December 28, 2010 Beginning January 1, some changes are coming to the penalty for possessing marijuana in California. Marijuana possession will be treated by law enforcement the same as a speeding ticket. Carrying up to an ounce of marijuana will be reduced from a misdemeanor to an infraction. Anyone charged with possession will not be arrested, will not face jail time, and will not have a criminal record. As part of the new law, those caught with up to an ounce of marijuana will not even have to appear in court.
That would be too much like right. Prohibition doesn't work..all it does it make millionaires out of the wrong mofos and turn the streets red with blood...just like it did in the 20's.
SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY :weedman:They need to introduce those laws everywhere,even through i don't smoke,legalizing that shit would cause less headaches,open space in prison for the Sandusky type of people.