. Up next, an interview with the waiter who said "hi" to Angelina Jolie. :smt099 Ol' bullshit ass "news".
Hey, now we got news, chicks who takes it up the ass, starring Random Tiger honey #6, distributed by no other than fat short hairy grease monkey porn produced of San Fernando Valley coming near your porn shop on X-mas day.
LOL. that 24 hour cable news cycle. well it was the porn star he got with name veronica daniels the porn name was joselyn something or another. she came off as a cozener trying to say she was a victim. she stated that she gave up porn for tiger if he would not see other women beside her and his wife. she stated he such a liar. GEE, sweetie you knew he was married and in order for him to have an affair he has to lie. you to are a liar because you lied to yourself thinking he was going to be loyal and you thought we were going have some sympathie for you.
thanks. I have to tell it like it is. women dont get mad when a man tells you that he is married and then dont leave his wife for you. also dont call him a dog unless you are going to call yourself a skank. I have more respect for the guy if he told you upfront that he was married than I have for you when you get mad when he dont give you what you want or you try to play the victim. I have more respect for a porn star or a hooker because they know what they are and they are truthful about it
Hoes being popular for being hoes. That's what just throws me out the window and I don't get. There is something broken in this country. The funny thing is many whites will blame the break down in American society and everyone BUT those who are the forbearers....... ...the majority race. This hoes know the game, she knew the game. She was getting some Tiger Woods peen, actin' like she was the damn victim.
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. She knew the deal man, women all over the country are *cough* sympathizing with her. She got some billionaire cock, she knew the deal, knew the game.....and for her to pretend otherwise, or act as if she is a virtuous moral woman. what a joke.
PSST this should be covered under my trading mack notes thread because bro's are gonna get caught up. it happens to is just how often and how bad is it going to be on a bro. a dude got to dodge this type of shit for real....lets keep it 100 look at steve mcnair. he thought he had his game tight and then this shit is serious....tiger could have been buried next to steve for real